WSIS Forum 2017 will be held from 12–16 June 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland. More info.

Towards Building Effective Partnerships for Sustainable Management of E-waste

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) / Secretariat of the Basel Convention / Economic Comission for Latin America and the Carribean (ECLAC) / United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) / World Health Organization (WHO) / World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Many United Nations organizations including ITU, UNEP, the Secretariat of the Basel Convention, UNIDO, ECLAC, WHO and WIPO have been actively working on e-waste management issues. The aim of a coordinated approach is to strengthen joint initiatives in the area of environmentally sound management of e-waste aiming at a life-cycle approach for e-products in the UN system as well as to promote cooperation and synergies among UN entities in the follow-up of the SDGs targets, SAICM, the Basel Convention and the Connect 2020 Agenda, adding value to already existing programmes, mechanisms and projects.

This event is intended to build on the United Nations approach to guide decision makers on the sustainable management of e-waste worldwide. The event is to generate awareness on e-waste management and to strengthen collaborations on e-waste related issues within the United Nations. This event will also provide an ideal platform for discussions on developing effective international guidelines to deal with e-waste and ensure that environmentally sound management methods for e-waste recycling are adopted.


Cristina Bueti, Advisor, ITU

Speakers / panellists

Opening Remarks:

  • Malcolm Johnson, Deputy Secretary General, ITU

Session: Towards Building Effective Partnerships for Sustainable Management of E-waste


  • Francesca Cenni, Programme Officer, Basel Convention Secretariat
  • Maria Neira, Director, Department of Public Health, Environment and Social Determinants of Health, WHO
  • David Seligson, Head of Unit, Manufacturing, mining and energy unit, International Labour Office
  • Alejandro Roca Campana, Senior Director, Access to Information and Knowledge Division, Global Infrastructure Sector, WIPO
  • Klaus Tyrkko, Chief of the Stockholm Convention Division, Department of Environment, UNIDO

Flipbook: Sustainable management of waste electrical and electronic equipment in Latin America

Flipbook: Gestión sostenible de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos en América Latina

Link to WSIS Action Lines
  • C7. ICT Applications: E-environment

This session will emphasize on the importance of establishing operative collaborations and partnerships for dealing with e-waste in accordance with action line C7 on environment of WSIS.

Link to the Sustainable Development Process
  • Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

This session will also highlight how sustainable e-waste management can introduce safe methods of disposal of discarded electronic devices, implement appropriate recycling techniques and raise awareness of the impact of e-waste in line with Goal 12 and Goal 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

WSIS Forum 2016 | WSIS Action Lines: Supporting the Implementation of SDGs
2–6 May 2016, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland