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Page d'accueil : UIT-R : Conferences : Regional Radiocommunication Conferences : Contributions (electronic publishing only) (EP)

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826368 octets 2010-05-05 IPG-1/EP/001 Consolidated protection criteria for assessment of compatibility between the broadcasting and other primary services


495616 octets 2010-05-05 IPG-1/EP/002 The methodology of the planning software: the synthesis


17185792 octets 2010-05-05 IPG-1/EP/003 Detailed report of testing and validation of the planning software


141312 octets 2010-05-05 IPG-1/EP/004 The methodology of the planning software: The analysis


466432 octets 2010-05-05 IPG-1/EP/005 Problems and solutions


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Updated : 2010/05/05