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 ITU Symposium on ICTs and Climate Change
 Quito, Ecuador, 8-10 July 2009 Contact:

Meeting Room Los Shyris, Hilton Colon Quito Hotel, Amazonas N 1914 y Avenida Patria 1
Organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Supported and hosted by Centro Internacional de Investigación Científica en Telecomunicaciones, Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (CITIC)

Mr. Luis Carlos Ariza Gordillo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Mr. Ariza Gordillo is a Technologist in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, of Bogota. He is a Master's student in Telecommunications at the National University of Colombia. Since his undergraduate studies he worked on the theme of Digital Terrestrial Television in a Research Group on of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia GITUN, with greater depth in the DVB-T standard, adopted in his country.
Mr. Néstor Bercovich, Programa Sociedad de la Información de CEPAL

Néstor Bercovich received a maitrise in Economics at the University of Paris VIII in 1985 and a Ph.D. in Social Sciences at The College Mexiquense (Mexico) in 2009. Currently he is working in ECLAC in the Area of Innovation and Technology, within the Division of Production, Productivity and Management. There he coordinates the project "Inclusive political dialogue and exchange of experiences," component 2 of the @ LIS - Alliance for the Information Society, the European Union. The project CEPAL - EU aims to: 1) support Latin American countries in the development, implementation and monitoring of national, subregional and regional of the Information Society, 2) analyze and disseminate best practices and developments in various sectors of the Information Society, and 3) strengthen the dialogue and cooperation between South-South and Latin America and Europe on political, technical and social aspects of the Information Society.
Ms. Cristina Bueti, Policy Analyst, Corporate Strategy Division, ITU-SPM

Cristina Bueti graduated from the Faculty of Political Science and International Cooperation and Development of the University of Florence, where she completed postgraduate studies in International Cooperation. In 2003, Ms Bueti completed a project for the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta, before joining the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva in January 2004. As a Policy Analyst, she is actively involved in ITU's activities related to Climate Change, Child Online Protection, Cybersecurity and Cybercrime. Her responsibilities include policy research, as well as organizing meetings of high-level experts, and international conferences.
Ms. Solvey Janeth Perilla Burbano, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Solvey Janeth Perilla Burbano, estudió Ingeniería de Sistemas en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y actualmente adelanta sus estudios de Maestría en Telecomunicaciones de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia además de pertenecer al Grupo de Investigación de Teleinformática de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia – GITUN. Sus trabajos de investigación están orientados a la Política y Regulación de las Telecomunicaciones, específicamente en una propuesta que ayude a la implementación de la regulación del espectro radioeléctrico en Colombia, objeto de tesis de la maestría que esta cursando.

Encuentra como principal interés el permanente desarrollo de sus capacidades intelectuales, razón por la cual desea continuar sus estudios de postrado en Política y Administración Pública.
Mr. Eduardo Cadena Torres, Consultant, Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones






Dr. Mauro Flórez Calderón, President CITIC - Ecuador

Eng. Mauro Flórez Calderón, Ph.D., MSc, Eng. has participated in projects of national and international scale as: Interconnection networks in multi-user and multi-operator environment, in Colombia for the Ministry of Communications and Colciencias; and the pilot project to test WiMax technology before being acquired funded by Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogota (ETB) as operator of the service, the equipment suppliers were Airspan and the Investigation Research Group GITUN. He led the design of inspection protocols for telecommunications companies from Colombia supervised by the Superintendencia de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios that is the Department for Telecommunications - SSPD in the areas of Networking, Traffic, Security, Pricing, Customer service, prepaid service and Call Center. Flórez participated as an inspector in the areas of interconnection and traffic. Currently directs the Project on Strategies and Policies of convergence and Satelital Research Program. Has been consultant for the project on number portability for the National Telecommunication Secretary of Ecuador, and consultant for the telecommunications project of Power Lines for Riobamba Electric Company SA. Nowadays Directs project ICTs and Climate Change.

