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 Joint ITU-T Workshop and IMTC Forum 2006 on "H.323, SIP: is H.325 next?"
Joint ITU-T Workshop and IMTC Forum 2006 on "H.323, SIP: is H.325 next?"
San Diego, California, USA, 9-11 May 2006


Opening Session
Mr. Istvan Sebestyen  
Istvan Sebestyen is currently Director of Multimedia and Applications Standards at Siemens Communications in Munich, Germany. He has been with Siemens in Munich since 1985. He has 20 years of telecommunication standardization experience in CCITT, ITU-T, ISO/IEC, ETSI and DIN. He has been ITU-T Rapporteur on still picture coding (JPEG, JBIG) between 1987-2000. He has been Director of the International Multimedia Telecommunication Consortium (IMTC) since 1999, and its President since 2001.

He has studied and received his Diploma in Electrical Engineering at Technical University of Budapest (1970), and got his PhD in Electrical Engineering also at the Technical University of Budapest (1974). He has been teaching at the Technical University of Graz in Austria and at the University of Klagenfurt also in Austria. He has authored about 100 science papers, two books, and got about 15 patents awarded.

Mr. Senthil Sengodan  
Senthil Sengodan is currently Site Manager of Nokia Research Center, San Diego and Group Manager of the Systems and Services Security Group. He joined Nokia in 1997. During the course of his tenure at Nokia, Senthil has led many research projects, including those dealing with IP Telephony, Cellular Networks Security and Identity Management. He has been an active participant of various standardization bodies, including ITU-T, ETSI, IETF, OASIS and OMA, as well as consortia such as the Liberty Alliance, the International Multimedia Telecommunications Consortium (IMTC), the Value Added Service Alliance (VASA) Forum, and the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF).

Senthil has been an active contributor to Nokia’s overall vision and strategy in the Security research area. He has recently been leading an effort that uses financial and business models in order to strategically analyze research investments, and suitably guide such investments towards their revenue-generating potential. He was a member of the Nokia Americas Y2K Steering Group during 1999 – 2000.

Senthil has five issued patents and more than thirty five refereed conference and journal papers. He is co-author of the book “IP Telephony with H.323,” published in 2001, and chapter author of the book “Wireless IP and Building the Mobile Internet”. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the VASA Forum between 2001 and 2004, and has been a member of the Board of Directors of the IMTC since 2003. He is a member of the Engineering Honor Societies Eta Kappa Nu and Tau Beta Pi. Senthil holds a B.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras, a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, both in Electrical Engineering, and an MBA from Wharton.

Mr. Jim Polizotto  
IMTC Secretary
Jim is a Vice President of Global Inventures, Inc. Jim has extensive experience in networking, video streaming and standards based systems technology. Jim joined Global Inventures in November 2000. Jim has been IMTC Secretary since 2001.

From 1994 until November 2000, Jim held several engineering director level positions for CLI and VTEL. His primary focus was to ensure the timely release and interoperability of videoconferencing products. In January 2000 Jim was appointed Director of Operations of Onscreen24, a wholly owned subsidiary of VTEL, created to focus on Internet based software development.

Prior to 1994, Jim helped create a multimedia development laboratory for IBM in the heart of Silicon Valley, and he was responsible for delivering many successful products to the marketplace. Among his more significant multimedia accomplishments at IBM, Jim's organization developed an Internet based multimedia video streaming server in 1993 that was voted Best New Product at Spring COMDEX 1993 by Byte Magazine. Prior to that he was responsible for introducing several OSI products to the marketplace. Jim has been a strong advocate of international standards throughout his career. He served on the IMTC Board of Directors from 1995 to 2000 and has a BA from the University of Rochester in New York.

Mr. Kari Pulli  
Research Fellow at Nokia
Kari Pulli is a Research Fellow at Nokia Research Center and currently also a Visiting Scientist at MIT. He has been an active contributor to several mobile graphics standards and heads most graphics research activities at Nokia. Kari has a PhD in computer science from University of Washington and Lic. Tech., M.Sc., and EMBA from University of Oulu. Before Nokia Kari has worked on graphics at Stanford University, Alias|Wavefront, SGI, and Microsoft.

