Page 56 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 56

1                                                Core network aspects

            8.2.1   Data capability

            Data capability has functional blocks as follows:
                   Forwarding function:
                    This functional block contains NDO name based forwarding function, request aggregation function,
                    and packet forwarding loop avoidance function.
                   Cache function:
                    This functional block includes storage to cache NDOs and its accompanying control function.
                   NDO repository:

                    NDO repository is the storage to hold original contents.
            Additionally, application specific functional blocks may be placed in the data capability.

            8.2.2   Control capability
            Control capability has functional blocks as follows:
                   Routing function:

                    Routing  functional  block  is  composed  of  NDO  registration  function,  NDO  location  resolution
                    function, advertisement function for the availability of NDOs, and network selection function for
                    messages to reach an NDO.
                   Mobility support function:
                    Mobility support function includes consumer mobility function, NDO mobility function, and network
                    mobility function.
                   Forwarding information base:

                    Forwarding  information  base  is  the  storage  to  hold  information  to  determine  the  direction  of
                    forwarding and is to be used by forwarding function.
                   Publish/subscribe function:

                    This functional block includes publication and subscription functions.
            Additionally, application specific functional blocks may be placed in the control capability.

            8.2.3   Security capability
            Security capability has functional blocks as follows:
                   Access control function:
                    Access control function is a mechanism to secure data confidentiality that NDO is accessible only by
                    the authorized consumers.
                   NDO authentication function:
                    NDO authentication function is a mechanism to secure data authenticity that NDO is claimed to be
                    true by an authorized entity.
                   NDO integrity function:
                    NDO integrity function is a mechanism to examine and confirm the integrity of NDO that NDO is
                    ensured to be the same as the source.
            8.2.4   Management capability

            Management capability is the function block to provide network management functions. [ITU-T M.3400]
            defines  the  standard  network  management  function  groups  and  DAN  is  also  required  to  facilitate  the
            management functions defined in [ITU-T M.3400] which are:
                   Performance management

                   Fault management

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