Page 16 - Trust in ICT 2017
P. 16

1                                                    Trust in ICT

            provider or a service. For example, a service consumer assigns “very trustworthy” to the provider for a
            transaction that he has performed. However, another consumer assigns “untrustworthy” for the similar
            transaction from the same provider. These differences further increase the difficulty to determine the exact
            trustworthiness of a provider.

            As the world becomes more dependent on digital environments, particularly on ICT, telecommunication
            infrastructure is increasingly recognized as a vital prerequisite for participation in today’s growing digital
            economy. Broadband telecommunication infrastructure not just only improves the transmission speed at
            which users send and receive multimedia data, but also allows service providers and individual users to
            enhance legacy services and to develop previously inconceivable tools that improve business and society.
            The  benefits  of  broadband  telecommunication  infrastructure  can  expand  beyond  the  ICT  area  itself,
            accelerating throughout the economy and serving as an essential input for all other areas such as smart
            building, smart city, smart farming, and so on. As a transformative technology, its role is similar to the impact
            of  electricity  which  induced  growth  and  innovation  over  the  last  two  centuries.  Broadband
            telecommunication infrastructure can also be an important enabler of civic and political advancement.
            The  introduction  of  sensors  and  devices  into  currently  physical  spaces  poses  particular  challenges  and
            increases  the  sensitivity  of  the  data  that  is  being  collected.  Connected  devices  are  effectively  allowing
            companies to digitally monitor our private activities. Moreover, the sheer volume of granular data generated
            by a small number of devices allows those with access to the data to perform analyses, providing the ability
            to make additional sensitive inferences and compile even more detailed profiles of consumer behaviour.

            The  processing  and  analysing  big  data  leveraging  by  cloud  computing  technologies  are  becoming  an
            important resource that can lead to new knowledge, drive value creation, and foster new products, processes
            and markets. However, the large scale collection and analysis of data can poses difficult privacy, security and
            trust issues ranging from the risks of unanticipated uses of consumer data to the potential discrimination
            enabled  by  data  analytics  and  the  insights  offered  into  the  movements,  interests  and  activities  of  an
            From  recent  advances  toward  a  hyper-connected  society  from  the  increasing  digital  interconnection  of
            humans and objects for upcoming zettabyte era, ICT has played a significant role in the convenience of daily
            life. However various problems due to the lack of trust have been anticipated as aforementioned. Therefore,
            it is important to process and handle data in compliance with user needs and rights in various application
            domains without human intervention. Based on the significant effort to build the converged ICT services and
            reliable  information  infrastructure,  ITU-T  has  recently  started  a  new  work  on  the  future  trusted  ICT
            infrastructure to cope with the emerging trends considering social and economic issues. Therefore, in order
            to cope with the development of a large number of complex and intelligent applications and services, it is
            needed to create a trusted environment for ICT infrastructure in order for sharing information and creating
            knowledge. Consequently, there is a critical need to develop a trusted infrastructure as one of the most
            important parts in the future ICT environment.

            The ultimate purpose for trust provisioning in ICT infrastructure is to develop a trust infrastructure that
            cooperates with ICT applications and services to assess and compute all aspects of trust among any entities
            in the future ICT environments; in order to support these applications and services for better quality of
            services  and  experience.  The  trusted  service  platform  could  be  considered  as  a  core  service  to  secure
            computing systems, networking applications and services in ICT environments, as Trust as a Service (TaaS).

            This technical report contains the following key items:
            •       Section 4 describes definitions, key characteristics and features on trust from different perspectives
                    for a clear understanding of trust as standardization activities for trusted information infrastructure
                    in ITU-T CG-Trust.
            •       Section 5 illustrates various use cases for trust provisioning based on the technical report of ITU-T
                    CG-Trust, materials from other SDOs and related literature. In addition, this section also analyses
                    these uses cases in terms of purpose, method, actors and considerations for measuring trust.

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