Session 1: Real-time conferencing / conversation
Mr. Pierre-André Probst  
Chair, ITU-T SG 16
OFCOM/ Switzerland
Mr Pierre-André Probst has been a major contributor to the ITU-T work, starting back in 1970s as a delegate, then WP Chair and Study Group Chairman in the 1993-1996 Study Period. Since 1997 he is the chair of SG 16 where he has helped flourish the multimedia work in ITU–from modems to videoconferencing and VoIP to audio and video coding–and has significantly contributed to the organization of many ITU-T workshops and related events. In parallel with his ITU-T participation, he led a very active professional life at Swisscom with a full range of responsibilities; starting as an Engineer, he retired a few years ago as Member of the Management Board and Executive Vice President for Corporate Operations. Now he acts as independent consultant in the area of ICT.

Mr. Dave Lindbergh 
Rapporteur Q23/16
Polycom Inc., USA
Dave Lindbergh directs the standardization activities of the video division of Polycom Inc. Dave has been active in US and international standardization work since 1993, including Committee T1, TIA, IETF, ISO/IEC and ITU, where he was a principal contributor to ITU-T Recommendations H.223, H.224, H.281, and V.140, served as editor for Recs. H.226, H.239, H.241, and H.324, and as chairman of the H.324 Systems Experts group, the H.264 Requirements Profiles and Levels group, and the H.264 Applications ad-hoc group. He is currently Rapporteur for ITU-T Study Group 16 Question 23, Media Coding.
In the IMTC, Dave chairs the Requirements Work Group and co-chairs the Media Processing and IPR Activity Groups, as well as serving on the Board of Directors. Dave is a co-author of Digital Compression for Multimedia: Principles and Standards (Morgan Kaufmann, 1998), a contributor to Multimedia Communications (Academic Press, 2001) and the Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications (John Wiley & Sons, 2002). In 2002 he received an IMTC Leadership Award for his contributions to the standards community. In 1990 Dave co-founded CD Atlas Company, a multimedia mapping startup. As a consulting engineer, he designed modem protocols and software, and developed the APT (Asynchronous Performance Tester) data communications measurement tool used in the modem industry. In 1981 Dave founded Lindbergh Systems, maker of OMNITERM data communications software. He is credited with two patents in the field of data compression and data communications.

Mr. Paul E. Jones 
Voice Architect, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Paul Jones has been involved in research and development of protocols and system architectures in the area of multimedia communications, including voice, video, and data conferencing over IP networks, since 1996. In addition to architecture and software development activities within Cisco Systems' Voice Technology Group, Mr. Jones has actively participated in a number of standards and industry organizations, including the ITU, TIA, IETF, ETSI, and the IMTC. Most notably, he served as editor of ITU-T Recommendation H.323 and currently serves as Rapporteur for ITU-T Q.2/16. He has also authored or co-authored several IETF RFCs. Most recently, he has been heavily involved standards work in the ITU-T, TIA, and the IETF to resolve issues with transporting textphone ("TTY") signals over IP networks ("Text over IP" or ToIP).

Dr. Stephan Wenger 
Dr. Stephan Wenger, born in 1965, is a Principal Scientist at the Nokia Research Center, working on visual coding and transport technologies and standards. He also holds a position as an Adjunct Professor at the Technical University Tampere, Finland. Prior joining Nokia, Dr. Wenger acted as Assistant Professor in the EECS department of the Technical University Berlin. He also, as an independent consultant, advised a number of companies including Teles AG, Polycom, Siemens, Microsoft, and Intel. He serves on the Board of Directors of UB Video Inc, and on several advisory boards.

Dr. Wenger’s interests are in protocol design and media coding. He has authored or co-authored journal and conference publications, standardization contributions, Internet RFCs, and book chapters. He is also active in the IETF and recently in 3GPP. Dr. Wenger received the Dipl.-Inf. and Dr.-Ing. degrees in Computer Science from Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, in 1989 and 1995, respectively.

