Page 56 - ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services – Interoperability
P. 56

ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services

               Annex I: Payment system risk glossary

                Credit risk           The risk that a counterparty will not settle an obligation for full value, either
                                      when due, or at any time thereafter. In exchange-for-value systems, the risk is
                                      generally defined to include replacement cost risk and principal risk.
                Finality risk         The risk that a provisional transfer of funds or securities will be rescinded.

                Financial risk        Term covering a range of risks incurred in financial transactions – both liquidity
                                      and credit risks.
                Foreign exchange      The risk that one party to a foreign exchange transaction will pay the currency
                settlement risk       it sold but not receive the currency it bought.

                Fraud                 Risk of financial loss for one of the parties involved in a payment transaction
                                      arising from wrongful or criminal deception. The risk that a transaction cannot
                                      be properly completed because the payee does not have a legitimate claim on
                                      the payer.
                Gridlock              A situation that can arise in a funds or securities transfer system in which the
                                      failure of some transfer instructions to be executed (because the necessary
                                      funds or securities balances are unavailable) prevents a substantial number of
                                      other instructions from other participants from being executed.
                General business risk  Any potential impairment of the FMI’s financial position (as a business
                                      concern) because of a decline in its revenues or an increase in its expenses,
                                      such that expenses exceed revenues and result in a loss that must be charged
                                      against capital.
                Legal risk            The risk of loss due to the unexpected application of a law or regulation,
                                      because a contract cannot be enforced, or because laws or regulations do
                                      not support the rules of the securities settlement system, the performance of
                                      related settlement arrangements, or the property rights and other interests
                                      held through the settlement system. Legal risk also arises if the application of
                                      laws and regulations is unclear.
                Liquidity risk        The risk that a counterparty (or participant in a settlement system) will not
                                      settle an obligation for full value when due. Liquidity risk does not imply that
                                      a counterparty or participant is insolvent since it may be able to settle the
                                      required debit obligations at some unspecified time thereafter.
                Market risk           The risk of losses in on- and off-balance sheet positions arising from
                                      movements in market prices.
                Operational risk      The risk that deficiencies in information systems or internal controls could
                                      result in unexpected losses. These deficiencies could be caused by human
                                      error or a breakdown of some component of the hardware, software, or
                                      communications systems that are crucial to settlement.

                Pre-settlement risk (or  The risk that a counterparty to an outstanding transaction for completion at
                replacement cost risk)  a future date will fail to perform on the contract or agreement during the life
                                      of the transaction. The resulting exposure is the cost of replacing the original
                                      transaction at current market prices and is also known as replacement cost

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