Page 1098 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 1098

2                                                 Transport aspects

            –       ODU path CMEP (P_CMEP), which represents the end-points of the ODUkP/ODUCnP trail. The PM
                    overhead field contains the related CMOH.

            3.2.7   non-associated  overhead:  Supervisory  information  transported  in  an  optical  supervisory  signal,
            overhead communication channel or other means.

            3.2.8   optical  data  unit  (ODU):  The  ODU  is  an  information  structure  consisting  of  the  information
            payload (OPU) and ODU related overhead, either as ODUk or ODUCn.

            3.2.9   optical payload unit (OPU): The OPU is the information structure used to adapt client information
            for transport over the OTN, either as an OPUk or an OPUCn. It comprises client information together with
            any overhead needed to perform rate adaptation between the client signal rate and the OPU payload rate,
            and other OPU overheads supporting the client signal transport. The index k or Cn (see clause 5) is used to
            identify the approximate bit rate and different versions.

            3.2.9   optical transport unit (OTU): The OTU is the information structure used for transport of an ODU
            over an optical layer trail, either as an OTUk or an OTUCn.

            When the optical layer trail does not support a complete set of overhead (i.e., in case of OCh, OPS), the
            OTU  overhead  is  used  as overhead  for  such  optical  layer  trail,  and  the  OTU must  terminate  where  the
            optical layer trail is terminated. Otherwise (i.e., in case of OTSiA), the OTU overhead may or may not be
            terminated where the optical layer trail is terminated.
            Three versions of the OTUk are defined: completely standardized OTUk (OTUk), functionally standardized
            OTUk  (OTUkV)  and  an  OTUk  with  completely  standardized  overhead  and  functionally  standardized  FEC
            (OTUk-v). The completely standardized OTUk is used on OTN IrDIs and may be used on OTN IaDIs. The other
            two are used on OTN IaDIs.

            3.2.10  OCh:  The  OCh  is  the  information  structure  used  to  support  the  OCh  trail.  The  OCh  is  an
            information  structure  consisting  of  the  information  payload  (OCh_PLD)  with  a  certain  bandwidth  and
            non-associated overhead (OCh_OH) for management of the OCh.

            3.2.11  optical physical section (OPS): A layer network that provides functionality for transmission of a
            multi-wavelength  optical  signal  on  optical  media  of various  types  (e.g.,  [ITU-T G.652],  [ITU-T G.653]  and
            [ITU-T G.655] fibre). Note that a "multi-wavelength" signal includes the case of just one OTU signal.
            3.2.12  optical  transport  network:  An optical  transport  network  (OTN)  is  composed of  a  set of optical
            network  elements  connected  by  optical  fibres,  that  provide  functionality  to  encapsulate,  transport,
            multiplex, route, manage, supervise and provide survivability of client signals. The information of the client
            signals is processed in the digital domain and carried across the media, according to the requirements given
            in [ITU-T G.872].
            3.2.13   optical transport network node interface (ONNI): The interface at an optical transport network
            node which is used to interconnect with another optical transport network node.

            4       Abbreviations and acronyms

            This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations and acronyms:
            16FS            16 columns with Fixed Stuff

            3R              Reamplification, Reshaping and Retiming
            AI              Adapted Information
            AIS             Alarm Indication Signal

            AMP             Asynchronous Mapping Procedure
            API             Access Point Identifier

            APS             Automatic Protection Switching
            ASI             Asynchronous Serial Interface for DVB

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