Page 471 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
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When the fire alarm notifies the access control system of an emergency, provision can be made that
            no unauthorized individuals can enter the building while everybody who is already in the building
            can exit without constraint. Alarms caused by magnetic locks which have been released owing to
            the fire alarm, will be ignored, and lights throughout the building can be automatically energized so
            that first responders are not faced with a situation wherein they looking for the light switches.

            1.4  Elevators and escalators

            Through  suitable  programming,  the  number  of  elevators  being  used  at  any  one  time  can  be
            optimized to address schedules, loads and potentially, emergencies; e.g., if paramedics require an
            elevator, it can be automatically configured to provide exclusive use for such purposes under an
            emergency  situation.  There  are  many  advances  in  elevator  programming  which  have  been
            pioneered by some of the large elevator manufacturers, e.g., provision of call buttons on the main
            entrance floor which allow random selection of elevators which will provide express rides to the
            floors identified by each individual's access credentials. Thus, different users going to the same floor
            will all be channelled into a common elevator cab, which will then go directly to that, or those,
            selected floors. The primary benefit as a result of this intelligence will be the ability to use fewer
            elevator cabs, i.e., lower energy costs and provide a faster service.

            1.5  Lighting

            The traditional large office buildings in which light switches are "hidden" are probably a thing of the
            past. The current trend to individually controlled lights, with the ability for each individual user to
            select their preferred lighting levels, is potentially a significant power saver and the use of more
            modern  lighting  technologies  also  reduces  the  amount  of  heat  generated  by  more  efficient
            luminaires. These trends can be integrated with many additional benefits, some of which have been
            noted in the foregoing comments; e.g., when an individual arrives, the lights in that person's area
            may  be  illuminated.  When  the  individual  goes  home,  the  lights  will  be  extinguished.  In  an
            emergency, activation of all lights will enhance the ability for responders to attend to any situation
            without themselves having to activate any lights.
            Furthermore, the use of automated lighting controls allows an evaluation of the lighting utilization
            so that any re‐lamping procedures can be scheduled based on actual hours of usage, and not based
            on calendar activities. Such lighting systems also permit potential charge backs from the building
            owners to the tenants based on the actual electricity used. The system can monitor any lights which
            have failed and which can automatically be reported to those responsible for maintenance.
            Needless to say, the addition of such intelligence will also identify room occupancy and allow for
            the measurement of lighting levels and the automated compensation of lighting settings as a result
            of daylight shining in through windows or skylights (daylight harvesting). Automated blinds can also
            be  used  to  adjust  lighting  levels  to  the  desired  value.  It  can  be  noted  that  electrical  switch
            manufacturers have all brought very economical, motion activated light switches to the market,
            thereby allowing for some measure of intelligence in the simplest of applications.

            1.6  Signage

            There have been evident changes applicable to signage technology. Signage can readily be shown
            on  screens,  and  include  any  required  graphics  thereby  ensuring  that  language  and  situational
            variations are readily addressed. Thus standard signage can carry routine messages including hours
            of operation or the length of line‐ups or delays. Such signs already appear in large buildings such as
            hospitals, universities and museums. The public is surrounded by these "computerised" signs in

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