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Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG)

Summary of the TDAG WGs activities, 2007-2010

During the period 2007-2010, TDAG had the following working groups: the Working Group on Private Sector issues (WG/PS), the Working Group on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Project Implementation, the Working Group on Human Resource Development (WGHRD), and the Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF). Summaries of the outcomes of the TDAG working group meetings can be found below (in English only). For the full working group meeting reports, in all six languages, please reference the TDAG website. 


               TDAG WORKING GROUP MEETINGS           

1             Working Group on Private Sector issues (WG/PS)   

2             Working Group on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Project Implementation     

3             Working Group on Human Resource Development (WGHRD)            

4             Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF)      




TDAG working group meetings

1          Working Group on Private Sector issues (WG/PS)

The Working Group on Private Sector issues (WG/PS) held four meetings during the period covered by this report. The meeting summaries can be found at:

·               Fifth Meeting of the Working Group on Private Sector issues, 16-17 April 2007

Walda Roseman, Chairman of the WGPS, presented the report of the fifth meeting of WG/PS, which reaffirmed the important role of the Working Group in supporting the work of the BDT through the Group’s ability to bring together governmental, organizational and private sector representation and ensure the fruits of discussion were able to be capitalized upon by the ITU and the BDT, in particular. The most topical beneficiaries of the Group’s suggestions and proposals could be the Regions, whose project work would stand to gain from support in intra-regional contacts for fund-raising and project coordination purposes.

The meeting recalled that the WGPS is a working group of the TDAG and as such the findings of the group could only be suggested to the Director via TDAG. General agreement was expressed that the WGPS should be used as a forum to harness more Private Sector participation in the work of the BDT, not only in the form of high level (CEO) private sector participation in BDT meetings, but also in the encouragement of the presence of national-level subsidiary companies to ensure that information exchanges filter down to the national level in developing countries. As the telecommunications/ICT environment is fast-evolving, the private sector might also be called to provide a ‘vision of the future’.

Better use of electronic means was called for on a number of topics both by the WG/PS and the floor, as a promotional tool to showcase ITU-D projects, and as a working tool via the provision of active links in the online agenda to documents intended for further elaboration and discussion by the Group and its followers.

The Director of BDT welcomed the inputs of the working group, although he indicated that several of the report’s proposals were already well-reflected in the Sector’s work. In particular, the Director of BDT welcomed the willingness of the WGPS to help BDT in the preparation of an executive-level meeting in line with WTDC-06 Resolution 29.

At the end of discussions that became more general, the TDAG Chairman thanked the WGPS Chairman and all group participants for their contributions and summarized the agreed proposals as follows:

1.    Help Member States strengthen and harmonize policies and regulations to support growth of the sector (i.e. investment in infrastructure and services) and ensure a level playing field.

2.    Focus on policy and regulatory actions which promote low cost ICT access to broadband along with appropriate applications and services.

3.    Facilitate development of broadband infrastructure and regional interconnectivity, including regional Internet exchanges. Undertake a WGPS study, in cooperation with the ITU regional offices, to share experiences in this area, including technical, financial and legal issues, taking into consideration relevant outputs of ITU-D, ITU-T and ITU-R study groups.

4.    Encourage the capacity of the ITU regional offices to engage and communicate with the private sector, as well as coordinate activities in their region.

5.    Consolidate and expand the Centres of Excellence network to serve as hubs in the regions for capacity-building activities so that all regions will be better prepared to handle evolving technology developments and the needs of industry. Identify opportunities to associate existing centres of competence of external partners with the CoE network. Seek ways to increase participation, including more fellowships and lower costs of accessing training.

6.    Accord high priority to promoting special global initiatives emanating from WTDC 06, comprising youth and children, gender, indigenous peoples and communities, persons with disabilities, and those living in undeserved areas including inclusion of the Youth Forums and Telecommunication Development Symposia in all Regional and World ITU TELECOM events.

7.    Develop a space on the BDT website to showcase ITU-D projects as well as those of Sector Members.

8.    To allow a maximum of persons to participate actively in the work of the Sector, use electronic means of communication as much as possible.

9.    ITU website should reflect the decisions made during the 2006 Plenipotentiary Conferences regarding the use of official ITU languages.

10.  Subsidiaries of companies should be encouraged to join ITU-D as Sector Members in the countries where they operate.

11.  Sector members should be encouraged to contribute curricula and expertise to regional capacity-building activities identified by BDT and regional centres.

