Page 44 - Unleashing the potenti al of the Internet of Things
P. 44

1                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

                                          Figure 4 – Socialization procedures

            A user can be a human or a machine. When a user assigns a task to a machine, the machine analyses
            the task. Through an analysis of the task, the machine obtains information about the capabilities
            needed to achieve the task. If capabilities that are needed are not supported by the machine, the
            machine starts to retrieve machines to provide those capabilities. Once the machine finds another
            machine to provide the capability, the machine tries to establish a relation with that machine and
            achieve  the  task  through  that  relation.  After  achieving  the  task,  the  relation  is  released  and
            socialization is also released.

            7       Requirements for machine socialization
            This  clause  describes  requirements  for  machine  socialization  from  an  application  point  of  view;
            therefore, communication specific requirements are not covered.

            7.1     Standardized description of a machine

            In  a  machine  socialization,  a  machine  has  to  find  other  machines  from  the  perspective  of  their
            capability with which to be associated by a relation. To do this, the machine is required to present
            its machine capability(s) in a standardized way. Machine presentation is used to perform service

            7.2     Service discovery

            For a machine to find other machines with the necessary capabilities, service discovery is required.
            Through service discovery, a machine can find other machines to be associated with.

            7.3     Standardized expression of relation
            It is required to express relation information in a standardized form, for example as an extensible
            markup language (XML) schema. Relation information encompasses the machines involved, their
            association information with other machines and task information which is given to the machines,

            30       Rec. ITU-T Y.4001/F.748.2 (11/2015)
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