Page 92 - ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services – Recommendations
P. 92

ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services

                Title of recommendation     Adopt clear approach to deposit insurance treatment of DFS stored-value
                Working Group               Consumer Experience and Protection

                Theme                       Protection of Funds
                Audience for recommendation  Regulators

                Regulators should address legal and customer uncertainties on whether a DFS is or is not considered a deposit
                and, taking into account specific country legal and market conditions, adopt a clear approach to the deposit
                insurance treatment of digital stored-value products (e.g. exclusion, direct coverage, or pass-through coverage).
                If digital stored-value products are excluded from deposit insurance coverage, then alternative mechanisms to
                protect customer funds should be in place.

               The emergence of a wide range of DFS (e.g. electronic wallets, prepaid debit or virtual cards, online transaction
               accounts) has made it harder for authorities, providers, and consumers to clearly identify what products are
               legally considered deposits. This issue impacts which products can be covered by deposit insurance and which
               providers need to be licensed or prudentially regulated, which in turn could affect access to central bank
               facilities, among other regulatory aspects. Regulators thus need to give certainty to all actors and explicitly
               indicate whether a new DFS is considered a deposit and, subsequently, the deposit insurance treatment it
               will receive.
               CGAP  has observed that countries with deposit insurance have adopted one of three approaches to digital
               stored-value products: (i) the exclusion approach, whereby such products are explicitly excluded from deposit
               insurance coverage, although other measures to protect customers’ stored value are adopted; (ii) the direct
               approach, whereby such products are directly insured by a deposit insurer and their providers must be or
               must become members of the deposit insurance system; and (iii) the pass-through approach, whereby deposit
               insurance coverage “passes through” a custodial account at an institution that is a deposit insurance member
               which holds customer funds from stored-value products, to the individual customer of the DFS provider
               (although this is not a deposit insurance member).

               Countries applying the exclusion approach (e.g., Peru, the Philippines) typically consider digital stored-value
               products to be primarily instruments of temporary value storage to make payments or transfers – although here
               customer funds are still protectable from some risks associated with the failure of their provider, for example,
               by requiring that the digital float be held in a custodial account. Countries adopting the direct approach (e.g.
               Colombia, Mexico) emphasize the need to ensure that customers only have access to digital stored-value
               products offered in a safe and sound manner by supervised financial institutions. The pass-through approach
               is being adopted in countries where digital stored-value products may be offered by nonfinancial firms, such as
               MNOs and technology companies (e.g. Kenya, Nigeria). GSMA  and the Committee on Payments and Market
               Infrastructures  (CPMI) have highlighted the benefits of this approach. It is worth noting that in countries
               where the legal and regulatory framework has been adjusted to accommodate the pass-through approach,

               49   Izaguirre, Juan Carlos, Lyman, Timothy, McGuire, Claire, Grace, Dave. CGAP, Deposit Insurance and Digital Financial Inclusion
                  (2016) http:// www. cgap. org/ publications/ deposit- insurance- and- digital- financial- inclusion
               50   Grossman, Jeremiah, GSMA, Safeguarding Mobile Money: How providers and regulators can ensure that customer funds are
                  protected (2016) http:// www. gsma. com/ mobilefordevelopment/ wp- content/ uploads/ 2016/ 01/ 2016_ GSMA_ Safeguarding-
                  Mobile- Money_ How- providers- and- regulators- can- ensure- that- customer- funds- are- protected. pdf
               51   World Bank Group, Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures, Payment Aspects of Financial Inclusion (2016) http://
                  www. bis. org/ cpmi/ publ/ d144. pdf

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