Plenipotentiary Conference 1998 -- Minneapolis USA

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Resolution [COM5/14]
as approved by the Conference

Internet Protocol (IP)-based networks

The Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Minneapolis, 1998),


a) that advances in the global information infrastructure, including the development of Internet Protocol (IP)-based networks and especially the Internet, are an issue of crucial importance to the future, as an important engine for growth in the world economy in the 21st century;

b) that the increased use of the Internet is replacing existing services and introducing new ones based on its highly advanced technology; the utilization of e-mail has become commonplace, voice over Internet is being developed rapidly;

c) that IP-based networks will continue to introduce dramatic changes in the way we acquire, produce, circulate and consume information;

d) that active discussions are being held in regard to electronic commerce using IP-based networks in international and regional organizations,

considering further

a) that ITU-D has started a study on the promotion of infrastructure and the use of the Internet in developing countries;

b) that studies have already started in ITU-T on IP-based network issues, including service interoperability with other telecommunication networks, numbering, signalling requirements and protocol aspects, security and infrastructure component costs;

c) that a general cooperation agreement between ITU-T and the Internet Society (ISOC) and its Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has recently been established,


a) that IP-based networks have evolved to a widely accessible medium used for global commerce and communication, and there is therefore a need to identify the global activities related to IP-based networks with respect to, for example:

i) infrastructure, interoperability and standardization;

ii) Internet naming and addressing;

iii) dissemination of information about IP-based networks and the implications of its development for ITU Member States, particularly the least developed countries;

b) that significant work is being conducted within the ITU and many other international bodies on IP-related issues;

c) that it is in the public interest that IP-based networks and other telecommunication networks should be able to interoperate so as to provide the quality of service required by users,


a) ITU-T to continue its collaborative activities on IP-based networks with ISOC/IETF;

b) all Sectors to consider their future work program on IP-based networks,


1 that ITU shall fully embrace the opportunities for telecommunications development that arise from the growth of IP-based services;

2 that ITU shall clearly identify, for its Member States and Sector Members and for the general public, the range of Internet-related issues that fall within the responsibilities incumbent on the Union under its Constitution;

3 that ITU shall collaborate with other relevant organizations to ensure that growth in IP networking delivers maximum benefits to the global community, and participate as appropriate in any directly related international initiative,

instructs the Secretary-General

1 to prepare a report to the Council, as soon as possible, with the appropriate input from Member States, Sector Members, the three Sectors and the General Secretariat that provides a comprehensive summary both of the activities that ITU is already undertaking in regard to IP-based networks and of the roles and activities of other relevant international organizations, describing their involvement in IP-based network issues; the report shall indicate the degree of cooperation between ITU and these organizations, drawing the required information wherever possible from existing sources and shall be distributed widely among the Member States and Sector Members, the advisory bodies of the three Sectors and other groups involved;

2 based on this report, to consult with other international bodies on any need for ITU to start additional collaborative activities related to IP-based networks,

invites the Council

to consider the above-mentioned report and, if appropriate, recommend further steps,

invites the Member States and Sector Members

1 to participate in and follow the progress of the current work of the Sectors of the Union;

2 to increase the awareness at national level among all interested non-governmental parties and to encourage their participation in relevant ITU activities.n

Produced by ITU Press & Public Information Service

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