Ph.D in Telecommunications Engineering, Ph.D (c) in Political Science and International Relations, Master in Sciences in Political Science, Media Specialist, Electronic Engineer, with a Master degree in Business Studies, Negotiation Techniques and Conflict Resolution, author and co-author of several books and articles, Teaching researcher at the National University of Colombia, expert of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Colombia, Founder and President CITIC Consultant.
Eng. Francisco Calero, Director de Servicios de Telecomunicaciones, Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones del Ecuador

Francisco Calero, Ingeniero en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones, en el año 2005 obtuvo el título de Especialista en Derecho y Gestión de las Telecomunicaciones , en la UASB. Ingresó a la Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones en el año 1995, siendo el encargado de la gestión del espectro radioeléctrico de la región sur, entre 1998 y 2002, año desde el cual se desempeña como funcionario de la Dirección de Servicios de Telecomunicaciones, siendo el responsable de la coordinación del control de los servicios móviles en Ecuador.
Ing. Daniel Chies, Forest Manager, Madem SA, Brazil

Mr. Chies is Fores Engineer, having received his degree at the Universidad Federal de Paraná. He has a Masters degree in Technology and use of Forest Products.

At present he is working at MADEM SA. where he is responsible for the management of forest resources, wood production and supply of industrial wood.
Mr. Ruben Díaz, Adviser Fondo de Solidaridad, Yasuní Project

Economista. 33 años. Especialización en Economía del Desarrollo Sostenible (Economía Ambiental y Ecológica), pero a pesar de su especialización su interés desde graduado han sido las TICS y su interacción con la sociedad la economía, el desarrollo y la geopolítica. Escribe sobre éstos temas en un blog denominado Kikuyo Digital.

Fue Jefe del Despacho del Ministerio de Energía y Minas cuyo Ministro Alberto Acosta (Enero 07 –Julio 2007) logró colocar a la iniciativa Yasuní ITT como política de Estado. Actualmente trabaja para el Fondo de Solidaridad como asesor en TICS para el desarrollo y desarrollo de las TICS. Lideró y coordinó el grupo que diseñó el Plan Nacional de Conectividad y actualmente trabaja en la preparación de una Estrategia Digital Nacional para Ecuador. Lideró varios proyectos de aplicaciones de TICS para el desarrollo y además conformó parte del equipo que diseñó la restructuración del Sector de Telecomunicaciones.

Ha brindado conferencias sobre desarrollo digital, web 2.0, periodismo digital, evolución tecnológica, y geopolítica en la era informacional.

Es miembro del programa de Fellowships de la ICANN y ha realizado cursos sobre Internet en Corea del Sur, Colombia, y Egipto.

Ha representado al Ecuador en algunos eventos Internacionales relacionados con las TICS
Mr. Augusto Espinosa Andrade, Undersecretary Información e Investigación de la Secretaría Nacional de Planificación y Desarrollo SENPLADES

Es Economista y tiene un Master en Administración de Empresas del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, ITESM y una Maestria de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales FLACSO.

Ha trabajado en SENPLADES Desde Octubre 2007. Fue Presidente de Neurodiseño Humano S.A.; Director Ejecutivo del Centro de Desarrollo de la Empresarialidad y Competitividad, CEDEC; Presidente de Primfloral S.A. y Gerente General de Primavera Flowers Cía Ltda. (cambio su razón social a Primfloral S.A.)

También ha sido Asesor de la Fundación Cochasquí en el Proyecto de Apoyo Microempresarial AG-054-FECD del Fondo Ecuatoriano Canadiense para el Desarrollo y tuvo varios puestos en el Instituto de Investigaciones Socioeconómicos y Tecnológicas, INSOTEC.

