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  • Bangkok  05 September 2014
    BDT Director meets representatives of NBTC in Bangkok, Thailand

    Bangkok, 5 September 2014 - During his mission to Bangkok, Thailand, from 4 to 5 September,  Mr Brahima Sanou met representatives of the National Broadcasting and Communications Commission of Thailand (NBTC).

    Mr. Sanou expressed his gratitude to Air Chief Marshal Thares Punsri, Chairman of NBTC, for the close collaboration on a number of projects jointly being implemented by NBTC and ITU, as well as for NBTC's support to the work of the Union.

    ITU and NBTC have just signed a new cooperation agreement to implement a project on human capacity building in telecom/ICT statistics and indicators. The project will not only benefit Thailand but will also help build human and institutional capacity in other countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

    The two organisations are also organising an International Satellite Symposium, which will be held in Bangkok on 18-19 September 2014. More information on the event can be found at  www.satellitesymposium2014.org.

    "The vision of NBTC is key in the development sector," said Mr Sanou. "The regulatory environment of convergence of telecommunication and broadcasting, under the leadership of the NBTC chairman, is a key enabler for investments in the sector and for promoting Digital TV, 3G and broadband access." Mr Sanou said that ITU would work with NBTC towards reaching the targets and goals of the Commission.

    The NBTC Chairman thanked ITU for the cooperation and support over the past last several years and especially for supporting the 3G auction (2.1 GHz) in Thailand in 2012.

    ITU and NBTC are committed to working together and to strengthening their partnership to create an enabling environment by fostering international cooperation.

    Also present at the meeting were General Sukit Khamasundara and Assoc. Prof. Prasert Silphiphat, Commissioners of NBTC.