Page 411 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 411

Framework and requirements for cloud computing                              1

                                       Table 12-2 – Analysis of ITU-T SG11 deliverables

                                                                         API,    Data model,
                               General,    Requirements    Architec-
                                                                      interface,   format,        Others
                               definition     use cases      ture
                                                                        profile    schema
             Testing         ITU-T Q.4040                                                     ITU-T Q.4041.1,
                                                                                              ITU-T Q.4042.1,
                                                                                              ITU-T Q.3914

            13      ITU-T SG16
            Table 13-1 provides a list of ITU-T SG16 deliverables associated with cloud computing.

                                            Table 13-1– ITU-T SG16 deliverables

                            Title of deliverable                  Current status                 Target date
             ITU-T H.248.CLOUD, Gateway control protocol:     Draft Recommendation    07/2014      12/2018
             Cloudification of packet gateways
             ITU-T F.743.2, Requirements for cloud storage in visual   Recommendation   03/2015    07/2016
             ITU-T H.626.2, Architecture for cloud storage in video   Recommendation   12/2015     12/2017
            •       ITU-T H.248.CLOUD: This Recommendation does not define any new signalling extensions for the
                    ITU-T H.248 gateway control protocol. The purpose of this Recommendation is to provide some kind
                    of guidance to the specification of ITU-T H.248 profiles for ITU-T H.248 gateways in cloud-based
                    network solutions.

            •       ITU-T  F.743.2:  The  purpose  of  this  Recommendation  is  to  define  the  cloud  storage  service
                    requirements in visual surveillance. Cloud storage enables the service users to have ubiquitous,
                    convenient and on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable storage resources,
                    which can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service-provider
                    interaction.  Cloud  storage  can  realize  flexible  and  reliable  data  storage  for  large-scale  visual
                    surveillance, and its components are modularized and allocated dynamically based on real usage.
                    This Recommendation provides the application scenarios and the requirements for cloud storage in
                    visual surveillance.

            •       ITU-T H.626.2: This Recommendation defines a cloud storage architecture in visual surveillance.
                    Cloud storage enables the service users to have ubiquitous, convenient and on-demand network
                    access to a shared pool of configurable storage resources, which can be rapidly provisioned and
                    released with minimal management effort or service-provider interaction. Cloud storage can realize
                    flexible  and  reliable  data  storage  for  large-scale  visual  surveillance,  and  its  components  are
                    modularized and allocated dynamically based on real usage. This Recommendation provides the
                    architecture,  entities,  reference  points  and  service  control  flow  for  cloud  storage  in  visual

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