Mr. Richard Brennan 
Richard Brennan has over 30 years of telecommunications experience, and has spent the last decade promoting interoperability and global VoIP standards. Richard is actively involved in international standards organizations including ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute. At ETSI, Richard is a Vice-Chairman of TISPAN, the technical group responsible for the convergence towards NGN, and serves as Co-Chair of the TISPAN Architecture Working Group (WG2).

Richard is SVP Technology Strategy at Tello Corporation, a B-round start-up located in California. Prior to Tello Corporation, Richard was the Founding Partner at Telxxis, an international consulting organization and held roles at Clarent and at GRIC focused on VoIP architectures. He earlier spent 25 years at AT&T involved in network design and applications development. Richard is a past recipient of the AT&T President's Award and the IMTC Team Innovator Award.

Mr. Tyler Miller Johnson  
Director of Telecommunications Research and Development, Acting
Information Technology Services, University of North Carolina
Professional Activities
  1. International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T). Member of Study Group 16 setting international standards under United Nations charter for multimedia conferencing. Served as editor for Recommendations H.350 and federated architectures.
  2. ViDe (Video Development initiative), founding member. Was one of the principles in establishing the Video Development initiative for the promotion and development of digital video technologies in higher education.
  3. Internet2 Digital Video Initiative, founding member. Participated in the founding of the Internet2 Digital Video Initiative, coordinating the development of digital video across Internet2.
  4. Internet2 Commons, founding member. Participated in the founding and Management Team for the Internet2 Commons, bringing mixed protocol video, voice and data services to Internet2 members and international partners.
  5. North Carolina Networking Initiative. Engineer for emerging collaborative technologies surrounding the NC GigaPOP and Triangle universities including, North Carolina State, The University of North Carolina, and Duke University.
  6. Large Scale Video Network Prototype (LSVNP). Co-PI on research project funded by the Southeastern Universities Research Assocation aimed at uncovering issues associated with large scale video over IP deployments.
  7. ViDeNet, chief architect. Lead designer of the management infrastructure for ViDeNet, the world’s largest multi-zone public H.323 video network interconnecting hundreds of universities and research networks world wide.
  8. NSF ViDe.Net Middleware. Co-PI on National Science Foundation grant no. 0222710, 'ViDe.Net: Middleware for Scalable Video Services for Research and Higher Education' which created directory enabled SIP and H.323 systems and standards. (
  9. Internet2 SCT. PI for Internet2's Secure Conferencing Thread creating architectures and standards for federated identity management, authentication and authorization for real time collaboration protocols.
  1. [ 10/04 ] - present Director of Telecommunications Research and Development, Acting
    Information Technology Services, University of North Carolina
  2. [ 9/98 - 9/04 ] - Telecommunications Systems Analyst
    Assistant Director, Video Networking
    Information Technology Services, University of North Carolina
  3. [ 7/96 - 8/98 ] - Telecommunications Systems Analyst, joint appointment
    Academic Technology and Networking, University of North Carolina
    Department of Communication Studies, University of North Carolina
  4. [ 11/91 - 6/96 ] - Television Engineer, Director of Operations
    Department of Communication Studies, University of North Carolina
  5. [ 7/89 - 7/91 ] - Chief Engineer
    Main Street Productions, Richmond, VA
  • Targeted Coursework in Internet Media-Related Technology Issues
    (video and image compression algorithms, object technology, operating systems)
    Portland State University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Certificate in Computer Programming, 12/95
    North Carolina State University, College of Engineering
  • B.S., Electronics Engineering Technology, 2/87
    DeVry Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Mr. Peter Saint-Andre 
the Jabber Software
Foundation (JSF)
Peter Saint-Andre is Executive Director of the Jabber Software Foundation (JSF), Director of Standards at Jabber Inc., Chair of the Jabber Council, and managing editor of the JSF's standards process. He has been contributing to the Jabber/XMPP community since late 1999, focusing on protocol documentation and development as editor of the XMPP RFCs and author of countless XMPP protocol extensions. He also publishes the Jabber Journal and keeps a weblog, which is syndicated at Planet Jabber.

