Page 14 - 4 Years Report
P. 14

ITU-T continues to provide leadership in the                      ITU standards for Software-Defined Networking
        standardization of networks, technologies and                     (SDN) answer industry’s need for a flexible, cost-
        infrastructures for transport and access.                         efficient means of accommodating large fluctuations
        ITU-T experts have concluded a three-year process to enable       in bandwidth use.
        optical transport at rates higher than 100 Gbit/s, meeting        A new ITU-T core information model for transport resources
        industry demand for increased capacity in metro and long-haul     will enable smooth transition from traditional management
        transport networks to support the unceasing growth of video       using an Operation Support System (OSS) to Software-Defined
        and data traffic.                                                 Networking (SDN) architectures. The new standard gives

        ITU-T has achieved an industry first in broadband access with     operators the ability to deploy SDN selectively, migrating parts
        the completion of for 40-Gigabit fibre to the home (FTTH),        of their infrastructure to SDN without nullifying the value of
        an achievement coming in parallel with the release of a new       investments in legacy OSS infrastructure.
        standard for 10-Gigabit symmetric FTTH.
                                                                          ITU standards for cloud computing detail the
        ITU’s suite of access solutions also includes, an ITU      requirements and functional architectures of the
        broadband standard that allows delivery of up to 2 Gbit/s over    cloud computing ecosystem, covering inter- and intra-
        the traditional telephone lines that still make up a substantial   cloud computing, cloud computing management and
        proportion of so-called “last-mile” networks.
                                                                          technologies supporting XaaS (X as a Service).
                                                                          Foundational standards provide the cloud computing overview
                                                                          and a terminology foundation to be applied universally across
                                                                          the industry, as well as a reference architecture to enable the
                                                                          development of interoperable cloud computing systems and
                                                                          services. New ITU standards also detail the requirements,
                                                                          capabilities and use cases of cloud-based Big Data; as well
                                                                          as mechanisms to enable consistent end-to-end, multi-cloud

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