Page 273 - Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications
P. 273

Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications                       5

            (12)    It  is  recommended  that  CSP:SFP  support  access  to  the  secured  storage  interface  for  DSF  local
            (13)    It is required that CSP:SFP provide the storage operation for DSF local storage.
                    NOTE 10 – Storage operation for DSF local storage includes create, delete, scaling, partitioning and
                    checking volume, etc.).
            (14)    It is required that CSP:SFP provide scaling of single virtual volume on CSC:CSU demand.

            8.4     Metadata and policy management requirements

            (1)     It is recommended that CSP:SFP provide a configuration of a single virtual volume by data storage
                    policy for CSC:CSU.

            (2)     It is recommended that CSP:SFP provide default data storage policies when policy is not configured.
                    NOTE 1 – Default data policy is reconfigured by customer's requests.
            (3)     It is recommended that CSP:DMP provide a transformation of DSF data by data manipulation policy.
                    NOTE  2  –  Data  manipulation  policy  for  transformation  of  DSF  data  includes  the  policies  of
                    fragmentation, encryption, compression, de-duplication, etc.
            (4)     It is recommended that CSP:DMP provide a default data manipulation policy.
            (5)     It is required that CSP:SFP provide a global registry for customer data access.
            (6)     It is required that CSP:SFP provide high-speed access of global registry.

            (7)     It  is  required  that  CSP:DMP  provide  management  of  data  operation  metadata  automatically
                    according to execution of data operation.
            (8)     It is required that CSP:SFP provide storage management metadata to communicate with DSF local

            9       Security considerations

            It  is  recommended  that  the  security  framework  for  cloud  computing  described  in  [b-ITU-T  X.1601]  be
            considered for data storage federation. [b-ITU-T X.1601] analyses security threats and challenges in the cloud
            computing  environment  and  describes  security  capabilities  that  could  mitigate  these  threats  and  meet
            security challenges.
            [b-ITU-T  X.1631]  provides guidelines  supporting  the implementation  of  information security controls  for
            cloud service customers and cloud service providers. Many of the guidelines guide the cloud service providers
            to assist the cloud service customers in implementing the controls and guide the cloud service customers to
            implement such controls. Selection of appropriate information security controls and the application of the
            implementation  guidance  provided,  will  depend  on  a  risk  assessment  as  well  as  any  legal,  contractual,
            regulatory or other cloud-sector specific information security requirements.
            It is also recommended that the guidelines for cloud service customer data security described in [b- ITU-T
            X.1641] be considered. It provides generic security guidelines for the cloud service customer (CSC) data in
            cloud computing, analyses the CSC data security lifecycle and proposes security requirements at each stage
            of the data lifecycle.

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