Ms. Andrea Saks 
Independent Accessibility Consultant
Andrea Saks has been involved in deaf telecommunications since the mid 1960s and is the daughter of one of the deaf founders of the US TDD/TTY system. The United States was the first country to have deaf telecommunications. The deaf community was in fact the first group to embrace text communications for personal communication over the telephone network long before the Internet.

Because her mother went to a deaf school in Great Britain and at the request of her mother’s school friends, Ms. Saks was sent to set up the first deaf telephone system in the UK with the Breakthrough Trust in January 1973. She also organized the first Deaf Transatlantic call in 1975 involving the US Embassy, Lord Ashley (formerly Mr. Jack Ashley MP), and Ambassador Elliot Richardson from London to the Department of Health Education and Welfare in Washington DC, demonstrating the need for telephone compatibility for deaf people. When other countries including the UK began developing and using devices that were incompatible with the US system, Ms. Saks began her vocation of advising as many organizations, government bodies and businesses as possible on issues related to deaf telecommunications, worldwide telecommunication compatibility and civil rights issues for the disabled.

Since 1991 starting with CCITT SG17, Ms Saks has been a delegate on US delegations to various ITU-T study groups; advising on accessibility. As the SG groups and ITU-T changed and evolved, so did the work of Ms. Saks change; to include many more accessibility issues and aspects other than those that just affect the deaf community with regard to equal access to ICT.

Ms. Saks has advised the Federal Communications Commission and US State Department, and other regulatory bodies worldwide over the years. She also advised many telecommunications companies, manufactures of devices, network builders, emergencies, relay services and worked with, numerous deaf organizations throughout the world. . Her involvement promoting equal access in telecommunications has spanned over 40 years.

Ms. Saks is privately funded and has no commercial interest in her activities. Both her parents were deaf and she was the “deaf telephone” for her family from the age of two years until the TDD/TTY liberated her. Her strong interest is not only inspired by those who need to have access but for those who have in the past given and still give access to telecommunications without recompense or recognition. They are the children, family members and friends of those who need the access that industry still does not adequately provide.

Dr. Yoichi Kato 
VP and General Manager, Web Conference Systems, NTT-IT Corp.
Currently Yoichi Kato leads the Web Conference business MeetingPlaza of NTT-IT Corp., a subsidiary in the NTT group. MeetingPlaza is one of the most successful Web Conference technologies in Japan providing systems and services to more than 1,200 companies. Noticing the lack of flexibility in H.26x for multi-user communications (such as sessions with more than 20 locations), he designed a new video communication system for MeetingPlaza.

Yoichi Kato has been working in research and development of video conferencing systems for more than 22 years since he joined NTT Laboratories. In late 1980s, he actively contributed to the Specialist Group in SG15/ITU-T for making H.261, the most epoch-making video compression standard including commonly used elements in H.26x and MPEGx (such as DCT/MC/VLC, etc).

He received BS and MS degrees both in electrical engineering from Chiba University, Chiba Japan in 1982 and 1984 respectively. In 1994, he earned a Ph.D. from University of Tokyo.

Session 3: New Developments on Media Codecs  
Mr. Ajay Luthra  
Sr. Director
Ajay Luthra received his B.E. (Hons) from BITS, Pilani, India in 1975, M.Tech. in Communications Engineering from IIT Delhi in 1977 and Ph.D. from Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania in 1981. From 1981 to 1984 he was a Senior Engineer at Interspec Inc., where he was involved in applications of Digital Signal and Image Processing for Bio-medical applications. From 1984 to 1995 he was at Tektronix Inc., where from 1985 - 1990 he was manager of Digital Signal and Picture Processing Group and from 1990 - 1995 he was Director of Communications / Video Systems Research Lab. He is currently a Senior Director in Advanced Technology Group at Connected Home Solutions, Motorola Inc., where he is involved in advanced development work in the areas of Digital Video Compression & Processing, Streaming Video, Interactive TV, Cable Head-End system design, Advanced Set Top Box architectures and IPTV.

