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Space Network System Online

Help System

Help on General Query System
Introduction The database query system allows you to make searches on the database according to different criteria. You can navigate selecting Selection Options This form allows you to make a search on the database according to different criteria:

Complete lists

all geostationary stations

What to do?

list of all non-geostationary stations

What to do?

list of all earth stations

What to do?

Specific lists

Remarks:You may enter

list of all geostationary/non-geostationary or earth stations by name

What to do?

list of all geostationary/non-geostationary or earth stations by name notified by a given administration

What to do?

list of all geostationary/non-geostationary or earth stat ions notified by a given administration

What to do?

list of all geostationary/non-geostationary or earth stat ions notified by a given administration and network organization

What to do?

Specific lists of geostationary satellites by longitude

list of all geostationary satellites by longitude

What to do?

list of all geostationary satellites by longitude, notified by a given administration and network organization

What to do?


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