The events of the Road to Addis series took place across the entire year 2021 and ca​pitalized on opportunities to create global awareness around WTDC and the 6 enablers. The final event of the Road to Addis series was in September 2021 at the UN General Assembly, where the conclusions, outcomes for connectivity, and the key messages to accelerate digital transformation at WTDC were presented. This final event also served to mark the starting point of a global call to action for the 6 enablers of connectivity.

​​ ​​
The Road to Addis was designed with three goals in mind:
  • Build momentum and awareness towards WTDC
  • Engage key stakeholders and communities, and
  • Provide an inclusive platform to discuss some of the key themes that will be addressed at the WTDC.

WTDC will be a landmark digital development conference and a unique opportunity for the global community to develop innovative approaches and forge ​new models of collaboration to overcome digital development challenges and accelerate connectivity and digital solutions in the final Decade of Action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The outcomes and key conclusions of each session are documented in the “The Connectivity Road to Sustainable Development" booklet.

Road To Addis Videos

Find the playlist of the ​videos showcased along the #RoadToAddis series ​ ​here​.​

Highlights of the Road to Addis Digital Development Series

Introducing ITU's Partner2Connect Digital Coalition

Tune in to #GenerationConnect on #YouthDay and how to engage young people in shaping global digital




The Connectivity Road to Sustainable Development E-booklet

The Connecitivy Road to Sustainable Development E-booklet

The "Connectivity Road to Sustainable Development" E-booklet summarises the outcomes of the first chapter of the Road to Addis Series.

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Connectivity in the Least Developed Countries: Status report 2021

Connectivity in the Least Developed Countries: Status report 2021

The Connectivity in Least Developed Countries: Status report 2021, produced by ITU and the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS), will be launched at the event. The report examines the root causes of the wide usage gap in LDCs and provides practical solutions to improve digital access, as well as concrete policy recommendations to help accelerate progress towards universal and affordable connectivity.

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​The SDGs sit at the heart of the international development agenda and are an urgent call for action by all countries and by all stakeholders. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of connect​ivity and why now more than ever connecting every person will help accelerate the global socio-economic recovery that must follow after the pandemic and ultimately help achieve the SDGs. 

Under the theme: “Connecting the unconnected to achieve sustainable development”, the WTDC will be all about connectivity. The ITU has id​entified “6 enablers”, which will help accelerate connectivity for sustainable development and which will make up the core thematic content of the Road to Addis series: 


​Achieving the SDGs cannot be done in isolation. It requires a global partnership of multiple stakeholders. How can partnerships be made more effective for advancing connectivity and ac​​hieving the SDGs?

>> Partner2Connect


Inclusion is in itself a goal but it is also a powerful enabler. Minorities, disabled, and marginaliz​​​​​​ed groups must be an active part of the discussions, especially when it comes to designing digital solutions that will impact theirs and everyone’s lives.

>> Connect2Include


Addressing the SDGs requires significant investment and financing. ITU estimates that US$ 428 billion are required to connect the remaining 3 billion people to the Internet by 2030. New effective and impactful ways for funds allocation and administration are needed. 

>> Finance2Connect


What is the kind of leadership need to achieve the SDGs by 2030? The Road to Addis will explore what leadership for development really means and present global examples where effective leaders and role models are making progress and having an impact. 

>> Lead2Connect​


Innovation is at the heart of ICT and so it must also be at the core of sustainable development. We require new approaches; we need to be creative, to be bold and to think outside the box. We want to engage with innovators and entrepreneurs. Learn from them. Get inspired! 

>> Innovate2Connect


We cannot solve these problems alone without the engagement, energy, passion, and leadership of our youth. This is why WTDC will be preceded by a youth summit and also why a major engine​ of the Road to Addis will be ITU’s recently launched Generation Connect, a generation of young people with a future… one click away. 

>> Youth2Connect​

The Road to Addis: shaping the 2021 digital development agenda