He has been an active member of MPEG committee for more than twelve years where he has chaired several technical sub-groups and pioneered the MPEG-2 extensions for studio applications. He is currently an associate rapporteur/co-chair of Joint Video Team (JVT) consisting of ISO/MPEG and ITU-T/VCEG experts working on developing next generation of video coding standard known as MPEG-4 Part 10 AVC / H.264. He was also U.S.A. Head of Delegates (HoD) to MPEG. He was an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (2000-2002) and also a Guest Editor for its Special Issues on H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard, July 2003 and Streaming Video, March 2001.

He holds 29 patents, has published more than 30 papers and has been a guest speaker in numerous conferences.

Ms. Claude Lamblin 
Vice Chair ITU-T SG 16, France Telecom
Born on 12 March 1959 in France, Claude Lamblin graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Telecommunications de Bretagne in 1983, and received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Sherbrooke University, Sherbrooke, Canada, in 1988. In 1983, she joined France Telecom Research Center (CNET) and studied speech and audio coding. Since 1989, she has been taking an active part in the standardization process of speech coding algorithms in ETSI and ITU-T. She is a Senior Research Engineer in the Speech and Sound Technologies & Processing Laboratory of France Telecom Research and Development Center where she managed R&D projects on compression and multidimensional representation of multimedia content.

In 2003, she received the Blondel Medal awarded within the French Electricity, Electronics and information and communication technologies Company (SEE) for her studies on algebraic vector quantization and their application to audio compression standards.

Since 2002, she is the Rapporteur of ITU-T Question 10/16 that deals with the maintenance and extension of existing voice coding standards and software tools for signal processing standardization activities. In October 2004, Ms Lamblin was elected vice-chair of ITU-T Study Group 16, Lead Study Group on multimedia terminals, systems and applications. Since then, she chairs SG16 Working Group 3 on Media Coding.

Dr. Christophe Beaugeant 
Siemens Corporate Technlogy
Christophe Beaugeant received engineering degree from the Institut National des Telecommunications, France, in 1996, and Ph. D. degree in Signal Processing and Telecommunications from the University of Rennes, France, in 1999.

From 1996 to 1999, he worked at France Telecom R&D as research student to develop system for echo cancellation and noise reduction in car environment.

In 1999, he joined Siemens, Munich, Germany, where he hold several positions in R&D. Research engineer and project leader in speech signal processing for Siemens Mobile Phones, he developed with his team complete systems for audio enhancement and audio applications. In 2004, he became team leader Multimedia, dealing with multimedia applications, standards codecs and Software architecture integrated in mobile terminals. In 2006, he joined Siemens Corporate Technology, Munich where he is responsible within Siemens for R&D projects dealing with innovative speech codecs, speech enhancement and advanced multimedia systems.

Dr. Imre Varga
Siemens AG
I. Varga received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. (summa cum laude) degrees in 1982 and 1985, respectively. He served as lecturer at the Technical University of Budapest, Hungary between 1984 and 1990, working on the areas of network and filter theory, sigmadelta modulators, and adaptive filtering. Between 1990 and 1994, he was responsible for development of signal processing algorithms for professional audio at Barco-EMT in Germany. He worked at Thomson Multimedia Corporate Research in Hannover, Germany between 1994-1997 as project leader and Technical Advisor for multimedia communication, speech coding, audio processing, and command-and-control systems.

Between 1998 and 2005, he served as department head at Siemens Mobile Phones in Munich, Germany, with focus on speech coding, transmission and multimedia applications for mobile telephony. Since 2005, he is head of research activities for speech and audio processing at Siemens Corporate Technology, Munich.

I. Varga serves as delegate and chairman of standardization groups for speech coding at ITU-T, 3GPP and IMTC. He is author of a number of technical papers and patents. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.

