Page 316 - Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications
P. 316

5                                Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications

            The ERM functional component provides management functionality to interwork with external management
            entities. External management entities can be a legacy OSS/BSS, management and orchestration entities [b-
            MANO], cloud management entities, or other management functionality which can be defined in the future.
            The ERM functional component plays a role of the representative interface of SDN management toward the
            external management entities. Its main functionality includes abstraction of SDN management information
            for the exchange and request/reply of management operations with external management entities. It can be
            used for policy management, data analytics, accounting, etc.

            The ERM functional component is also responsible for MMF to interact with an external DevOps system to
            enable efficient development of SDN functionality by providing developer environment setup processes,
            build and test management, and deployment.

            A.5.1   External management interworking support functional element
            The external management interworking support functional element provides an MMFO reference point to
            OSS/BSS for requesting and receiving management operations and associated information to/from OSS/BSS.

            A.5.2   Management information abstraction functional element
            The  management  information  abstraction  functional  element  provides  abstraction  of  SDN  management
            information for the exchange with external management entities for inter-domain management information
            hiding purpose.

            A.5.3   Request/reply with external management functional element

            The  request/reply  with  external  management  functional  element  provides  functionality  associated  with
            request/reply management operations with external management entities.

            A.5.4   External SDN policy management functional element
            The external SDN policy management functional element provides external SDN policy exchanges involved
            between  MMF  and  external  management  entities,  data  analytics,  accounting,  and  interaction  with  an
            external  DevOps  system  to  enable  efficient  development  of  SDN  functionality  by  providing  developer
            environment setup processes, build and test management, and deployment.

            A.5.5   Multi-layer management orchestration support functional element
            The multi-layer management orchestration support functional element provides an internal interface to the
            multi-layer orchestration support functional element in the MMO functional component for the purpose of
            inter-domain orchestration between SDN MMF and OSS/BSS.

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