12.  Assist the Director, as requested, in organizing an executive-level meeting for Sector Members, open to all ITU Members, consistent with WTDC 06 Resolution 29. Through the TDAG Bureau, WGPS would be pleased to make proposals regarding the format, theme, timing and other considerations for such a meeting and to assist in the organization of the meeting, including outreach efforts to ensure significant private sector participation.

13.  Take the opportunity of any events where entities that could qualify for ITU-D Sector Membership are present to promote the benefits of ITU-D membership and participation in WGPS and its regional working parties. Subsidiaries of companies should be encouraged to join ITU-D as Sector Members in the countries where they operate.

14.  Prepare clear, detailed project proposals to fulfil the Regional Initiatives approved at WTDC-06. A number of Sector Members indicated that they are willing to lend their expertise to the development of such project proposals, based on the requirements identified by BDT and in accordance with ITU practices. The Regional Offices are invited to identify areas where Sector Members could get involved in these initiatives.

15.  Encourage the TDAG WGPS to allocate time during upcoming meetings to consider how Sector Members can help ITU-D implement the Strategic Plan, in addition to developing a private sector vision of future priorities and actions based on their understanding of the evolving telecommunication and ICT environment, which can be proposed to WTDC-10.

16.  Establish a reflector group for Working Group on Private Sector Issues and the Working Group on Human Resource Management to facilitate information sharing in between meetings.

·               Sixth Meeting of the Working Group on Private Sector issues, 4-5 February 2008

A number of proposals for increased participation of the private sector/Sector Members in the ITU-D programmes, activities, initiatives and study groups questions were made at the sixth WGPS meeting. Among other things, it was noted that there is a need to enhance the already good work in attracting new D-Sector Members and retaining existing ones. A number of observations and suggestions were made for TDAG to consider:

1.    TDAG encouraged the suggestion to conduct a broad assessment of what the BDT could do to attract new members, retain existing members and encourage their active engagement in the activities of the BDT.

2.    TDAG encouraged the BDT to provide more information on ICT/telecommunication development projects, particularly those that could interest small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

3.    TDAG encouraged the need for increased transparency in the project information provided, to ensure the tracking and reporting on all members’ contributions, not only those of Member States.

The BDT Secretariat noted that when a contribution is to be made to ITU-D, BDT first comes up with clear description of the activities, then a project document is prepared and, at the end of the project, a detailed project report is prepared showing how the funds have been utilized.

4.    In order to attract new potential ITU-D members, the WGPS suggested that more information be provided to help them better understand ITU rules and procedures. TDAG asked BDT to include more information on how to become an ITU-D member on the ITU website, as well as to enhance communication and promotion efforts to better convey how Sector Members can participate in ITU activities.

5.    & 6.  With regards to the WGPS suggestion that the use of available technologies (video, voice) be enhanced to make it easier and less costly for members to take part in ITU meetings, and thus encourage increased participation in ITU-D activities, TDAG proposed to the BDT Director to look for innovative ways to attract SMEs to take part in ITU-D activities.

TDAG supported the regional office in the Arab States to find “champions” from existing Sector Members as leading examples to attract new Sector Members, if this was deemed necessary.

·               Seventh Meeting of the Working Group on Private Sector issues, 26 January 2009

The Chairman of the WGPS presented the report of the seventh meeting of the Working Group on Private Sector issues (WGPS). It was noted that ITU-D Sector Membership had grown, due in particular to efforts in the regions as well as pro-active outreach of members themselves. Furthermore, the ability to show a direct relationship between inputs made by Sector Members at ITU meetings and tangible results was described as key value proposition for the private sector. This would make it easier to convince industry players to get involved.

·    TDAG endorsed three specific proposals of the WGPS, and called upon BDT Director to take note of them. BDT could assist Sector Members justify greater participation in ITU-D meetings, by making the website more user-friendly and providing timely information and documentation about meetings, as private sector representatives tend to be accustomed to a more direct, business approach to meetings

·    BDT could further assist Sector Members, particularly in this tight financial environment, by setting priorities and avoiding placing too many demands for participation at various meetings. Sector Members noted that they only have limited time and resources.

·    KPIs associated with private sector sponsorships and corporate social responsibility would aid the private sector in making sponsorship choices.