Dr. Joan L. Mitchell 
IBM Printing Systems Division
Dr. Joan L. Mitchell received B.S., M.S., and PhD. degrees in physics before joining the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. After working there 14 years, she worked for three years in IBM Marketing before returning to the IBM Research Division. In 1994 she took a two year leave of absence and then returned to the IBM. In 1999 she moved to Boulder, CO to work with the IBM Printing Systems Division. She became an IEEE Fellow in 1999. She is a member of APS, IEEE, IS&T, and Sigma Xi and co-inventor on 68 patents. She was made an IBM Fellow in 2001. In 2004 she was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

Since 1976 she has worked in the field of image processing and data compression. She participated in standardizing the two-dimensional data compression in 1978 – 1979. From 1987 - 1994 she was a member of the Joint Photographic Experts Group. She is the editor of JPEG Part 1. She has co-authored books on JPEG and MPEG and edited books on MPEG-2, data compression in systems, and audio compression.

Ms. Susie Wee 
Director, Mobile & Media Systems Lab
HP Labs
Susie Wee is the Director of the Mobile and Media Systems Lab in HP Labs. She is responsible for research programs in multimedia, networked sensing, next-generation mobile multimedia systems, and experience design. Her lab has activities in the US, Japan, and England, and includes collaborations with partners around the world. Wee's research interests broadly embrace the design of mobile streaming media systems, secure scalable streaming methods, and efficient video delivery algorithms. In addition to her work at HP Labs, Wee is a consulting assistant professor at Stanford University. She received Technology Review's Top 100 Young Investigators award in 2002, served as an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and IEEE Transactions on Circuits, Systems, and Video Technologies. She is currently a co-editor of the JPEG-2000 Security standard (JPSEC). Wee received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Session 4: IPTV
Mr. Ralf Schäfer 
Dipl.-Ing., Thomson
Ralf received his engineering degree (Dipl.–Ing.) from the University of Kaiserslautern/Germany in 1993 and joined the Thomson R&D labs in France in the same year.

During his career he worked on various projects dealing with interactive television and A/V networking - partly in product development and partly in research.

Today Ralf is “Program Manager for Broadband Electronic Content Distribution” in Thomson Technology Division and works on IPTV systems in collaboration with Business Units of his company.

In parallel he chairs the DVB commercial groups on IPTV and Home Networking.

Ralf is married, has two children and is fluent in German, French and English.

Mr. Noel Matthews 
VP of Global Business Development, TANDBERG Television - UK
Noel Matthews is responsible for the global roll-out of TANDBERG Television's on-demand, interactive and mobile TV solutions. These bring together the company’s technology and expertise in video compression, on-demand and interactive entertainment to deliver a complete set of solutions that enable content owners, programmers, network operators and broadcasters to launch next generation TV services today and to create new advertising models.

The role sees him work with major global content owners, operators and telcos in the IPTV space who are launching interactive TV services over their DSL and FTTH networks. A strong commercial player, Noel has been with TANDBERG Television for almost a decade, having first joined the company as MPEG-2 Product Line Manager when the company was known as NTL.

Noel has held a number of business development roles at TANDBERG Television for both traditional digital broadcasting markets and in new markets such as IPTV, cable, VOD and wireless links. Prior to working in the TV market, Noel was involved in the mobile phone and paging market both as an engineer and subsequently as a marketing manager.

Ms. Orit Levin 
Microsoft TV Group
Microsoft Corporation
Ms. Orit Levin is a Standardization Strategies Program Manager in Microsoft TV Group. Orit has over 15 years of development, management, and standardization experience with a broad range of networking technologies. In her previous role in Microsoft Real Time Communications (RTC) (today “Microsoft Office Unified Communications”), she was in charge of SIP-related technologies coordination inside and outside Microsoft. Orit’s main focus has been on SIP-based communications between federated domains and the conferencing standardization work in the IETF Centralized Conferencing (XCON) WG. Orit is the author of several IETF RFCs and drafts. Earlier, as Chief Architect at RADVISION Inc., she was an active contributor to the ITU-T Study Group 16 and the H.323 protocol work. Orit holds an engineering degree with Cum Laude in Computer Science from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa.

