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continues to be widely adopted in the market due to the fast expansion of mobile, cloud, grid and
            big data applications and networks connectivity benefits.

            4       Other aspects

            4.1  Operating costs and occupant comfort

            A major objective of an intelligent building is to provide a building which can be operated at a lower
            cost, (i.e., to cut the unnecessary expenditure of energy when it is of no benefit e.g., do not heat or
            light areas when they are not occupied) and ensure that the systems are there to evaluate costs and
            to quickly respond to occupants' needs and maintain occupant comfort.

            4.2  Tenants' satisfaction

            The investment and efforts to make a building intelligent are ultimately all part of a marketing
            campaign by landlords and developers to ensure that the building becomes a "desirable" facility.
            This is only one small part of the overall thrust of developing a new building where the architect will
            endeavour  to  make  it  as  appealing  as  possible,  the  engineers  will  endeavour  to  make  it  as
            comfortable as possible and the interior designers will take great care in ensuring that the "form"
            of the interior design makes people want to work in that environment. The function provided by the
            engineers and implementers will augment that capability, thus for example, attractive features can
            be added as in putting lights on the building which would change with the season, or with the time
            of day, or, with the weather, or with the extent to which the building is occupied meaning that the
            building when fully occupied may be coloured red or when the building is empty may be coloured

            With  the  widespread  development  of  smart  telephones  with  enormous  capabilities  the
            opportunities further exist that tenants or guests may be able to download suitable information for
            their  own  smart  phones  to  ensure  that  their  particular  interests  e.g.,  calling  of  an  elevator  or
            modifying their work space environment can easily be achieved by requesting different lighting
            levels, background music, or room temperatures. Fire alarm or other emergency information can be
            clearly  defined  in  messages  sent  to  the  smart  phones  of  all  tenants.  Instantaneous  electrical
            utilization  or  billing  can  be  monitored.  With  time  of  day  pricing  instantaneous  monitoring  of
            electricity meters or sub metering becomes crucial to maintaining close control on overall costs.

            4.3  Maintenance

            One of the key issues related to any intelligent building is that on‐going maintenance of the facility
            is  absolutely  critical  to  maintaining  the  benefits  of  building  intelligence.  While  most  intelligent
            buildings  will  operate  using  less  energy  and  water,  equipment  throughout  the  building  needs
            constant maintenance to ensure that optimal performance is maintained.
            The key is also to ensure that sensors are cleaned and calibrated on a regular schedule. Poorly
            performing sensors can be one of the main reasons that an investment in building intelligence does
            not result in reductions in energy and water usage.

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