Ms. Walda Roseman, Chairman of WGPS and TDAG Vice-Chairman, announced that she will withdraw from the chairmanship of the group. Mr. Dominique Wurges from France Télécom, also TDAG Vice-Chairman, was appointed as the new Chairman of the Working Group on Private Sector Issues.

·      Eighth Meeting of the Working Group on Private Sector issues, 22 February 2010

The WGPS Chairman presented the report of the eighth meeting of the Working Group on Private Sector issues (WGPS) held on 22 February 2010. The meeting was held to stimulate an exchange of views among Sector Members and Member States and to convey a private sector perspective to the BDT Director through a set of recommendations. Furthermore, the group examined possible ways of getting more involved in the activities of the Bureau and in particular playing a bigger role in BDT flagship events.

TDAG endorsed WGPS  recommendations as follows: 1) Place greater emphasis on regional private sector working party activities, in close collaboration with regional telecommunication organizations and ITU regional offices, as a key means of engaging private sector and getting their inputs into ITU-D and TDAG. 2) Enhance the role of the Global Industry Leaders Forum (GILF). 3) Promote greater interaction between ITU-D Sector Members and regulators during the GSR and GILF events; and, 4) Provide additional information to Sector Members about the procedures and working methods of ITU-D so that they can take fuller advantage of their Membership.

The Membership was also invited to consider, in their preparation for WTDC, if this working group was still needed or whether there could be other effective ways for close involvement of the private sector in the work of ITU-D.

2          Working Group on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Project Implementation

Based on the comments made by 2008 meeting of the TDAG on the BDT Operational Plan for 2008-2011, TDAG established a working group to examine the issues of KPI definition as well as the acceleration of project formulation and implementation, to report to the next TDAG meeting on its findings. The Working Group on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Project Implementation, chaired by Ms. Marie-Odile Beau (France), worked electronically to finalize the study (the working group’s Terms of Reference are included below). A website was established at where a number of documents from TDAG and Council Working Groups on Management and Budget (MBG) and on the Financial Regulations (FinRegs) were posted to facilitate the work of the working group.

·               Terms of reference for the TDAG Working Group on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Project Implementation (Agreed by TDAG 2008)

In order to assist the TDAG regarding the definition of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and the acceleration of project formulation and implementation, the TDAG decided to create a correspondence group opened to all TDAG members, chaired by Ms. Marie-Odile Beau (France), to work electronically and, if need arises, to organise a face-to-face meeting taking into consideration :

1.    The progress achieved on Resolution 1243 of the Council regarding the implementation of KPI (basic strategic indicators)

2.    The progress achieved by the Council Working Group on Financial Regulations (FinRegs) relevant to the above

3.    The progress achieved by the Council Working Group on Management and Budget (MBG) relevant to the above

4.    Any relevant activities by BDT Secretariat.

5.    Resolutions 71 and 72 (Rev. Antalya 2006).

The terms of reference of this Group are as follows:

1.    To propose quantitative KPIs and possible qualitative when justified to measure progress on achieving the sectoral objectives and outputs of the Telecommunication Development Sector.

2.    To propose ways and means to accelerate project formulation and/or implementation on regional initiatives (Resolution 17 Rev. Doha, 2006)

3.   To formulate proposed guidelines on the two subjects above to the next TDAG for its consideration.

·               Report of the TDAG Working Group dealing with Key Performance Indicators (Presented during TDAG 2009)

The report of the working group was presented by the Acting Chairman of the TDAG Working Group dealing with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Mr. Dominique Wurges (France Telecom), who noted that the issue of KPIs is viewed as an important one. Recognizing that no contribution had been received to date in response to BDT Director’s letter issued in September 2008, it was proposed that the 2009 TDAG meeting consider the future activities of the TDAG Working Group on KPIs. In parallel, following the endorsement by Council 2008 of ITU-wide Performance Measurement and Reporting Framework, BDT’s work on the implementation of the outcomes of Council will continue. The document noted that since the previous TDAG session in 2008, several actions in this regard had been undertaken by BDT.

