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التزام بتوصيل العالم

المركز الإعلامي • مستقبل النطاق العريض

© International Telecommunication Union 2011
For additional language versions, media may make their own translation of the text, but ITU must be cited as the original source.

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The Broadband Future

Broadband is today’s transformational technology, taking us in exciting new directions...

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L'avenir est au large bande

Le large bande est la technologie d'aujourd'hui qui va nous faire basculer dans une nouvelle ère et nous ouvre de nouvelles perspectives très prometteuses...

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El futuro de banda ancha

La banda ancha es la tecnología transformadora que nos abre nuevos horizontes apasionantes...

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Широкополосное будущее

Широкополосная связь – это современная трансформационная технология, уносящая нас в интересных новых направлениях...

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مستقبل النطاق العريض

النطاق العريض يغير اليوم شكل التكنولوجيا، ويأخذنا في اتجاهات جديدة مثيرة ...

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© International Telecommunication Union 2011
For additional language versions, media may make their own translation of the text, but ITU must be cited as the original source.


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