Tambíen ha sido Presidente de la Corporación de Floricultores Tabacundo, Presidente de la Comisión Regional de Pedro Moncayo de EXPOFLORES y Presidente de la Asociación Escuela de Economía de la PUCE.
Mr. Carlos Andrés Echeverry Restrepo, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia

Environment Administrator of the Technological University of Pereira in Colombia. He is doing his Master degree on Natural Resources Law at the University of Externado Colombia. He is lecturer and consultant in environmental law.
Julio Cesar Fonseca, (ANATEL, Brazil)

Júlio César Fonseca graduated as Electrical Engineer by IPUC – Universadade Católica – MG, in 1979. He has worked for : ANATEL from august 1998. Previously he worked in TELEBRÁS from November 1979 to July 1998 and TELEMIG from October 1973 to November 1979. He is a Member of Study Group 5 - Environment and climate change. And Vice Chairman of Study Group -15 Optical transport networks and access network infrastructures.
Ms. Silvia Guzmán Araña, Director of Environment, Telefónica S.A.

Licenciada en Ciencias por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Doctora en Geofísica por la misma universidad y MBA Executive por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Su carrera profesional en Telefónica, comenzó en el año 1995 en el departamento de Tecnología de Telefonica Móviles. Tras 3 años en el mismo, se unió a la Dirección de Calidad como Jefe de medio ambiente, más tarde en el año 2001 asumió la Gerencia de Control Medio Ambiental y Responsabilidad Corporativa de Telefónica Móviles España. En noviembre de 2005 se incorporó como Gerente de Responsabilidad Corporativa a la Subdirección General de Reputación, Marca y Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, de Telefónica S.A. En 2007, pasa a desempeñar las funciones de Director de Medio Ambiente en Telefónica S,A, puesto que ocupa actualmente.
Mr. Jacques McNeill, Green ICT Project Coordinator

Jacques Mc Neill is Coordinator of Prompt’s Green ICT Initiative. He is President of Technoprise Inc., an ICT consulting firm that actively participates in the early stage activities of new innovation development activities. His career has spanned both the industry, academic and government realms of the ICT sector. As a new venture entrepreneur and project developer, he participates in leading edge partnership opportunities here in Canada and abroad, occasionally assuming in a start-up an executive position during its “valley-of-the-death” phase. He provides hands-on management experience and addresses ICT market opportunities through strategic partnerships.

He has been a member of Prompt’s Board of Director member since the organization’s inception and was Board Chair for 3 years. Since 2008, he coordinates the launch of Prompt’s Green ICT initiative. He is a McGill graduate in biochemistry and his MBA in Marketing and International Business lead to a career as high-tech entrepreneur in the ICT industry. The present Green ICT Initiative reflects Industry’s as well at his own convergence between environment and high-tech.
Mr. Richard Labelle, Director Aylmer Group, Canada

Richard Labelle is an independent consultant based in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada and is President of The Aylmer Group which is based in Ottawa. Mr. Labelle has 27 years experience on issues related to the use of appropriate information and communication technologies (ICTs) and related management practices in support of human, economic, social and sustainable development in developing countries. Since 1992, he has undertaken missions to over 57 developing countries for this purpose.

Richard has undertaken evaluations of Internet connectivity and ICT capacity in general in these countries. He has participated in the development of ICT strategies and action plans in several countries including most recently in Trinidad and Tobago, Gabon, Rwanda, Botswana, Djibouti, Mauritania, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia. He recently completed a scoping study entitled “ICTs for e-Environment” for the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). He is working with the UN United Nations Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (APCICT) in Korea on the preparation of a training program on alternative vehicles for funding ICT for development. In partnership with Neotelis of Montreal, he offers training on ICT for development ( In the 1980s, he developed a world-class computerized information and documentation centre on agroforestry (IDRC & ICRAF Nairobi, Kenya) where he worked as the de facto knowledge manager. Richard Labelle has been a self-employed and full time independent international consultant since 1992 and has over 9 years of full time employment in Africa (1981- 1990: IDRC, ICRAF – now the World Agroforestry Centre).
Mr. Arthur Levin, Head, Policy Division, ITU-TSB

Mr. Arthur Levin was the lead ITU staff member in the organization of the two phases of the World Summit on the Information Society and has served as a senior policy adviser and legal counselor with the Union. He organized and was Executive Secretary of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conferences in 2002 and 2006.

He also holds an appointment as an adjunct professor of law at the Franklin Pierce Law Center in the United States, where he teaches a course on International Telecommunications Law and the Internet..

