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Little of this provides reassurance to the individu-  and consumer protection.  This new law regulates
            al subject of the data. It also raises questions about   businesses that collect, sell or license to third par-
            the responsibility of entities that acquire data down-  ties’ personal information of Vermont residents with
            stream, including in relation to the levels of due dili-  whom the business does not have a direct relation-
            gence they should perform. The difficulty of tracking   ship. It requires data brokers to register as such with
            data processing and transfer operations adds com-  the authorities, disclose information about their data
            plexity to the problem of attributing responsibility   collection activities, and maintain security measures
            for the unauthorised use of personal data.         to protect the data. Failure to do so is a violation
               Data brokers are, therefore, coming under increas-  of Vermont’s consumer protection laws, which may
            ing scrutiny, including providing consumers direct   lead to enforcement by the Attorney General or by
            rights.  For  instance,  the  US  FTC  singled  out  data   a private citizen. California’s new Consumer Privacy
            brokers in its Privacy Report to allow consumers to   Act 2018 also imposes restrictions on transfers of
            access their data through an easy-to-find, easy-to-  data to brokers.
            use common portal, and supported legislation that    The development of laws governing data brokers
            would allow consumers to access, and a right to dis-  promises to open up a new area of consumer rights
            pute or suppress, data held by brokers.            to access data held on them, rectify incorrect data,
               In May 2018, the small US State of Vermont was   and obtain redress for violations of their rights.
            the first to enact  An Act relating to data brokers

                THE FACT

            When complex automated decision-making systems       This section then considers the consumer’s posi-
            operate without human involvement, there is a need   tion after personal data about them has been used
            to ensure that creators, designers, manufacturers,   in big data and machine learning in a way that
            operators, maintainers, and users of the algorithms   affects them, such as a decision with legal or sim-
            and systems are accountable for their respective   ilar consequences. It considers difficulties big data
            elements  in  the  process.  Achieving  this  requires   and machine learning pose to traditional approach-
            transparency or traceability, whereby the automated   es to transparency and accountability in section 7.2,
            decision maker can explain the decision and its ratio-  including the problem of a right to obtain an expla-
            nale for rejecting other possible decisions in favour of   nation  of  inferences  and  decisions  based  on  them.
            the one chosen. This requires documentation of each   Section 7.3 then reviews the consumer’s rights to
            decision made about the data selected, its treatment   contest decisions that have been made about them
            and  the  design  of  algorithms.  Lastly,  the  creators,   using big data and machine learning processes. Last-
            designers, manufacturers, operators, maintainers,   ly, the question of showing that harm has actually
            and users of the algorithms and systems must bear   been suffered is discussed in section 7.4. Account-
            economic responsibility for their decisions, where   ability cannot work without liability on the backend.
            appropriate in the form of legal liability.
               This section considers consumers’ rights where   5�1  Consumer rights of access, rectification and
            something has gone wrong after they have shared    erasure
            data or after personal data about them (shared by   A key safeguard for consumers in  data protection
            them or by others) has otherwise been used to their   and privacy laws is the right to access data held by
            disadvantage or harm. It begins in section 7.1 by   an organization about the individual and to rectify
            reviewing consumer rights to address problems with   errors in it, or complete it if it is incomplete.
            data that could be used in decisions affecting them.   For instance, the recently enacted California Con-
            This includes rights to rectify incorrect data held   sumer Privacy Act of 2018 requires businesses that
            about them and to have certain data erased. This   collect personal information of California residents, if
            is discussed here in this post-engagement section   a consumer requests, to disclose (without charging)
            because it arises after a firm has obtained an indi-  the  types of personal information  it has  collected
            vidual’s personal data, but it may of course merely   about that consumer over the previous year. This
            be a prelude to another engagement when the data   includes the specific pieces of information collected
            will be used.                                      and categories of third parties with which the infor-

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