Mr. Yoshinori Goto 
Senior Research Engineer, NTT
Yoshinori Goto is a senior research engineer of Access Network Systems Laboratories, NTT. Since 1998, he has been engaged in the development of broadband IP applications and CATV systems such as VoIP, STB and cable modem. His research interests also include IPTV and home networking.

He received B. E. and M. E. degrees in applied physics from Tohoku University, Japan, in 1992 and 1994, respectively. He is an active participant for Japanese domestic standardization bodies, JCTEA (Japan Cable Television Engineering Association) and JCL (Japan Cable Laboratories). Also, he is a rappouteur for Q.12 of ITU-T SG9 and a member of IEICE (the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers).

Mr. Kaynam Hedayat 
CTO & Vice President, Engineering
Brix Networks
Kaynam Hedayat is Vice President, Engineering, and CTO at Brix Networks. He earned a Master’s of Engineering degree from Cornell University, and a B.S. degree in Computer Engineering from Northeastern University.

Session 5: Mobile Multimedia Technologies
Dr. Marwan Jabri 
CTO & Founder
Dilithium Networks,
Petaluma, California
Dr. Marwan Jabri brings nearly twenty years of research and development expertise in multimedia communications systems and intelligent signal processing including voice and video compression and transcoding, and multimedia quality of service over narrow and broadband networks. Dr. Jabri is also the founder of Macchina, the predecessor to Dilithium Networks, and acted as both the driving technical force as well as CEO. He has significant expertise in media communications protocols and their implementation inside real time systems, and was closely involved with the ITU in the development of the ITU H.324/H.324M standards.

As Professor of Computer Engineering, University of Sydney (January 1996 - July 2001), and the Gordon & Betty Moore endowed Chair Professor, the Oregon Health and Sciences University (OHSU) (January 2000 - 2005), Dr. Jabri is the author or co-author of 2 books, several patents and over 150 technical publications in leading international journals and conferences.

He was the founder of the Systems Engineering and Design Automation Laboratory (SEDAL) at the University of Sydney, a world class research and development laboratory in its areas of activities. SEDAL undertook substantial commercial contracts for major Japanese and British companies in the area of real-time image and video compression. Dr. Jabri was also awarded the Outstanding Young Investigator Medal by the Australian Telecommunication and Electronics Research Board for contributions to the application of artificial intelligence techniques to real-world problems.

Dr. Jabri has been a Visiting Scientist at the Salk Institute, San Diego, California and at Bell Laboratories, New Jersey. Dr. Jabri holds a License de Physique and a Maitrise de Physique, University of Paris 7, France, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Sydney.

Dr. Leo Lehmann 
Rapporteuer ITU-T Q.29/16 Mobility for Multimedia Systems and Services
Federal Office of Communication (OFCOM), Switzerland
Dr. Lehmann is working as a Senior Technical Expert for Fix and Mobile Networks at the Federal Office of Communication (OFCOM) in Switzerland. Leo represents OFCOM within the Study Group 16 of ITU-T (Multimedia Services) as Rapporteur in the area of Mobility Management. Furthermore he acts as Liaison Officer of ITU-T Study Group 16 towards ITU Study Groups SG13 (NGN) as well as SG19 (Mobility, Fix/ Mobile Convergence). In 1991 Leo earned his degree of Doctor Electrical Engineering from the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Germany. Leo has been working since 15 years in the telecommunication business, being responsible as senior manger and expert for system and network design and engineering. He is member of the Technical Program Committee of “International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS)” and a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars

  Mr. Jeff Cortley  
Director, Product Management
Service Enablement and Emerging Applications
Lucent Technology
Jeff Cortley is Director, Product Management for Service Enablement and Emerging Applications for Lucent Technologies. He leads an organization that manages a portfolio of applications that enable fixed, mobile, and converged network operators to deliver personalized, contextual, media rich services to their subscribers.