He previously served as Legal Adviser of the OECD in Paris and as a senior attorney with regulatory agencies in the United States and with private law firms in Washington, D.C. He has published numerous articles and books on regulatory topics.

He has a J.D. with honors from George Washington Law Center and a B.S. with honors from Cornell University.
H.E. Amb. Mauricio Montalvo, Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the UN Offices at Geneva

Mauricio Montalvo is the Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations, including the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

Prior to his appointment to Geneva, Mr. Montalvo Samaniego had been serving since 2005 as the Under-Secretary for Multilateral Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador. In 2005, he was also General Coordinator and Coordinator in Charge of Summits within the Ministry.

Having entered the Diplomatic Service of Ecuador in 1982 as Third Secretary, Mr. Montalvo Samaniego has held posts in several General Directorates of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and was raised to the rank of Ambassador in May 2005. In particular, he held posts in the Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the OAS in Washington DC (1987-1990), to the United Nations in New York (1990-1992), and to the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) in Paris (1996-2001). He also served as Under-Secretary-General for Public Administration from 1994 to 1996..

During his career, Mr. Montalvo Samaniego has also taught in various institutes of higher learning. Besides his doctorate in jurisprudence, he also has a diploma from the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA) of Paris and a Masters degree in law (LL.M.) from the Harvard Law School in Cambridge (USA). He has published several articles on law and international relations.
Commander Ronnie Nader, EXA: Agencia Espacial Civil Ecuatoriana

Mr. Nader Bello received a degree of Systems Engineering at the Catholic University of Guayaquil in 1994, he directed the systems laboratory of the University until the end of 1995. In 2004 he finished the certification course TERC / NASA to teach Astrobiology. In 2006 he founded the Project ESAA 'Ecuador to Space', the first civilian space travel initiative in the history of Ecuador. It aims to establish the first civilian space program in the world, making suborbital science missions to expand low-cost civilian scientific access to space and raise consciousness in his country about the benefits of exploiting the natural access of Ecuador to the GEO orbit. He is the first Ecuadorian to complete the Advanced Suborbital Astronaut/Trained training at the GAGARIN Institute in Russia.
Mr. Luis Neves, Head, Sustainable Development and Environment, Deutsche Telekom

Born in Portugal in 1953. He finished his University degree in History at Lisbon University. Later on he studied law for 2 years at ”Universidade Moderna“. Luis worked for more than 25 years for Marconi as Head of Department and lately at the Corporate Office. He started an international career at European and International levels which lasted 14 years. In 2004 he joined Deutsche Telekom and he is Head of Sustainable Development and Environment at DT Corporate Responsibility Department. Since March 2006 he is the President of GeSI (Global E-Sustainable Initiative).
Mr. Juan José Nieto López, Representative of CIFEN Telefónica

Estudios de Pregrado en Oceanografía. Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral de Guayaquil, Facultad de Ingeniería Marítima y Ciencias del Mar 1987 – 1992.

Magíster en Administración de Empresas. Escuela de Postgrado en Administración de Empresas ESPAE-ESPOL / Guayaquil 1994-1996

Coordinador del Proyecto “Sistema de información de eventos climáticos para la costa de Ecuador” CIIFEN-PNUD Financiado por la Comisión Europea (V PROGRAMA DIPECHO), 2008-2009

Funcionario del Centro Internacional para la Investigación del Fenómeno El Niño CIIFEN (Gestión de Proyectos, Servicios Climáticos, Sistemas de Información, 2008 a la fecha)

Jefe de la Unidad de Modelación Numérica de INOCAR, 2004-2007

Funcionario de la División de Oceanografía Física, INOCAR, 1997 a 2007

Profesor de Oceanografía y Meteorología de la Escuela de Hidrografía de la Armada, 2006-2007

Instructor en Manejo de Datos Oceanográficos

Jefe del Subproyecto de Medición de Caudales en el Sistema de Alcantarillado de Guayaquil, para el mejoramiento del Medio Ambiente. ESPOL-Universidad de Nueva Orleans, 1994

