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BDT Director's Speeches

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​ITU Regional Development Forum for the Americas
Lima, Peru  25 May 2018

ITU Regional Development Forum for the Americas

25 May 2018, Lima, Peru



Mr. Brahima Sanou

Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Excellency Mrs. Rosa Virginia Nakagawa Morales, Vice Minister of Transports and Communications of Peru

Mr. Rafael Muente, President of OSIPTEL

Mr. Oscar León Suarez, Executive Secretary of CITEL

Mr. Bruno RAMOS, ITU Regional Director for Americas

Representatives of Regional Organizations and ITU Development Sector Members;

Distinguished delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen;

Buenos dias

It is indeed my great pleasure to welcome you to the ITU Regional Development Forum for the Americas.

On behalf of all the participants, the ITU and on my own behalf, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Transports and Communications of Peru, and to you personally Vice Minister Nakagawa, for hosting this Forum and for the kind hospitality extended to all of us.

Let me also wish Happy National Day to Argentina.

Distinguished participants,

This is the first ITU Regional Development Forum for the Americas after the World Telecommunication Development Conference held in October 2017 in Buenos Aires.

The purpose of this Forum is to present the proposed implementation of the Buenos Aires Action Plan with particular emphasis on the Regional Initiatives.

The Regional Initiatives have always been at the top of my priorities because it is through their implementation that we make a difference on the ground.

It is through their implementation that we can accelerate progress in all sectors of life, including education, health, agriculture, energy, transport, just to mention a few.

It is through their implementation that we can make our communities smarter, that we can empower women, youth and people with disabilities.

It is through their implementation that we can save lives before and during natural disasters and restore dignity to those who lost their properties.

It is therefore through their implementation that we can put a human face to ICTs.

I am happy to note that the Regional Initiatives of Americas are well thought to address your priorities in the region in terms of Emergency Communications, Spectrum management, Broadband access, accessibility and Digital economy.

I thank the ITU Council and particularly the Counselors of Americas for allocating seed funds dedicated to the implementation of the Regional Initiatives.

Let us all work together to implement the Regional Initiatives with the aim of accelerating progress towards a dignified life, prosperity and peace for everyone because sustainable development is a collective responsibility.

Distinguished delegates ladies and gentlemen

The ICT sector is evolving fast.

It is evolving very fast and it is evolving and integrating faster and faster and no single entity can deal with them alone.

All the stakeholders of the ICT ecosystem need, more than ever, to establish an inclusive, multi-stakeholder and collaborative dialogue in order to tap into the full potential of ICTs for socio-economic development.

Regional Development Forums are a perfect platform for such dialogue.

They are part of our efforts to strengthen the ITU regional presence and regional accountability.

They are an excellent opportunity to share our views and to engage in interactive discussions on regional priorities.

During this Forum the Regional Office for the Americas will present to you the outlines of projects derived from the Regional Initiatives.

I encourage you to provide your feedback in order to align these projects with your priorities and aspirations.

To conclude, I do welcome you once again to this Forum and wish you very fruitful deliberations.

I thank you.