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Página Principal : UIT-T : World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly : ITU Regional Development Forum 2008 for the Americas Region / The ITU Americas region WTSA-08 Preparatory Meeting : Contributions

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80384 octetos 2008-05-22 1. (Brazil) The role of ITU-T to implement the WSIS outputs

Zip (Componentes)

23056 octetos 2008-05-22 1. (Brazil) The role of ITU-T to implement the WSIS outputs


73216 octetos 2008-05-22 2. (Brazil) ITU-T study group restructuring - WTSA-08

Zip (Componentes)

21117 octetos 2008-05-22 2. (Brazil) ITU-T study group restructuring - WTSA-08


103424 octetos 2008-05-22 3. (Brazil) List of references and actions for the review of the WTSA-04 Resolutions

Zip (Componentes)

24344 octetos 2008-05-22 3. (Brazil) List of references and actions for the review of the WTSA-04 Resolutions


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Updated : 2008/05/22