Page 302 - Unleashing the potenti al of the Internet of Things
P. 302

3                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

                                                     Appendix II

                                                   MOC use cases

                          (This appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation.)

            II.1    e-Health

            e-Health is a relatively recent term used to designate healthcare practices supported by electronic
            processes and communications.

            Figure II.1 shows an example of e-Health service configuration.

                                e-Health centre


                                                    Heartbeat sensor
                                                      on patient

                                      Figure II.1 – e-Health service configuration

            Various  types  of  devices  are  involved  in  the  provisioning  of  e-Health  services.  Some  of  these
            devices only collect data and interact with the network (e.g., heartbeat sensors), others can interact
            bidirectionally  (e.g., cameras),  some  devices  usually  generate  small  amounts  of  data
            (e.g., thermometers), while others may deal with multimedia streaming (e.g., cameras) or, deal with
            call session control (e.g., SIP terminals supporting video calls). Some devices may even work as
            both gateway and sensor-like service platforms.

            The e-Health devices gather data and send them to the relevant parties, such as the e-Health centre
            in Figure II.1. Hospitals, doctors and families can subscribe to the service to get raw or processed

            The devices associated with patients can access the network directly or via a gateway(s) (e.g., home
            gateway or a gateway worn on the body):
            1)      When the patients stay in an indoor environment, the devices can access the network via a
                    single static home gateway or via multiple dynamic home gateways (in this second case the
                    patients can move and access the network via different gateways).
            2)      When the patients are outdoors, the devices can access the network directly via a mobile
                    network or indirectly via the gateway worn on the body.
            The following technical challenges need to be considered for e-Health:

            –       Grouping should be supported. This is useful, for instance, for multiple patients with the
                    same type of disease, or in the case of a single patient, to manage a set of devices which can
                    be managed in group mode.

            288      Rec. ITU-T Y.4109/Y.2061 (06/2012)
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