Asistente de Grupo Consultor Japonés en el Estudio de Factibilidad para la construcción de Puerto Pesquero Artesanal en Manta. 1990.
Mr. Julio Palacio Niño, Universidad de Colombia

Julio Omar Ancízar Palacio Niño is a student of Systems Engineering and Masters in Telecommunications Engineering, born in Bogotá, Colombia in 1986. He entered the National University of Colombia in 2004, where he graduating in Engineering Systems, in 2009 he began his Masters Telecommunications Engineering at the same University. His areas of interest are databases, particularly data warehouses, Technology and Management of Information Systems, Interactive Digital TV.
Mr. Jean Pla, CNES, France

Graduated from ENAC (Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile) in Toulouse in 1986. CNES employee since 1990. Frequency manager since 2001

Before 2001, Jean PLA was a satellite system engineer in the field of radiocommunications for various satellite projects. Jean PLA is an expert in the fields of radiocommunications and location techniques using satellites.

Since 2001, Jean PLA is involved within Frequency manager issues, especially within the field of Earth Observation. He regularly attends CEPT (european) and international meetings (ITU-R, ITU-D, Space Frequency Coordination Group, CGMS, ITWG, …) in order to defend the following satellite frequency usages: data transmission from Earth to Space and Space to Earth and passive and active satellite remote sensing

Jean PLA is very active both in satellite frequency coordination, and also within international forum to promote the scientific usage of spectrum, which is essential for the knowledge of a better understanding of our planet. For example, he was deeply involved within the ITU-D activities about the disaster management and the drafting of the corresponding ITU-D report in connection with Satellite Earth Observation.
Eng. Zoila Inés Ramos Rodríguez, Director CITIC - Ecuador

Eng. Zoila Inés Ramos Rodríguez, Ph. D(c), Esp. has directed large-scale projects nationally and internationally as interconnection networks in multi-user and multi-operator environment in Colombia for the Ministry of Communications and Colciencias. Was directed the pilot project to test WiMax technology before being acquired by Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogota ETB operator of the service; the equipment supplier were Airspan and Research Group GITUN. Eng. Zoila Ramos directed the inspection on the telecommunications companies in Colombia monitored by the Superintendencia de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios. Was delegate as an inspector for the Department of Telecommunications - SSPD in the areas of Networking, Traffic, Security and Taxation to telecommunications companies monitored by the SSPD.

Currently manages projects for Power Lines Telecommunications - PLT. “Inclusion of Telecommunication and ICT in Strengthening National Identity and the Decline of the Digital Gap (FINE)”.

Ph.D (c) in Telecommunication Engineering, Radio-communication Specialist, Specialist in Law of Telecommunications, Electronics Engineer, with a degree in Management, a student of law in Ecuador. Author and coauthor of several books and articles, Teacher Researcher of National University of Colombia, supported by the Expert Committee on Telecommunications Regulatory Colombia (CRT), CITIC Founder and Principal Consultant.
Ms. Lilian Chamorro Rojas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Engineer in Electronics and Telecommunications, candidate for Master's Degree in Telecommunications. Is working as an engineer for development projects in Colnodo, a non-governmental organization focused on the strategic use of ICTs for development. Has experience and interest in the promotion and use of information technologies and communication tools to foster the development of less favored communities. She is part of the Program to support women's networks (PARM), which promotes Latin American network empowerment of women in the use of ICT.
Paolo Rosa, Head of Workshops and Promotion Division, (ITU/TSB)

Mr Rosa received his degree in physics in 1974 in Rome, Italy, and joined the R&D branch of the Italian Ministry of Communication working on optical fibers transmission networks, in national and international standards and leading quality control inspection teams for international telecommunication projects.

He was head of national delegations for standardization and research studies performed in IEC, ITU, ETSI, CECC, COST and represented the Italian Ministry of Communications in various international institutions including the European Commission task force for the G7 pilot projects on the Information Society.

Paolo was appointed as expert and senior advisor by the Italian Foreign Office, the UNDP and ITU for telecommunication projects in various developing countries worldwide.