The work on KPIs spans the work of all ITU Sectors, as well as the Council Working Groups on Management and Budget (MBG) and on the Financial Regulations (FinRegs). In order to ensure that the TDAG had a good understanding of the issues involved and the work already done in the related Working Groups, Information Document 24 on the status of the implementation of ITU framework for performance measurement / reporting (PMR) was also presented and discussed. The report in Document 24 was presented by the Chairman of the Council Working Group on Financial Regulations. The document provides a brief overview of the status of the implementation of the framework for PMR The preliminary assessment of progress towards the 7 Strategic Goals of the Union will be completed before Council- 09, while the measurement of the 27 top-level KPIs has already been partially completed, based on comparison between available 2006 and 2007 data. Bearing in mind the ones that are most relevant to the Operational Plan of the sectors, the Working Group needs to do some more extensive analysis in order to reduce the number of KPIs and assess their significance. The need for common indicators for all sectors has also been emphasized. Further work is being undertaken to define qualitative measurements (e.g. PMR is developing surveys for assessing staff and membership satisfaction, and overall quality of services provided by ITU). As a consequence of the introduction of KPIs, the existing Time Tracking System (TTS) will need to be enhanced and based on the Results-Based Budgeting (RBB) mechanism for allocating cost to outputs; the proposal will provide the mechanism for estimating the costs associated with the Strategic Goals of the Union.

TDAG took note of the document and thanked the Secretariat and Chairmen of the Working Group for the information provided, while further noting that it will keep the important work on KPIs and related activity in mind in future discussions.

3             Working Group on Human Resource Development (WGHRD) 

The Working Group on Human Resource Development (WGHRD) held three meetings during the period covered by this report. The meeting summaries can be found at:

·      Creation of the Working Group on Human Resource Development

Resolution 40 (WTDC-06) called for the creation of a Working Group of TDAG to assist BDT to enhance the scope of its Human Resource Development (HRD) activities. During the 12th meeting of TDAG, the Vice Chairman of TDAG, Mr. Ahmed Al-Sherbini, has been appointed to chair this group, and at the request of the meeting, prepared terms of reference. Under these proposals, the group’s work will span analysis of current (HRD) activities, assistance to the BDT in shaping a global portfolio of training programmes designed to address the needs of regions and Member States, and a schedule of bi-annual and annual meetings which would culminate in five-day symposium for all ITU-D members and an annual report to TDAG. The proposed Terms of Reference for the Working Group were approved by the 12th TDAG meeting.

The main documents on the work of WGHRD are available at:

·      Terms of reference for the Working Group on Human Resource Development

In order to assist BDT staff regarding Human Resources Development activities, and permit the acquisition of additional expertise from the membership that can enhance the scope of these activities, the TDAG was instructed through Resolution 40 of the WTDC-06 (Doha, 2006) to establish a competent Working Group on Human Resources Development (WGHRD). The Terms of Reference of this Working Group are as follows:

1.    To review and assess the current activities of the BDT in the field of HR Development.

2.    To assist the BDT/HCB Unit in designing an integrated framework for HRD activities to be implemented during the period 2007-2010.

3.    To contribute to the development of a global portfolio of training programmes that addresses the need of the different regions and Member States.

4.    To organize activities when needed at international, regional and national levels. These activities may take the form of symposia, working groups or workshops, or direct assistance (sharing of experience) and facilitation of HRD project implementation in specific areas.

5.            To assist BDT/HCB in continuing to post training materials, case studies, guidelines and models, where appropriate, on the web-site ( for use by the ITU membership.

6.            To assist in organizing a five-day symposium for all ITU-D members as well as the annual/bi-annual regional HR Managers meetings.

7.            To issue an annual report to TDAG including proposed recommendations on future actions that may need to be taken and identifying the current and future needs to be addressed by various Human Resources Development projects, including the GTU/GTTI, other projects and similar initiatives, as well as current and future Centers of Excellence.

·      First meeting of the Working Group on Human Resource Development, 4-5 February 2008

The first meeting of WGHRD was held on 4 to 5 February, 2008 in the absence of the designated WGHRD Chairman, Mr. Ahmed Al-Sherbini.

The WGHRD came up with an Action Plan for 2008 which focused on the following Actions:

·    To prioritize the BDT activities in the field of HR Development

·    To assist BDT/HCB in the implementation of 2008 Global HRD Symposium

·    To assess, advise and facilitate BDT/HCB on the implementation of the Yearly Operation Plan

The 13th meeting of TDAG took note of the report of activities carried out by the group, approved the proposed WGHRD action plan for 2008, and advised the BDT Director to implement it.

·      Second meeting of the Working Group on Human Resource Development, 23 July 2008

The second meeting of the Working Group on Human Resources Development (WGHRD) was held in Coventry, United Kingdom, on 23 July 2008 under the chairmanship of Dr. Ahmed Al-Sherbani. The meeting was held on the sidelines of the Global Symposium on Human Capital Development, held from 21 to 25 July 2008. It was attended by 25 participants from 20 countries.

