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2019 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           would be recognized as legitimate contracts would depend   (see  e.g.  [58]  using  the  wisdom  of  the  crowd  rather  than
           on the facts and circumstances in a particular jurisdiction, but   arbitrators, but ethical issues may limit the applicability of
           it  appears  that  some  jurisdictions  may  recognize  smart   this approach in healthcare smart contract disputes. While
           contracts as legally binding [52] [53]. Contract law typically   legislation  typically  directs  courts  to  respect  private
           recognizes  a  contract  established  through  a  variety  of   arbitration decisions, such legislation might need extensions
           different  mechanisms  (implied  agreements,  click  through   to support dispute resolution by smart contracts.
           licenses etc.), however currently, there is not a lot of specific
           legislation,  regulation  or  legal  precedent  related  to  smart   5.  CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
           contracts. In the case of a private blockchain, there may be a
           number of ancillary documents that users of the blockchain   Emerging  technologies  often  present  a  challenge  or  gap
           may be required to agree to before using the service that can   between  technology  advancements  and  the  law.  The  gap
           establish  the  legitimacy  of  the  legal  effect  desired  by  the   creates uncertainty that limits commercial investments and
           smart contract terms.                              adoption of the technologies. The gap can be closed from
                                                              both sides, by designing technological solutions considering
           Smart  contracts  are  good  at  setting  forth,  ex  ante,  the   existing legal issues and/or by changing legal or regulatory
           anticipated conditions and consequences and then ensuring   regimes  to  consider  aspects  of  the  technology  solutions.
           the consequences occur upon fulfillment. Legal contracts are   Open source and standards can help eliminate some barriers
           good  at  cleaning  up  the  mess  ex  post,  when,  inevitably,   to wider deployment.
           things do not go according to plan [39]. Smart contracts, as
           proposed  by  Szabo,  have  no  explicit  linkage  between  the   Many  of  the  technological  risks  of  blockchain
           smart  contract  and  any  external  legal  contracts;  Ricardian   implementations  are  not  unique  to  healthcare  use  cases.
           contracts  explicitly  link  them  [54].  Many  smart  contracts   Healthcare  specific  blockchain  design  patterns  and
           need to interface with the outside world for information and   performance  benchmarks  may  eventually  emerge  through
           those external data sources are called oracles. Oracles can be   the  open  source  communities  as  the  healthcare  use  cases
           humans though perhaps more typically some external entity   evolve.  Evolution  of  blockchain  capabilities  and  design
           makes its data feed available to the smart contract.   patterns to support confidentiality and selective disclosure
                                                              may be particularly helpful for healthcare applications. The
           Smart  contracts  can  include  “self-help”  enforcement   blockchain work on zero knowledge proofs (e.g. zcash) and
           mechanisms where breaches of the contractual terms can be   privacy preserving computation (e.g. [59]) seem promising
           identified, and remedies enforced, through execution of the   directions.
           smart contract [55]. The completeness of such approaches is
           one concern (e.g. did the parties identify all the possible ways   While the evolution of public law and regulation will typically
           in which the contract could be breached; can they agree on   wait for action by deliberative bodies, private law related to
           reasonable valuations for liquidation of the damages if the   contracts  may  be  more  amenable  to  innovative  approaches
           form of the breach is not foreseen). Another concern arises   from open source and standards. [39] identified safe harbors
           when the contract is impacted by external events not foreseen   and sandboxes as well as modularization or standardized terms
           in the contract terms (e.g. a bankruptcy stay that impacts a   in  smart  contracts  as  legal  initiatives  to  reduce  risk  in
           blockchain transaction, frustration or force majeure). Courts   blockchain  adoption.  Healthcare  is  typically  a  regulated
           may void contracts that exceed the limits of contract law, e.g.   industry  and  the  creation  of  safe  harbors  or  sandboxes  for
           if  the  contract  is  unconscionable  or  violates  some  public   healthcare  blockchain  applications  would  typically  require
           policy. Smart contracts would not provide mechanisms to   actions by regulatory agencies. There are already examples of
           escape  the  limits  of  contract  law.  Blockchains  have  been   regulatory  agencies  such  as  the  FDA  experimenting  with
           hacked and forked which can impact the owners of assets   blockchain technology to build expertise [60].
           administered  by  the  blockchain.  Smart  contracts  may  be
           better positioned than the legal system to respond to such   Contracts are private law, and as lawyers build expertise in
           events assuming that they are foreseeable and detectable.    particular transactions, they typically reuse standard terms that
                                                              experience  has  indicated  as  being  enforceable  to  meet  their
           Smart  contracts  and  oracles  have  been  proposed  as  a   objectives. Standardized forms may be used for particularly
           mechanism  for  dispute  resolution  with  courts  or  private   common  transactions.  Several  consortia  and  commercial
           actors  interfaced  with  the  smart  contract  [56].  More   entities  and  standards  bodies   are  working  on  standardized
           speculative and controversial approaches would be to use a   terms for smart contracts though these seem to be focused on
           computational  mechanism  for  dispute  resolution.  The   commercial  transaction  terms  rather  than  healthcare
           DAMN proposal [57] envisions a dispute resolution smart   transaction terms. The availability of standardized healthcare
           contract  because  arbitration  is  often  easier  to  enforce   transactions and processes should facilitate the development of
           internationally than local court decisions. Prediction markets   smart contract terms for the healthcare blockchains. Healthcare
           have also been proposed for smart contract dispute resolution   smart contracts could be designed to include dispute resolution

           7   See e.g. OpenLaw,, Agrello, ISO TC 307.

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