Page 464 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 464

2                                            Cloud Computing management

            7.2.2   Detailed composition of cloud-based network management functional architecture

                                             Management   Management   Management   Management
                                            service function  service function  service function  service function
                                                           Management service FS
                      management               VM       Management   Management   Management
                       application           monitoring   service analysis   service deployment   service composing
                      function set            funtion    function   function     function
                                                           Management controller FS

                        Cloud                             Cloud hypervisor function
                      function set
                                                         Cloud physical element functions

                               Figure 3 – Detailed composition in the management service layer

            Figure 3 shows the detailed composition of cloud-based network management functional architecture, which
            is a refinery of the components in the management service layer as shown in Figure 2.
            The cloud-based network management functional architecture is composed of the following two main parts:
            cloud infrastructure function set, and the network management application function set.

            The  cloud  infrastructure  function  set  include  cloud  physical  element  functions  and  a  cloud  hypervisor
            function above them. Cloud physical element functions provide the basic functions of computing and storage.
            Cloud  hypervisor  function  provides  the  functionality  to  manage  cloud  physical  elements,  and  provide
            virtualization functions above them.

            The network management application function set may be further divided into two parts: management
            controller function set and management service function set. Management controller function set includes
            the basic supporting functions of the management platform, and also provide common functions to support
            management applications. Management service function set provides management functions, which  are
            divided into several aspects for network management, and usually they are application specific.

            7.3     The functions of each part in the architecture
            In Figure 3, the functions of each component are further explained in this clause.
            1)      Cloud physical element function: this is the lowest level of cloud infrastructure, and it is usually
                    composed of the functions provided by physical servers, computers, disks, network connectors and
                    all  other  elements  that  form  a  physical  cloud  computing  environment.  They  provide  the  basic
                    computing and storage resources from the physical layer.

            2)      Cloud hypervisor function: it is a management layer over cloud physical element functions. Cloud
                    hypervisor  function  provides  the  management  ability  of  virtualized  resources,  for  example,
                    creating/deleting  a  new  virtual  machine  (VM),  start/suspend  a  VM,  and  query/change  a
                    configuration of a VM, etc. Cloud hypervisor function provides users virtualized resources using a
                    unified interface. From the users’ perspective, cloud hypervisor function can provide computing and
                    storage capabilities dynamically, based on users’ requirements.

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