There was active discussion resulting from this report and some of the key issues arising from this discussion were the following:

· There is need to improve the quality of training courses offered by the ITU under the Centre of Excellence  (CoE) project in order to maintain the quality standards that have always been associated with ITU products and services.

· Consideration should be given to introducing some form of certification into training courses given by the ITU.

· There is need to reconcile   and realign apparent conflicting policies with regard to charging of fees by the ITU where some training under DAP is free while other training under the Centre of Excellence is charged for.

· The effectiveness of the ITU regional Offices is compromised by under-resourcing in terms of financing and human resources. A case in point given was the Arab regional office which is currently severely understaffed. The ITU needs to improve the visibility of its regional presence and be more responsive to the needs of the regions for support.

In addition, the meeting approved a questionnaire to be sent in the six official languages Member States and Sector Members. The questionnaire was composed of 5 parts: 1) organization and the human resources function; 2) human resource role and new challenges; 3) human capital development; 4) building the Information Society; and 5) ITU-D human capacity building. The Chairman encouraged all the countries represented to respond to the questionnaire so that their inputs are taken into account in the final report.  Based on countries’ input to the questionnaire, a draft report was to be submitted to the 14th TDAG meeting in 2009.

·      Third meeting of the Working Group on Human Resource Development, 27 January 2009

The 3rd meeting of WGHRD was held on 27 January 2009. The meeting was attended by 26 participants from 19 countries representing 19 organizations. Following the announcement by Mr. Ahmed El-Sherbini, TDAG Vice-Chairman, that he would not be able to continue leading the work of the Group, Ms. Simone Scholze, Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel, Brazil) and TDAG Vice-Chairman, was nominated to take over the chairmanship of the Working Group. WGHRD proceeded with its work per correspondence throughout 2009.

The meeting highlighted that the ITU Centres of Excellence (CoE) initiative is now operational across all regions with the last two CoE regional projects having been launched in Africa, including a newly established initiative for Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries. It was noted that BDT is well on the way to building a global cooperative network of institutions specialized in telecommunications and ICT training.

In its recommendations for adoption to TDAG, the WGHRD recommended:

1.   That TDAG should assess ways in which to strengthen the efficiency of the WGHRD and means by which to support its activities and increase participation;

2.   That at the Regional Preparatory Meetings for WTDC-10, Member States should identify their capacity building needs and the possibility of contributing to the work of the WGHRD, as well as discussing the future of the WGHRD itself.

Following up on the questionnaire sent to Member States and Sector Members in 2008, an analysis of the input received was presented to the 14th TDAG meeting. Responses were received from 26 countries in all 6 regions.

The 14th meeting of TDAG complimented the WGHRD on the progress of its activities achieved during 2008 and encouraged Member States to identify their capacity building needs in preparation for the upcoming RPMs. TDAG committed to continue to assess ways in which to strengthen the efficiency of the WGHRD and means by which to support its activities and increase participation. It was noted that it is important not to confound the work of the special TDAG Working Groups, such as the WGHRD and WGPS, with the related work that is undertaken within the respective Programmes and within other HRD activities, CoE, etc. and in relation to WSIS Action Line C4. It was further noted that the TDAG Working Groups can take advantage of other ITU and BDT events to meet also in between the planned annual meetings.

·      Forth meeting of the Working Group on Human Resource Development, 23 February 2010

The forth meeting of WGHRD took place on 23 February 2010. The report of the meeting included some of the challenges identified by the group during previous meetings, such as the overlap of some activities conducted under the CoE initiative and regular BDT program activities, the need for a more formalized certification program, better support for the regional offices, the availability of human and financial resources required for the operation of the Working Group, and the means of interaction between the WGHRD and BDT. The group further highlighted the importance of the ITU Regional Human Capacity Development Forums that were held in all regions in 2009.

The 15th meeting of TDAG thanked WGHRD for the insightful report and took note of it. In addition, the Director of BDT thanked the Chairman of WGHRD for the work undertaken and emphasized that capacity building was part of the overall BDT work and that consideration should be given to the real need to continue creating specific groups for activities that are already well established in the BDT.

