Page 828 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 828

5                                            Intercloud and interoperability

            3.1.7   peer cloud service [ITU-T Y.3502]: A cloud service of one cloud service provider which is used as part
            of a cloud service of one or more other cloud service providers.

            3.1.8   peer cloud service provider [ITU-T Y.3502]: A cloud service provider who provides one or more cloud
            services for use by one or more other cloud service providers as part of their cloud services.

            3.1.9   primary cloud service provider [ITU-T Y.3511]: In inter-cloud computing, a cloud service provider
            which is making use of cloud services of peer cloud service providers (i.e., secondary cloud service providers)
            as part of its own cloud services.
            3.1.10  role [ITU-T Y.3502]: A set of activities that serves a common purpose.

            3.1.11  secondary cloud service provider [ITU-T Y.3511]: In inter-cloud computing, a cloud service provider
            which provides cloud services to a primary cloud service provider.
            NOTE – The primary cloud service provider can use the services of secondary cloud service providers as part of its
            services offered to cloud service customers.

            3.1.12  sub-role [ITU-T Y.3502]: A subset of the activities of a given role.

            3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation

            4       Abbreviations and acronyms
            This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations and acronyms:

            API     Application Programming Interface
            BSS     Business Support System
            CSC     Cloud Service Customer
            CSP     Cloud Service Provider
            CSU     Cloud Service User
            KPI     Key Performance Indicator
            OSS     Operations Support System
            QoS     Quality of Service
            SLA     Service Level Agreement

            5       Conventions

            6       Overview

            6.1     Inter-cloud functional architecture with different patterns

            Inter-cloud computing describes the interworking of cloud service providers (CSPs) in order to deliver cloud
            services to cloud service customers (CSCs) and cloud service users (CSUs) [ITU-T Y.3511]. One important
            target  of  inter-cloud  computing  for  CSPs  is  to  take  benefit  of  the  inter-cloud  relationships  established
            between peer CSPs (through inter-cloud patterns) in order to satisfy cloud service requirements of CSCs. The
            CSP who provides services for CSCs plays the role of primary CSP. The primary CSP is responsible for the cloud
            service level agreement (SLA) and interacts with peer CSP(s) within an inter-cloud relationship.

            An inter-cloud relationship is bidirectional. As illustrated on Figure 6-1, CSP A plays a role of primary CSP
            when using the services of CSP B for providing services to its own customers, CSC A1 and CSC A2 (highlighted
            by black coloured arrows). CSP A plays the role of secondary CSP when providing services to CSP B, who plays
            the role of primary CSP and provides services to its own customers, CSC B1 and CSC B2 (highlighted by grey
            coloured arrows).

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