In 1997 he joined the ITU-T secretariat in Geneva as Counselor responsible for Study Groups 6 (Outside plant), and SG 15 (Optical and other transport networks) and representing ITU in various events. Since November 2004 he is the Head of the Workshops and Promotion Division of the ITU Standardization Sector, organizing events and promoting new ITU-T activities for resolutions concerning developing countries, conformance and interoperability, universities.

He is author of several papers published in international technical magazines and speaker and lecturer in universities, international conferences, seminars and workshops.
Ms. Maria de Fatima Rosolem, CPqD, Brazil

Maria de Fatima N.C. Rosolem received the B.S. and M.S degrees in Chemistry from Federal University of Sao Carlos, in 1987 and University of Sao Paulo in 1990 respectively. In 2004 received the MBA in business management from ESAMC. In 1989, she joined the CPqD (Telecommunication Research and Development Center) in Campinas, Brazil. She has been involved with batteries certification tests, research projects, training and consulting in energy systems.
Ing. Jaime Guerrero Ruiz - Secretario Nacional de Telecomunicaciones y Presidente del CONATEL (e)

Mr. Jaime Guerrero is an Electrical Engineer, specialized in Electronichs. He has a post-graduate degree in Administration of Telecommunication’s Services and Systems and has followed a number of courses in Management and Telecommunications. He has extensive experience in the Telecommunications Sector in various management positions.

He has worked in: IETEL (1987), REUTERS (1987-1996), Teleholding (1997-1999)

Has also held the following positions: Director General Telecommunication Services at SENATEL (2000-2001/2004-2005), President of CONARTEL (2001-2003) Consejo Nacional de Radio y Televisión, Post-graduate Professor at ESPOL (Escuela Politécnica del Litoral) and at UTE (Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial), y Member of the Board of Directors at TELECSA.
Ing. Fabián Saenz Enderica, Director General, FODETEL


 Escuela Politécnica del Ejército (Quito), Ingeniería en Electrónica (Telecomunicaciones) (Abril 1991). Postgrado
 Escuela Politécnica del Ejército (Quito), Maestría en Ciencias (MSc) en Ingeniería Electrónica (Telecomunicaciones) (Noviembre 2001).
 Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Diplomado en procesos de Regulación, Interconexión y Economía de las Telecomunicaciones (Mayo 2002).
 Teleskolan, Suecia. Especialista en Redes

Experiencia como Instructor

 Instructor Postgrado USFQ
 Instructor Universidad Tecnológica Israel.
 Profesor Postgrado UTA
 Profesor Pregrado ESPE
 Profesor Postgrado ESPE

Experiencia profesional relacionada a la conferencia

 Diseño de la Red Troncal de Andinatel S.A.
 Diseño de los Nodos de Acceso para Andinatel S.A.
 Diseño de Redes Sociales para Andinatel
 Diseño de Redes Rurales para Andinatel

Actualmente, Director del Fondo de Desarrollo de las Telecomunicaciones
Mr. Oswaldo Salazar, Secretaría, Técnica de Gestión de Riesgo

Mr. Salazar is a Doctor Head of Operations of Operations of the Technical Secretariat of Risk Management.

He was coordinator of the community health program of the Ecuadorian Red Cross (2004-2005), Director of Health of the Pichincha Province (2006) and Manager of Essential Areas of the Ecuadorian Red Cross. He has participated in national and international for a dealing with Risk Management and Community Health.
Sergio Scarabino, Head, ITU Area Office, Chile

Es Licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales recibido en la Universidad de Belgrano, Argentina; y Especialista en Gestión de las Telecomunicaciones, titulado conjuntamente por el Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires y la Universidad de San Andrés.

Previo a su ingreso a la UIT, trabajó para la Administración Argentina en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto (1993-1996) y en la Comisión Nacional de Comunicaciones (1997-2008) en la que llegó a desempeñarse como Gerente de Relaciones Internacionales.

