
The Network of Women for WTDC (NoW4WTDC) encourages gender balance in the activities leading up to the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC). In order to inspire the active participation of women in ITU Development Sector (ITU-D) activities and events and promote their equal participation in ITU, six global fireside discussions are being held, hosted by each of the regions, where women delegates have the chance to get inspiration from ITU's work, learn more about the processes to effectively participate in WTDC and learn from each other as role models. The first and second fireside discussions were hosted by Europe region and Arab region successfully in 2021.

In Africa, women are encouraged to participate in the events and activities organized by ITU and the African Telecommunications Union (ATU), including the regional preparatory work towards WTDC. Africa NoW4WTDC hosted a webinar on 'An introduction and overview of the ITU Development Sector' on 6 September 2021 during which insights into the work of ITU-D and the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) and ATU were provided to explore how Africa NoW4WTDC advocates can effectively prepare, contribute and participate in WTDC.

The ITU Regional Office for Africa together with the ATU Secretariat are now supporting the NoW4WTDC in organizing a global fireside discussion on the topic of “Discussion on the importance of professional networking and gaining outside perspectives – a delegate's view".

The virtual session will be held on 3 February 2022 from 9:00-10:30 CET (11:00-12:30 EAT) in conjunction with the final Africa Preparatory Meeting for WTDC-22.

NoW4WTDC is pleased to invite the membership to the fireside discussion to share their experiences and insights on the topic of networking and sharing in support of ensuring that the opportunities presented by digital transformation are truly available to all.

During the session, participants will discuss how to nurture the participation of women in ITU and ATU activities and the need for increased representation of women in tech. The different roles and responsibilities in the WTDC preparatory process and gaps that can be addressed by the NoW4WTDC in Africa and globally will also be discussed.

We look forward to welcoming you to this NoW4WTDC fireside discussion!

Fireside discussion (3 February 2022) snapshots​​​






​Welcome and opening​​ remarks ​

  • Caecilia Nyamutswa, ​​Convener of Africa NoW4WTDC; Director, Legal Services,​​ Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) and Vice-Chair for Africa, Inter-regional Meetings to prepare for WTDC-21, and Rapporteur, ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 5/1
  • Doreen Bogdan Martin, Director, ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau
Group photo


  1. What is new at WTDC-22?
  2. Who are new WTDC stakeholders, including in the preparatory process?

Anne-Rachel Inné, Director, ITU Regional Office for Africa


  • Sophiyat Sadiq, Generation Connect Africa Youth Group Envoy
  • Samar Halawa, Lead for Arab States, Microsoft Philanthropies, and with insights on Partner2Connect focus area 2 on Empowering communities
  • Roubee Gadevadoo, Senior Engineer/Licensing Officer, Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA), Mauritius, and Chair of ATU adhoc group for WTDC dedicated to WTDC structure and stakeholder engagement

Open discussion


  1. Discussion around:
    1. What are the benefits of professional networking and gaining outside perspectives? 
    2. What targeted efforts and innovative activities and outreach can be undertaken to increase participation of women in tech in Africa and globally? 
    3. What existing gaps can be addressed by NoW4WTDC in Africa and globally? 

Moderator: Dunola Oladapo, Generation Connect Lead, ITU


  • Irene Kaggwa Sewankambo, Acting Executive Director, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC)
  • Sibonginkosi Muteyiwa, Head of Marketing and International Relations, Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ), Zimbabwe
  • Nonkqubela Jordan-Dyani, Acting Director General, Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT), South Africa

Open discussion
Summary and closing
  • ​Caecilia Nyamutswa, ​​Convener of Africa NoW4WTDC
  • John Omo, Secretary General, African Telecommunications Union (ATU)​

Highlights from the discussion will be shared here shortly.


Who should attend?

ITU and ATU delegates and members of NoW4WTDC globally, representative from ITU Member States ​and representatives preparing for WTDC, and membership at large with an interest in advocating for, and ​​taking action, for women in tech.


Registration for this meeting has now closed. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the next Africa NoW4WTDC faciliatated discussion! Details will be shared on the main Africa NoW4WTDC website​.


Caecilia Nyamutswa (POTRAZ, Zimbabwe) for Africa NoW4WTDC (nyamutswa@potraz.gov.zw), Alice Koech, African Telecommunications Union (ATU) (a.koech@atuuat.africa​)​​ and Christine Sund, ITU Regional Office for Africa (christine.sund@itu.int) are available to provide additional information or respond to any questions you may have. 

Social Media


Access the ATU homepage here​

Access the main Africa NoW4WTDC website here​

Access the global NoW4WTDC website here

​NoW4WTDC Fireside Discussion
Discussion on the importance of professional networking and gaining outside perspectives - a delegate's view 

powered by the Africa Network of Women for WTDC (Africa NoW4WTDC) with the support of ITU​ and ATU 
3 February 2022
9:00-10:30 CET​/ 11:00-12:30 EAT​ ​