Most recently Jeff was Director, Mobility Strategy & Business Development where he oversaw the strategic direction and growth of Lucent's Mobility Business Unit. His team was responsible for developing the strategic vision and business roadmap to drive the expansion of Lucent's Mobility Solutions in the global market through business development, industry analysis, marketing communication, and global alliances.

Previously Jeff was Director of Marketing and Strategy for Lucent's e-Services Group where he led the integration and rationalization of the messaging, billing, and intelligent network product portfolios. During this time Lucent's software applications grew to a billion dollar business with greater than 50% annual growth.

In 1999, he was appointed General Manager PacketINTM Solutions where he launched and managed a start up unit that brought to market a line of internet application servers and web service software applications.

In 1994, he was named Director OneOS Broadband Solutions. In that role he led the systems engineering, marketing, product management, and finance teams that developed a world-class broadband network operations system.

Jeff began his career with AT&T Network Systems in 1984. His early assignments were in strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions, venture capital, product management and sales.

He holds a B.S. degree in Technology Management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a MBA in Business, Economics, and Public Policy from The George Washington University.

Mr. Deepak Kamlani  
President and CEO of Global Inventures, Inc.
Deepak Kamlani is President and CEO of Global Inventures, Inc., a privately held firm that creates and manages consortia developing industry driven Information and Communications Technology standards. Inventures enables strategic collaboration between stakeholders, ecosystem growth and business process outsourcing. Since 1993, Inventures has helped create, structure, and grow ecosystems (Including the IMTC) in the communications infrastructure, wired and wireless broadband connectivity, networked devices, multimedia applications and enterprise software segments. These ecosystems represent more than 2,000 tech firms around the world. The firm also produces conferences, provides diligence services to venture capital companies, and 'C' level technology strategy consulting services to enterprises. More information is at

Deepak founded Global Inventures as Interprise Ventures after the company he worked for, Centex Telemanagement, Inc. was acquired by MFS Communications (now MCI) in 1994. His experience is in voice, data, and video products and services on enterprise, home, building, and wide area networks that utilize Switched, IP, and wireless infrastructure and he has held P and L management, and senior marketing, product management and strategy and business development roles for leading US, UK, and Japanese high tech companies.

He graduated with an Honours degree in Physical Chemistry from University College, University of London, in 1979, and a M.Sc. in Management from The Imperial College of Science and Technology, also in the University of London, in 1981.

He plans to play in a blues band when he grows up.

Mr. Ralph Neff  
PacketVideo Corporation
Ralph Neff received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1992, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California at Berkeley in 1994 and 2000, respectively. He worked as a researcher at UC Berkeley's Video and Image Processing (VIP) lab, where he developed the first efficient video compression algorithms based on Matching Pursuits. Dr. Neff has been the recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, and the Okawa Foundation Fellowship. He received a Best Student Paper Award for a paper presented at the 1999 International Conference on Image Processing, and is the co-recipient (with Dr. Avideh Zakhor) of an IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Best Paper Award. He has been active in standardization bodies, attending MPEG during the development of the MPEG-4 standard, and later participating in 3GPP, 3GPP2, Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), and Wireless Multimedia Forum (WMF). He is a strong supporter of open interoperability testing groups, and currently serves as co-chair of the Packet-Switched Streaming Services Activity Group (PSS-AG) within the International Multimedia Telecommunications Consortium (IMTC), and also as co-chair of the Interoperability Working Group in the MPEG Industry Forum (MPEGIF). He led the efforts to establish the MPEGIF Logo Qualification program, a self-qualification program for H.264 / MPEG-4 part 10 video codec solutions. Ralph is currently a Senior Member of Technical Staff at PacketVideo, which develops cutting edge multimedia solutions for mobile phones and other embedded devices. He is in charge of Standards and Interoperability testing, and leads the development of new technologies for 2-way multimedia communications.



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