Page 27 - ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services – Interoperability
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ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services

               Figure 1: Cooperative mechanisms for payments worldwide

               Source: Global Payment Systems Survey 2012, The World Bank.
               In some countries cooperation fora that to a certain extent resemble a NPS have been created without direct
               participation of the central bank or other authorities. These bodies may operate as a company with specific
               operational functions rather than as advisory/consultative body for public policy purposes.

               6.1    Public sector-led

               Some typical fora with central bank leadership include:

               •    Consultation workshops: workshops can be organized in the early formulation stages of the reform effort
                    to present the initiative to all public and private stakeholders, collect inputs and contributions from them,
                    and seek their broad sign-off on the proposed strategy prior to launch.
               •    Periodic events: more formal events can be organized allow different stakeholders to update each other
                    and advance agendas in unison. For instance, some central banks have launched a Financial Sector Forum
                    as a coordination mechanism for relevant financial sector regulators to convene yearly.
               Other relevant fora include bodies that have been created in the specific context of financial inclusion. This
               can serve as a forum for specialized topics of payment system development.
               In Mexico, for example, the National Council for Financial Inclusion is a forum for coordination and consultation
               among government entities whose purpose is to plan, formulate, implement, execute and follow-up on a
               National Financial Inclusion Policy.
               Tanzania has a developed a structure that resembles a NPC, although for the specific purpose of advancing
               its NFIS. To that effect, three levels of committees comprising members from government ministries, heads
               of regulatory authorities and agencies and private financial institutions associations have been formed. This
               structure is illustrated in Figure 2.

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