Page 6 - 4 Years Report
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standards to assist operators in their work to offer services of   sectors, have established a strong basis to support the next five
        the quality necessary to attract and retain customers in today’s   years of ICT innovation.
        competitive business environment.
                                                                          The approach to 2020: Trusted information
        We have achieved considerable progress in our efforts to          infrastructure for 5G, IoT and smart cities
        provide an enabling environment for ICT standardization to
        support the convergence of technologies and industry sectors.     The years approaching 2020 will be a pivotal period in the
                                                                          development of the global ICT ecosystem. We will see 5G
        The collaboration of telecommunications and over-the-top          systems beginning to take shape, and investments in long-
        players has ushered concepts rooted in data-centre networking     lived urban infrastructure will incorporate investments in ICTs
        into the telecoms industry, with new ITU standards in areas       to build
        such as software-defined networking easing the migration to       IoT-enabled smart cities. ITU is supporting the ICT community
        new ways of networking.                                           in its work to create a post-2020 environment where we will
                                                                          all have access to affordable, reliable communications; where
        The wide array of industry sectors now in demand of ICT           highly-reliable ICTs will be core to innovation in all industry
        standards has drawn great value from ITU, with new standards      sectors.
        agreed in areas such as e-health, smart grid and intelligent
        transport systems. Collaboration with e-health players, for       Our Focus Group on IMT-2020 (5G) has undertaken a
        example, has delivered ITU standards providing interoperability   preliminary study into the wireline networking innovations
        design guidelines for personal health systems, supporting the     required to support the ambitious performance targets of
        development of medical-grade e-health devices.                    5G systems. The formation of the new ITU-T Study Group 20
                                                                          has contributed to the consolidation of over ten years of ITU
        Our recent achievements in increasing the capacity and            activity in IoT standardization and the group’s work targeted
        intelligence of ICT networks and devices, as well as our          towards smart cities will provide valuable stimulus to this key
        successes in building cooperation between various vertical        IoT application area. ITU members are also engaged in a new
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