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Cybercrime - WSIS

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The ineffectiveness of current laws to deal with new online crimes or conventional crimes committed on-line, is one of the major issues of concern. 

Council of Europe (COE):  Cybercrime

The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime was opened for signature on 23 November 2001 in Budapest. It is the first international treaty on crimes committed via the Internet and other computer networks, dealing particularly with infringements of copyright, computer-related fraud, child pornography and violations of network security. 

The dissemination of racist or xenophobic content through computer networks poses new challenges for law enforcement. A coordinated approach for an effective domestic and international response has been adopted through an additional Protocol to the Convention of Cybercrime: Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime concerning the criminalisation of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems

European Parliament report on illegal and harmful cyber content: The European Parliament adopted on 11 April 2002, the Report relating to the application of the Council Recommendation of 24 September 1998 concerning the protection of minors and human dignity. The Parliament took up some crucial questions as regards regulation of illegal and harmful cyber content. The key ideas concern the importance of associations of access providers and the adoption of codes of conduct, filtering systems, and the reinforcement of European and international police co-operation.

US Department of Justice:

Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section of the Criminal Division of the US Department of Justice

Some News on Cybercrime:

Is Cybercrime Really Underreported? (

ZDNet UK: Mexico summit urges anti-piracy action; More cybercrime laws will be counter-productive, says thinktank 

New York Time Technology

Cybercrime and Cyber terrorism: 

Wired News: House Keeps Focus on Cybercrime; Fear and Lockdown in America 

Cybercrime, which jurisdiction? The Yahoo! Inc. case in France:

Center for Democracy and Technology - International Jurisdiction: Yahoo v. LICRA 

TRIBUNAL DE GRANDE INSTANCE DE PARIS Ordonnance de référé 22 mai 2000 UEJF et Licra c/ Yahoo! Inc. et Yahoo France  (French)

Programme in Comparative Media Law & Policy, Oxford University: Fighting nazi and anti-Semitic material on the Internet: the yahoo! case and its global implications

The legal implications of the Yahoo! Inc. nazi memorabilia dispute (French and English versions)

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