Furthermore, during the 15th session of TDAG, Brazil introduced a contribution outlining some concerns and challenges facing the WGHRD. The contribution drew attention to four main challenges related to the WGHRD's work: 1) low participation from ITU Members; 2) lack of effectiveness of the WGHRD actions in organizing activities such as symposiums and workshops, considering that the Group does not have a specific budget and holds meetings only once a year; 3) Insufficient systematization as to the many different capacity building activities carried out by ITU; and 4) insufficient information from BDT as to the actions that are being carried out, which prevents the group from effectively advising ITU as to what should be done. A new permanent cooperation mechanism between the ITU CoE, ITU Regional Offices and ITU Members, in coordination with TDAG and BDT, to be supported by ITU Academy, was proposed. The contribution proposed the Terms of Reference for a new group that would appoint representatives from each ITU region to act as Vice-Chairs for 4 year terms. During the subsequent discussions in WGHRD it had been suggested that two representatives be appointed from each ITU Region.

TDAG took note of the document and recognized the significant efforts deployed by BDT in the area of capacity building. Resolution 40 might be revised accordingly during WTDC-10.

4             Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF)

The joint coordination activity on accessibility and human factors (JCA-AHF) was established in December 2007. JCA-AHF reports to ITU-T Study Group 2, with copy to all other Study Groups. The Convener of JCA-AHF is Ms. Andrea Saks (USA).

·      Terms of reference for the JCA on Accessibility and Human Factors

The JCA on Accessibility and Human Factors has been formed to increase awareness, to provide advice concerning the accessibility of ITU facilities and services, to assist study groups in the identification of standardization opportunities and solutions that improve the accessibility and human factors aspects of their work. The JCA-AHF will collaborate and coordinate as appropriate with relevant external bodies, to promote self-representation by persons with disabilities in the standardization process so as to ensure their experiences, views and opinions are taken into account in all the work of study groups, in Resolution 70 (WTSA-08).

The Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors along with ITU-T Study Group 2 and ITU-T Study Group 16, coordinate the work on Accessibility and Human Factors, in accordance with Resolution 70 (WTSA-08). It shall give high priority to work on the relevant Questions, in accordance with the accessibility guidelines, as shown in the Guide for ITU-T study groups – Considering end-user needs in developing Recommendations and in the Telecommunication Accessibility Checklist for standards writers, the importance of universal design of accessible telecommunication/ICT services, products and terminals and accessibility guidelines, as shown in Recommendation ITU-T F.790.

The JCA-AHF mandate should seek active participation of all study groups and to request their Chairmen, at the start of each study group meeting, to remind meeting participants to take appropriate account of the Resolution 70 (WTSA-08).

In accordance with Resolution 70, the JCA-AHF should also communicate the ITU-T standardization work with regard to accessibility and human factors and perform the above tasks by actively participating in accessibility-related studies in ITU-T, ITU-R and ITU-D.

·      Activities and interim meetings of JCA-AHF 2008-2009

A full summary of activities and interim meetings on accessibility (May 2008 – March 2009) is available at: During this period, the membership counted almost 100 participants, coming from ITU-T and Study Groups, BDT and BR, SDOs, NGOs and groups representing persons with disabilities.

The first JCA-AHF meeting took place on 30 March 2009. The Interim JCA-AHF report (March-November 2009) gives an overview of the various ITU-T and ITU-D SG meetings and DCAD activities, that were attended in 2009 and, the two accessibility presentations, given in ITU-T workshops and outside workshops. The full report is available at:

The JCA-AHF Convener and Secretariat participated in the activities of the Study Groups of ITU-T and ITU-D, making sure that accessibility was included in Recommendations and in future work plans.

·      Second virtual meeting of the JCA-AHF, 2 December 2009

The second virtual meeting of 2009 of JCA-AHF was held 2 December 2009. It was attended by representatives from ITU-T SGs and ITU-D SGs and other interested parties, including SG Counselors, Chairmen, Vice Chairmen and Rapporteurs from both Sectors. The JCA-AHF Rapporteur explained the role of the JCA-AHF and its membership and invited others to join the work of the group. The Rapporteur further highlighted the importance of captioning for ITU meetings, and encouraged TDAG participants to consult the JCA-AHF website at: for additional information on the work of this group. There were no changes to the terms of reference and work plan and as such, the 2009 plan was to be carried over, intact, to 2010.

The 15th meeting of TDAG took note of the report and supported the proposals to align the language in the Strategic Plan 2012-2015 to include “gender” and “persons with disabilities”.



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