Page 279 - Unleashing the potenti al of the Internet of Things
P. 279

Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things                         3

                    forwards information to MOC end users automatically. The MOC application also supports
                    forwarding the information based on demand from MOC end users ("passive" information

                    NOTE 3 – Not all of the above phases are necessary for the execution of all MOC applications. For
                    example, an MOC end user can send a request to a vehicle-related MOC application to turn on the
                    klaxon of the vehicle when he/she wants to find out his/her vehicle in a large parking area, and the
                    vehicle-related MOC application will turn on the vehicle klaxon after receiving the request. In this
                    example, data collection and data transportation from the MOC device (the vehicle) to the MOC
                    application are not executed.

            6.3     MOC ecosystem
            Figure 6-2 depicts business roles which are relevant in an MOC ecosystem, and their relationships.

            The business roles identified in Figure 6-2 and their relationships are based on the IoT ecosystem
            [ITU-T Y.2060] and adapted to the context of MOC.

                                                                           MOC application

                                                       MOC platform        MOC application
                                 Network provider
                                                         provider             provider

                                   MOC device

                                   Figure 6-2 – Business roles in an MOC ecosystem

            Five key roles are identified: MOC application customer, network provider, MOC device provider,
            MOC platform provider and MOC application provider.
            •       Network provider

            In  the  context  of  this  Recommendation,  the  network  provider  is  the  role  that  offers  the  NGN
            capabilities as described in [ITU-T Y.2201].

            The network provider has a business relationship with the MOC platform provider and the MOC
            device providers.
            NOTE 1 – An actor playing the role of network provider can also play the roles of MOC platform provider,
            MOC device provider and MOC application provider.

            •       MOC application provider
            The  MOC  application  provider  is  the  role  providing  functions  in  the  MOC  service  domain.  It
            utilizes  capabilities  provided  by  the  MOC  platform  provider  in  order  to  provide  services  to  the
            MOC application customer.

            The MOC application provider has a business relationship with the MOC application customer and
            the MOC platform provider.
            NOTE 2 – An actor playing the role of MOC application provider can also play the role of MOC platform
            •       MOC device provider
            The MOC  device provider is  responsible for providing functions  in  the MOC  device domain.  It
            provides  raw  data  or  other  necessary  resources  to  the  network  provider  and  the  MOC  platform
            provider according to the service logic.

                                                                  Rec. ITU-T Y.4109/Y.2061 (06/2012)     265
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