Page 64 - Proceedings of the 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope
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2018 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           In  the  proposed  AIMS  integrated  platform,  large   determine  based  on  the  available  resources,  what  level  of
           heterogeneous  and  distributed  IoT  devices  will  produce   intelligence  should  be  provided  by  a  microservice,  what
           huge volume of data at rapid velocity. Gleaning meaningful   tasks or functions should be executed and at what layer of
           information and insights from this data using distributed AI   the infrastructure are important technical challenges.
           services  will  require  a  shift  from  the  traditional
           architectural  style  to  a  more  agile  approach  that  allows   5.5 Supporting trusted AI services
           more robust scalability, evolvability and maintainability of
           large-scale   distributed   multi-cloud   IoT   systems.   The AIMS based applications will process large volume of
           Microservice architecture, as one of the recent trends in the   data using distributed microservices from ROOF to Cloud
           design  and  development  of  agile  distributed  systems,   continuum  of  the  platform.  Thus,  as  distributed  and
           defines  a  new  approach  to  designing  and  developing  a   interoperating microservices execute intelligence based on
           single  application  as  a  suite  of  smaller  services,  each   data  from  the  physical  devices,  such  data  can  be
           running  in  its  own  process  and  communicating  with   compromised  as  they  may  be  exposed  to  malicious  third
           lightweight  mechanism  to  execute  just  one  task.  Such   parties. In fact, malicious microservices can be injected into
           services  are  small,  highly  decoupled,  independently   the system to wreak havoc or to provide false or misleading
           deployable,  focusing  on  doing  a  small  specific  and   decisions. This is a crosscutting challenge since it does not
           interdependent  task  that  can  provide  some  level  of   only affect a layer but all layers and aspects of the AIMS
           intelligence  and  yet  when  combined  with  other  tasks   ecosystem, from radio communications to the microservices
           provide  higher  or  deeper  intelligence  depending  on   across  the  5G  networks.  Additionally,  the  interfaces
           available  and  required  resources.  In  order  to  achieve  a   between  Cloud,  Fog  and  ROOF  computing  are  potential
           much bigger task, these services can be combined to realize   sources  of  vulnerability  and  consequently  may  lead  to
           such functionality. One of the key challenges therefore that   corruption of IoT data and services. To ensure trust, privacy
           need  to  be  addressed  is  that  of  dynamic  allocation  and   and  security,  capabilities  for  end-to-end  encryptions,
           orchestration of resources for the distributed microservices   intrusion  detection  and  prevention  of  unauthorized
           in  the  AIMS  federated  platform  depending  on  what   microservices  or  services  will  be  required.  Trust
           compute resources are currently available and how much of   management should be investigated as a useful technology
           resources are required by the current microservices for the   for providing such required security services. How can trust
           task execution. Although, there has been existing resource   management be used to provide security, dependability and
           allocation in 5G networks, however, there is no yet concrete   reliability for AIMS and associated data at various layers of
           solution for resource allocation for integrated ROOF, Fog   the ROOF, Fog and Cloud integrated platform? For users’
           and  Cloud  platform.  Even  for  the  more  mature  Fog,   needs  and  rights  to  be  enforced  as  autonomous
           resource  and  service  orchestration  remains  a  challenging   microservices  exploit  IoT  data  to  infuse  intelligence  into
           research problem. For the AIMS platform, there would be   IoT applications, there is need to investigate integrated and
           several  microservices  sharing  resources  and  this  might   federated  ROOF,  Fog  and  Cloud  platform  to  propose  the
           result  in  resource  contention  and  interference.  Thus,  new   best  and  unique  trust  and  security  mechanisms  for
           mechanisms and strategies for dynamic and fluid resource   enforcing  integrity,  dependability  and  reliability  of  the
           allocation and scheduling would be investigated to reduce   platform and its services.
           response  time  for  task  execution  across  the  5G  integrated
           AIMS platform.                                                    6.  CONCLUSION

           5.4 Applying new mechanisms using intelligence in data   This  article  proposes  an  IoT  data-driven  intelligence-
              lifecycle                                       provisioning  infrastructure  with  the  5G  capabilities  to
                                                              provide  intelligent  connectivity  as  services  closer  to  the
           To provide distributed intelligence at the edge of things, a   Things  by  leveraging  the  compute  resources  of  a
           critical factor for deploying AI services on the ROOF-Fog-  hierarchically  integrated  computing  environment  (ROOF-
           Cloud  integrated  infrastructure  is  more  related  to   Fog-Cloud).  The  proposed  AIMS  aims  to  provide  a
           application  partitioning  or  factoring,  real-time  service   lightweight  platform  for  effective  deployment  of  scalable,
           composition,  data  mobility  and  aggregation.  To  address   robust,  and  intelligent  cross-border  5G  applications.  We
           these issues, there is need for new mechanisms for factoring   have  envisioned  the  proposed  architectural  approaches  in
           or  decomposing  AI  services  into  functions  that  can  be   terms of system perspectives to allow AI functionality to be
           delivered as re-usable microservices for executing specific   infused  into  5G  networks  as  distributed,  composable
           smaller  tasks.  These  new  mechanisms  for  service   microservices consisting of independent virtual components
           composition must be developed to achieve a fluid decision   that  can  be  deployed  on  the  federated  Roof-Fog-Cloud
           making  process  exploiting  raw  data  from  the  physical   continuum  to  improve  scalability,  interoperability  and
           devices, extracting meaning and insights in order to achieve   cutting down latency for real-time 5G applications. In this
           the  DIKW  at  the  ROOF,  Fog  and  Cloud  layers  of  the   article,  we  have  also  highlighted  some  challenges  to  give
           infrastructure’s hierarchy. Such mechanisms should support   future research directions.
           the  dynamic  discovery,  composition  and  relocation  of
           AIMS  according  to  the  required  and  available  resources
           across the integrated nodes on the AIMS platform. How to

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