A lo largo de su carrera profesional representó a la República Argentina en negociaciones en materia de telecomunicaciones tanto a nivel bilateral como en ámbitos multilaterales (UIT, OMC, CITEL, ITSO, IMSO, MERCOSUR)

Ocupó el cargo de Presidente Alterno del Comité Consultivo Permanente I de la CITEL y presidió asimismo el Grupo de Trabajo de ese organismo que preparó y defendió las propuestas regionales en la Conferencia Mundial de Radiocomunicaciones del año 2007.

Desde el mes de enero de 2009 está a cargo de la Oficina de Área de la UIT en Santiago de Chile.
Ms. Daniela Torres, Head of Climate Change Office, Telefónica

Estudios de pre-grado en Ingeniera Ambiental de la Universidad SEK del Ecuador. 1997 -2002

Master en Ciencias en Desarrollo Energético Sustentable de la Universidad de Calgary de Canadá en convenio con OLADE. 2002 - 2004

Técnica Ambiental de la Organización Latinoamericana de Energía (OLADE). 2004 y 2006.

Asesora Subsecretaría de Electrificación Ministerio de Energía y Minas Ecuador. 2005 - 2006.

Analista Ambiental de Telefónica Ecuador 2007 - 2008

Profesora de Saneamiento Ambiental – Universidad SEK del Ecuador. Facultad de Ingeniería Ambiental 2006 - 2008.

Experta Ambiental y Jefe de la Oficina de Cambio Climático de Telefónica S.A en Madrid desde 2008.
Mr. Alexandre Vassiliev, Study Group Counsellor, ITU-BR Alexandre V. VASSILIEV –.Counsellor of ITU-R Study Group 7 (Science services) and Working Party 5B (Maritime and aeronautical mobile, and radiodetermination services), BR Focal point on Radiocommunications and Climate Change.

Alexandre VASSILIEV has worked in the ITU since 1989 in Radiocommunication services and in the Study Group departments. He participated in development and maintenance of several Frequency Plans for terrestrial and space services, as well as in many World and Regional Radiocommunication Conferences. He represented ITU at meetings of UN Agencies, Regional Groups and other national and international organizations.

Prior to joining ITU, Mr VASSILIEV worked as the Deputy Director of the Leningrad’s regional radio research and development institute (LONIIR). He was responsible for departments carrying out the studies in spectrum management and development of equipment for satellite and radio-relay systems.
Ms. Carolina Zambrano, Directora Nacional de Cambio Climático, Ministerio del Ambiente (Ecuador)

En el año 2004, se graduó de Licenciada en Ciencias Biológicas, título conferido por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Cuenta además, con una Maestría en Gestión Ambiental de la Universidad de Yale (EEUU), concedida en el año 2008.

Se desempeñó como Coordinadora de la Secretaría Ejecutiva de la Plataforma Climática Latinoamericana – AVINA, en la Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano, Ecuador;

Consultora en el eje Ambiental de la Iniciativa Yasuní-ITT, para el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Ecuador;

Coordinadora de la Consulta Regional sobre la creación del Centro Interinstitucional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático y Consultora en REDD, en la Unión Mundial Por la Naturaleza (UICN Sur);

Investigadora para el equipo consultor en Rainforest Norway-Ecuador; Asesora en Política Ambiental en Esperanza International Inc.- Universidad de Yale-EEUU; y Asistente técnica en el Fondo Ambiental Nacional (FAN).

Actualmente desempeña las funciones de Directora Nacional de Cambio Climático, Producción Limpia y Consumo Sustentable del Ministerio del Ambiente del Ecuador.

Ha realizado investigación científica en lugares como las Islas Galápagos, Perú y Madagascar (Pasante Global Ambiental con WWF Internacional).
Mr. Roque García Zanabria, Escuela Politécnica Superior de Chimborazo –ESPOCH

Agricultural Engineering Graduate in 1985, Masters in Research, Professor at the Polytechnic of Chimborazo since 1988. Has participated in the implementation of several projects associated with the management and protection of the environment, is currently involved in the training to farmers in the agricultural and forest field to contributes to the climate change mitigation.


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