Page 11 - Case study: Fine dust filtration in Stuttgart, Germany
P. 11

•  Pressure loss

            •  Particle count

            Simulations conducted and estimated PM10 reduction

            Simulations were conducted by a certified simulation laboratory to predict the PM10 reduction for
            different wind directions and velocities, showing a strong influence of the wind direction. The design
            was optimized to provide the most effective filtration results for typical local conditions:

            •  Wind from 222° (South-West)

            •  Low wind speeds of 1 m/s (10 m above ground)

            •  High traffic emission modelling representing the peak hour

            Predicted PM10 reduction, when 50 μg/m³ PM10 are measured at public measurement station, i.e.:

            •  ~5 μg/m³ at public measurement station

            •  5-15 μg/m³ in Western area (walkways)

            •  10-15 μg/m³ in Eastern area (walkways)

            •  >15 μg/m³ in the proximity of the columns

            Evaluation filter columns’ effectiveness at Neckartor

            Concentration comparison was made between On and Off state, based on the following parameters:

            •  Baseline data: 30-minute average values by LUBW (note that this is preliminary, unpublished

            •  Concentration change achieved by columns in operation

            •  Public measurement data shows that the predicted 10% decrease of PM10 concentration is

            2.2.    Implementation

            The following parties are involved in the project:

            •  The state capital of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart

            •  Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg

            •  MANN+HUMMEL

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