Page 5 - Turning digital technology innovation into climate action
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Table of Contents

               Disclaimer                                                                         ii

               List of Figures and boxes                                                         iv

               Foreword                                                                           v

               Abbreviations and units                                                           vii

               Executive summary                                                                 xi

               Chapter 1. People, technology and the climate                                      1
                   1.1   Climate change: Trends and impacts                                       3

               Chapter 2. Maximising the potential opportunities and minimising the downsides of ICTs   8
                   2.1   The E-Waste Challenge                                                    8
                   2.2   Frontier technologies and climate actions                               13
                   2.3   The Limitations of AI and ML                                            15

               Chapter 3. ICTs and climate monitoring                                            17
                   3.1   Using ICTs to monitor the global environment/ecosystem                  17
                   3.2   Using ICTs to monitor food security, water transportation and supply    20
                   3.3   Using ICTs to monitor deforestation and forest degradation              21

               Chapter 4. ICTs and climate change mitigation                                     22
                   4.1   Using ICTs to improve the energy efficiency in buildings                23
                   4.2   Using ICTs to improve data centre management                            24
                   4.3   Using ICTs to relieve traffic congestion                                25
                   4.4   Using smart grids to reduce energy demands and accelerate renewable uptakes    25

               Chapter 5. ICTs and climate adaptation                                            30
                   5.1   Using ICTs to establish early warning systems (EWS) and enhance disaster
                         management                                                              31
                   5.2   Using ICTs to enhance food security and support the agricultural sector   31
                   5.3   Using ICTs for climate-related humanitarian action, migration, and refugees    32

               Chapter 6. How ITU is expanding its role in climate action                        33
                   6.1   Assessing the environmental impacts of the ICT sector                   33
                   6.2   Supporting the transition to Smart Sustainable Cities                   34
                         6.2.1   The Key Performance Indicators for Smart Sustainable Cities     35
                   6.3   Supporting the transition to a circular economy (CE)                    37
                         6.3.1  Building the UN E-waste Coalition                                38
                   6.4   Improving environmental efficiency of frontier technologies             40

               Chapter 7. Conclusion                                                             42

               References                                                                        44

               Image Attributions                                                                51

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