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Página Principal : UIT-T : Joint Coordination Activity on ICT and climate change (JCA-ICT&CC) : JCA-ICT&CC Documents : JCA-ICT&CC Documents

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46080 octetos 2009-10-09 Doc 1: Draft Agenda - 1st meeting of the JCA-ICT&CC


45568 octetos 2009-10-13 Doc 3: Response to "LS - Request for participation in Joint Coordination Activity on ICTs and Climate Change (JCA-ICT&CC)"

Zip (Componentes)

140560 octetos 2009-10-14 Doc 2rev1: SG 13 Focal Points on ICT and Climate Change


48640 octetos 2009-11-09 Doc 4: Reply LS to ITU-T SG 5 on Request for participation in Joint Coordination Activity on ICTs and Climate Change


56832 octetos 2009-12-18 Doc 8: Report of the first meeting of JCA on ICT&CC (14 Oct. 2009)

Zip (Componentes)

31870 octetos 2009-12-18 Doc 5: LS to JCA-NID, JCA-ICT&CC, SG 5 on initiation of new draft Rec. F.USN-CC, "Deployment guidance on USN applications and services for mitigating climate change"


47616 octetos 2009-12-18 Doc 6: Reply to Liaison on JCA on ICTs and Climate Change (Ref. : COM 5 - LS 18rev1)


48128 octetos 2009-12-18 Doc 7: Reply to the request for participation in the Joint Coordination Activity on ICTs and Climate Change


565760 octetos 2010-01-08 DOC 09: Status update for ISO/IEC JTC 1 Green ICT standardization activities

Zip (Componentes)

1602245 octetos 2010-01-11 DOC 10: Presentation of the Earth Project

Zip (Componentes)

550761 octetos 2010-01-13 Doc 11: Liaison to ITU-T Study Group 5 WG3 and JCA on environment and climate change


53248 octetos 2010-01-19 Doc 12: Liaison to ITU-T Study Group 5 WP3/5 on battery charging


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Updated : 2010/01/20