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12th GSR: Why regulate in a Networked Society?


PDF version of the detailed programme in English

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Wednesday 3 October 2012

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 09:00 - 10:30          SESSION 4   Blurring boundaries: Global and regional IP interconnection


Moderator: Dr Eugene Juwah, Executive Vice Chairman and CEO, Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC), Nigeria


Presentation of the GSR discussion paper on Global and regional IP interconnection, Mr Dennis Weller, Senior Advisor, Navigant Economics | presentation |


Interactive panel discussion

  • Addressing the remaining bottlenecks: should IP interconnection be regulated?

  • What kind of dispute resolution mechanisms to adopt at regional and international levels? What enforcement measures work in competitive environment

  • Should regulators be involved in wholesale charging agreements? How is international IP interconnection affected by net neutrality and international internet connectivity?


10:30 - 10:45          COFFEE BREAK


10:45 - 12:00          SESSION 5  Demystifying regulation in the Cloud: Opportunities and challenges for cloud computing


Moderator: Ms Marianne Treschow, Representative, Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO)


Presentation of the GSR discussion paper on Demystifying regulation in the cloud: opportunities and challenges for cloud computing, Dr Ian Walden, Professor of Information and Communications Law and Head, Institute of Computer and Communications Law, Queen Mary, University of London | presentation |


Interactive panel discussion

  • Understanding the concept and the social and economic benefits and impact on SMEs, public entities and end users

  • How are new players such social media, over the top content and application providers changing market dynamics through cloud services?

  • Whose responsibility is it? If the ICT regulator is not in charge of IT, what role for the ICT Regulator? How to balance the need for regulation without stifling innovation? What role for governments: users and facilitators?


12:00 - 14:15          LUNCH


14:15 - 15:45          SESSION 6  Dark clouds: Safety and security on the net


Moderator:  Dr Imad Hoballah, Acting Chairman and CEO, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Lebanon  | presentation |


Presentation of the GSR discussion paper on The Cloud: data protection and privacy: whose cloud is it anyway?, Ms Stephanie Liston, Senior Counsel, Charles Russell | presentation |


Interactive panel discussion

  • Over view of online threats from a user’s perspective: data protection and privacy issues. Are these rights different in the cloud? How to ensure any-time reliable access to cloud services? What role for regulators?

  • From a commercial point of view: importance of data security and reliability, defining applicable jurisdictions, managing risks, etc.

  • Balancing free flow of information/communications with security concerns


15:45 - 16:00         COFFEE BREAK


16:00 - 17:15          SESSION 7   Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP): Innovation strategies for bringing broadband closer



Moderator: Mr Ananda Raj Khanal, Director (Acting Chief of Office), Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA), Nepal and Chairman of RA


Presentation of the ITU Broadband Report on Developing successful Public-Private Partnerships to foster investment in universal broadband networks, Dr Matt Yardley, Partner, Analysys Mason | presentation |


Presentation on leveraging new mobile accessibility solutions for the next billion users, Mr Axel Leblois, Executive Director, G3ict, Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs



Interactive panel discussion

  • Developing successful public-private-partnerships to foster investment in broadband NGN networks

  • What works? Bottom up or top down approaches? Where to invest?

  • How does pursuing the accessibility market open new business opportunities?

  • Understanding who the non-adopters are and marketing services for their needs

  • What role for the regulator? How can regulators promote accessibility and inclusion for today’s non-adopters? Should the regulator monitor investment? What regulatory incentives to provide?



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Updated : 2012-12-17