Page 106 - Trust in ICT 2017
P. 106

2                                                    Trust in ICT

            Social effects of online connectivity

            At least once a day, people visit their social networking service like Twitter and Facebook, etc. When people
            are excluded to join as a friend or be a member of the social networking services, they are very disappointed
            and they think that are being bullied. People may worry about such online as well as offline exclusion from
            these communities. When people post the latest news and gossip on their social networking sites, they
            observe and wonder how to appeal or how to react to their friends. People may want to learn about new
            cultures of online social communities regardless of where they are or what they are working at. They may
            exercise new skills on how to live in an open culture of an online society. This online culture may be similar
            to a community culture like the Confucian civilization of Far East Asia.
            Impact of technology development toward future society

            The recent new technologies such as cloud computing, the web, and social networking services over the
            Internet are just the beginning of a wide variety of technological developments for the future. The future
            society is ready to invite new technologies like big data analytics, deep learning, augmented reality/virtual
            reality (AR/VR) as well as Internet of things (IoT), etc. In the near future, network transmission speeds will be
            exceeding more than 1 terabits per second and network processing power will be more than several hundred
            petaflops.  The  storage  capability  of  individual  smartphones  or  personal  computers  will  be  more  than  1
            IBM Watson supercomputer wins over a human at the television quiz show of Jeopardy in 2011. The thinking
            capability of a computer is superior to that of humans while puzzling over a particularly hard question [2].
            This means that humans may focus on how to think rather than on how to remember. Humans welcome to
            utilize the storage and processing capability of the cloud computing system. The computer with artificial
            intelligence  may  help  with  how  to  think  and  remember.  To  overcome  the  language  barrier,  real-time
            language translation may be available. For example, if people are discussing some outstanding issues, the
            searching machine displays in advance the relevant information on the screen from the websites.

            Wind of changes
            In human history, there is no memory more than several billions of people are simultaneously talking and
            sharing contents/documents together through the Internet. The real-time voting and instant collection of
            opinions give an insight that technological development leads to a new cultural revolution. It offers new
            challenges  to  individual  human  life  such  as  dating,  chatting,  shopping,  listening  to  music,  and  enjoying
            movies, etc. There will be new business styles during the purchase, and the business transactions, etc. This
            leads to social, cultural, and political changes of the human life. Digital technology may be asking to change
            national laws and regulations. It also requests to change individual rights and responsibilities at the human
            and business levels.
            Many people may feel ashamed in such technological developments. New ecosystems of life and business
            may be unstable without a guarantee of the stability and reliability of technology. If people try to drive a car
            without the required skill or confidence, this causes car accidents. New technologies may introduce the build-
            up of an unacceptable value chain (e.g. monopoly) of industries and eventually may destroy the traditional
            business models. The development of new technologies may be sometimes undesirable if certain levels of
            controllability and credibility are not guaranteed.
            The online connectivity of the Internet is stronger than our expectations since it may introduce a new society
            and create a new culture. However, online connectivity may awake a very unstable resonance in society where
            collective actions, demonstrations, and public heated debates can occasionally take place. Moreover, many
            people receive many spam e-mails and are attacked by short message service phishing (i.e. smishing), etc.

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