Page 199 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 199

Core network aspects                                            1

            3.1.8   media [b-ITU-T Y.2012]: One or more of audio, video, or data.

            3.1.9   media  stream  [b-ITU-T  Y.2012]:  A  media  stream  can  consist  of  audio,  video,  or  data,  or  a
            combination of any of them. Media stream data conveys user or application data (i.e., a payload) but not
            control data.

            3.1.10  network intelligence capability enhancement (NICE) [ITU-T Y.2301]: An enhanced NGN supporting
            some  intelligent  capabilities  for  the  provisioning  of  services  according  to  requirements  of  users  and
            application providers. These intelligent capabilities (termed as "NICE capabilities") enable operators to assign
            and dynamically adjust specific network resources based on the requirements, as well as support interfaces
            for users and applications enabling on demand resource and service provision.

            3.1.11  next  generation  network  (NGN)  [b-ITU-T  Y.2001]:  A  packet-based  network  able  to  provide
            telecommunication  services  and  able  to  make  use  of  multiple  broadband,  QoS-enabled  transport
            technologies  and  in  which  service-related  functions  are  independent  from  underlying  transport-related
            technologies. It enables unfettered access for users to networks and to competing service providers and/or
            services of their choice. It supports generalized mobility which will allow consistent and ubiquitous provision
            of services to users.

            3.1.12  service [b-ITU-T Y.2091]: A set of functions and facilities offered to a user by a provider.
            3.1.13  software-defined networking (SDN) [b-ITU-T Y.3300]: A set of techniques that enables to directly
            program, orchestrate, control and manage network resources, which facilitates the design, delivery and
            operation of network services in a dynamic and scalable manner.

            3.1.14  user  [b-ITU-T  Y.2201]:  A  user  includes  end  user  [b-ITU-T  Y.2091],  person,  subscriber,  system,
            equipment, terminal (e.g., FAX, PC), (functional) entity, process, application, provider, or corporate network.

            3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation
            This Recommendation defines the following terms:

            3.2.1   S-NICE controller capabilities: Capabilities providing a means to control the S-NICE infrastructure
            capabilities (such as data transport and processing on per flow basis) requested by applications.

            3.2.2   S-NICE  infrastructure  capabilities:  Capabilities  which  are  controlled  by  the  S-NICE  controller
            capabilities to perform actions according to applications' requirements.

            3.2.3   S-NICE  orchestration  capabilities:  Capabilities  which  coordinate  with  applications  and  S-NICE
            controller capabilities to provide software-defined control and management of network resources and users,
            as well as service creation and provisioning.

            3.2.4   virtualized  network:  In  this  Recommendation,  a  network  that  makes  use  of  virtualization
            technologies. It enables the abstraction of network resources such as creation of logically isolated virtual
            networks over a single physical network, and aggregation of multiple network resources as a single network

            3.2.5   virtualized  network  function:  In  this  Recommendation,  a  network  function  whose  functional
            software is decoupled from hardware, and runs on virtual machine(s).

            4       Abbreviations and acronyms

            This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations and acronyms:
            API         Application Programming Interface

            IdM         Identity Management
            IoT         Internet of Things

            NGN         Next Generation Network
            NICE        Network Intelligence Capability Enhancement

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