P. 16

The physical domain of PANACEA will comprise all the bio-nanosensors and actuators (e.g. drug
            delivery devices, pacemakers, etc.) embodied by the RIMOR (explorer in Latin) subsystem, which
            consists  of  3  parts:  bio-nanosensor,  sensor  interface  chip,  and  a  coil/inductor  for  wireless
            communication  to  wearable  hub  outside  of  the  body.  The  bio-nanosensor  can  be  diversified  by
            sensing quorum sensing signals directly or via a reporter bacteria. Moreover, the signals generated
            by bacteria can be sensed by utilizing electro-chemical or fluorescence methods. The bio-nanosensor
            of RIMOR, has two parts, namely, the bacterial sensor and the physical sensor. The bacterial sensor
            senses molecular communication signals generated by the bacteria in the body, and produces light
            detected by the physical sensor which converts light to electrical current. This way, MC signals are
            transduced  to  electrical  signals  to  be  further  relayed  to  the  wearable  hub.  Interactions  between
            physical and cyber domains are established by heterogeneous wireless communication modules that
            utilize  radio-frequency  (RF),  ultrasonic  and  molecular  communications  through  RIMOR  and
            wearable devices.
            The cyber part of the PANACEA is in charge of collecting sensing data and performing complex data
            processing and learning procedures for the early detection of diseases and infections. The access to
            PANACEA is made possible by the Human-Machine Interface (HMI), which provides an easy and
            intuitive Data Visualization Interface (DVI) enabling the visualization of relevant information of each
            patient  and  provides  alert  message  management  to  notify  both  caregivers  and  patients  when  an
            infection occurs. The DVI allows human-in-the-loop control thus making it possible for caregivers to
            dynamically  and  actively  interact  with  the  system  and  to  regulate  drug  delivery  through  ad-hoc
            control primitives and APIs exposed by actuator devices. PANACEA not only facilitates interactions
            with humans, but it also enables advanced automated drug delivery systems that rely on supervised
            machine learning. The learning block is fed with both data collected by the physical system and
            supervised  input  data  generated  by  caregivers.  Such  an  approach  makes  it  possible  to  train
            PANACEA with patient-dependent data so that individual medical treatments can be achieved for
            each patient.
            Even though applications such as PANACEA are very promising since they are based on the better
            defined  and  more  studied  MC  technique  of  bacterial  communication,  a  plethora  of  biomedical
            applications can be enabled by the rest of the MC techniques such as calcium signaling, nervous
            networks,  endocrine  network,  and  molecular  motors.  The  standardization  efforts  in  molecular
            communication  started  in  2014  with  the  IEEE  P1906.1.1  -  Standard  Data  Model  for  Nanoscale
            Communication Systems and they have released IEEE 1906.1-2015 - IEEE Recommended Practice
            for Nanoscale and Molecular Communication Framework. Although this standard is a step towards
            developing MC as an implementable technology, it only covers the basic diffusion-based molecular
            communication  and  it  also  includes  THz  band  communication  under  the  nano-communication
            umbrella which overlooks underlying challenges arising from the biological nature of MC. Despite
            the prior work in the field on the channel characterization, estimation, and capacity calculations of
            these  aforementioned  techniques,  a  unifying  information-theoretic  framework  that  captures  the
            peculiarities  of  an  MC  channel  over  classical  communication  systems  for  all  the  various  MC
            techniques, is currently missing.
            We aim at filling the aforementioned research gap by providing a mathematical framework rooted in
            chemical kinetics and statistical mechanics to define the main functional blocks of MC, to abstract
            any MC system and determine or estimate the information capacity of their communication channels.
            By using the general formulation of the Langevin equation of a moving nanoscale particle subject to
            unavoidable thermally driven Brownian forces as a unifying modeling tool for molecule propagation,
            we build a general mathematical abstraction of an MC system. Then, we derive a methodology to
            determine (or estimate, whenever closed-form analytical solutions are intractable) the MC channel
            capacity  based  on  the  decomposition  of  the  Langevin  equation  into  two  contributions,  namely,
            propagation according to the Fokker–Planck equation followed by a Poisson process.
            We  classify  diverse  implementations  of  MC  based  on  their  underlying  physical  and  chemical
            processes and their representation in terms of the Langevin equation. MC systems based on random

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