Page 116 - Proceedings of the 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 116

2017 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

                  3. THE ICT-ECOSYSTEM MEETS-UP               The  Outpatient Department (Ambulatorium) offers usually
                            HEALTH-CARE                       more comfort, privacy and a little bit  more  time  for  the
                                                              patients,  however,  the  complexity  and the severity of the
           The modern Hospital includes five major areas that will be   procedures leading to a correct Diagnosis and Treatment, is
           directly affected.                                 not  much  less  pressing, compared to ED. Therefore, the
               •   The Emergency and Outpatient Departments.   employment  of  the  IoT will bring all the advantages
                                                              mentioned previously, providing more time and lower cost.
               •   The Imaging and Radiotherapy Departments.   However, additional advantages that can be provided in the
               •   The  Surgical  Departments, the Intensive Care   very near future, will be the practically full automation of
                  Units (ICU/CCU, NICU etc.) and the Wards.   the Continuity of Care record and the advantages brought,
               •   The in vitro Diagnostics, Hematology, Transfusion   by the use of semantically enriched XML; it will reduce the
                  Medicine, Cell Therapy Laboratories and Units.   paper-work  load and will “create” more time for the
               •   The   various   Supporting   Facilities   (e.g.   physicians  and the nurses,  to  be  spent for the patients,
                  Sterilization, Laundry, Food-services, Building   making medical practice, a little bit more reasonable.
                  Engineering etc.).                          Synopsizing, we could remark that, as far as, the technical
           Home-care and Health self-inspection will be increasingly   aspects are taken into consideration, the crucial aspects
           employed for caring about major  social groups, as the   related, to the difficulty degree of this transformation, the
           ageing population and people physically and/or  mentally   ED and the Outpatient  Department  (OPT),  posses a high
           impaired. This task is being accomplished, by retrieving and   heterogeneity and scalability degree, due to the multiplicity
           evaluating relevant recent Publications and published   of the ED-and OPT-devices, ranging from numerous minor
           Industrial Property  Documents  (IP-Docs),  attempting  to   devices, such as pumps, disposable catheters, O2-saturation
           predict the expected progress.                     monitors etc. to medium-sized monitors and ventilators, up
                                                              to expensive Imaging Systems and Anesthesia Machines.
           3.1. The Emergency and the Outpatient Departments   As far as  Self-organization, Interoperability and Security
                                                              are concerned, the tasks to be performed can be analyzed in
                                                              standardized steps and the combination of  this  approach,
           The Emergency Department (ED) includes schematically a   with Semantics, lead to a rather acceptable quality. Finally,
           sequence of acting, starting by receiving of an Emergency   the  Low  Energy Data exchange and Tracking, is easily
           call  or another notification, of an incoming emergency   provided in the present hi-tec environment, which is not the
           patient. An “IoT-device” can accelerate the identif ication   case, in home-care or patient’s shelf-inspection settings.
           and the registration of the patient, by  transmitting  a  first
           standard message, including for instance a SSN ID-string – 3    3.2. The Imaging and Radiotherapy Departments
           (Social Security  Number)  and eventually, a codified
           preliminary short-description, based for instance on one or
           two WHO ICD-10 assumed codes, over the IoT-device IP,   A “Medical Imaging IoT” can be traced-back over 20  years
           during  the transportation. The second cardinal step is the   ago, since the concept of connecting  and  monitoring
           “triage”, based on the collection of  in  Vitro  diagnostic   medical imaging equipment, via remote servers  over  the
           (IVD) data, either on site by employing Point  of  Care   Internet is not new. It has been the corner-stone of the
           Testing (PoCT),  or transmitted  from central Lab over the   remote servicing capabilities that medical imaging vendors
           Autoanalyzer’s IP-address.                         started to offer many years ago. Remote connectivity [21]
           The  collection  of  relevant electrical and non-electrical   has  allowed for efficiency in equipment maintenance and
           Biosignals, acquired on site, digitized and transmitted   support functions to a service model,  adopting  proactive
           wirelessly and simultaneously to the patient-record and to a   and preventative service. Most Medical Imaging customers
           Decision  Supporting Module (DSM), accelerating the   acquire remote services by  vendors that allow for, early
           triage-procedure and finally to the ED-records [20], [21].   symptoms  spotting  of an approaching breakdown,
           In between Medical Imaging (US, CT, MRI etc.)  exami-  minimizing, thus, downtime.
           nations are performed on site or elsewhere, and the data are   Concerning the major “Medical-imaging manufacturers”,
           transmitted wirelessly to the Radiology Information System   they are taking serious steps towards the “next generation”
           (RIS) and  to  the Picture Archiving and Communication   of the Internet of “Medical Imaging Things” [21]-[28].
           system (PACS), contributing to the final Diagnosis and to   GE  Healthcare  intents  to  connect  500,000  Imaging
           the appropriate treatment, of the ED-patient.      Machines,  on  the  new  GE Health Cloud, as announced at
           The  IoT devices are  useful, because  they  are  able  to   101  RSNA, on Nov. 29  2015, to help clinicians deliver
           participate fast  and  actively to the “reconstruction” of the   better outcomes.
           distributed parts of the patient’s record, and provide in a   Siemens Healthcare  is  based on its developed remote
           limited time-interval,  a  more  complete medical history of   monitoring of equipment technology (Lifenet and Siemens
           the patient, facilitating a rush progress of the acute patient’s   Remote Services, Microsoft Azure), and has  made
           treatment.                                         significant  progress,  in  developing the “Teamplay” IoT
                                                              platform for Medical Imaging.

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