Page 257 - The Digital Financial Services (DFS) Ecosystem
P. 257

ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services

                                         Smartphone apps
                                             Google      Microsoft     Mobile     Feature phone  Basic phone
                               Apple iOS                               browser     Java apps      SMS
                                            Android      Windows
                * Facebook’s mobile website historically included Messenger but starting in 2016, Facebook has been requiring users
                to install the Facebook Messenger application. It is unclear if this policy will apply to all users and phone platforms
                ** WhatsApp is discontinuing support for Nokia phones in 2016.
                *** Not technically a social network. Shown to highlight SMS support.

               2.4    Pursuit of revenue

               Social networks have become enormously popular and are themselves bigger than the largest e-commerce
               companies in the world.

               Figure 5 – Social Network Users v/s Ecommerce Buyers

               Social networks have found multiple ways to monetize their user base.

               Advertising is a key revenue source, but social networks generate revenue through other sources too:
               transaction fees, hosting fees, digital content, etc. There are examples in some marketplaces where the seller
               is charged a bundled fee, most of which is attributable to compensation for bringing the seller a new customer,
               but that also covers payments-related services.  .
               Social networks will likely collect the most revenue from businesses but will also collect from consumers in
               some situations, such as P2P remittances and digital content. The revenue model ultimately depends on what
               makes the most sense for a particular use case. With the breadth of capabilities and users, social networks
               have significant flexibility to tune their revenue models.

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