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AI for Good Global Summit

Rincón del director de la BDT: Actividades del director de la BDT

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  • Latin America  07 November 2012
    Director meets Ministers and Regulators in Latin America

    5 November Mr. Sanou met the Minister of Public Works of Paraguay, the President and Board of Directors of CONATEL, as well as the Authorities of Universidad Nacional de Asunción (UNA). ITU and CONATEL will be cooperating in the implementation of projects relating to tariffs and regulatory accountancy. UNA, node of the AMS Center of Excellence network, is set to become an ITU-D Academia Sector Member.

    6 November Mr. Sanou and the ITU's acting Regional Director for the Americas, Mr. Sergio Scarabino, met Chile's Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Mr. Jorge Atton, and the Executive Secretary of Digital Development, Mr. Oliver Flogel. They discussed ways for the ITU to cooperate with Chile in lowering Internet and roaming costs. Mr. Sanou and Mr. Scarabino later met with colleagues from ECLAC (Mr. Antonio Prado, Deputy Executive Secretary, and ECLAC staff involved in ICT related activities) to discuss broadband access in the region and potential joint activities to improve it.

    8 November Mr. Sanou and Mr. Scarabino met Uruguay's Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining, Mr. Roberto Kreimerman, and the National Director of Telecommunications, Mr. Sergio De Cola. In the course of the their discussions the priorities for the Uruguayan Government were discussed including how to apply ICTs to the food value chain as well as to the knowledge value chain, and how to develop technological centres in the country.

    Later in the day, Mr. Sanou and Mr. Scarabino we were received by the President of ANTEL, Mrs Carolina Cosse, and Vicepresident Pablo Barletta. Mrs Cosse agreed to participate in the M-Education Alliance.

    In both meetings, the achievement of Ms. Victoria Alonsoperez in reaching the final of the Young Innovators Competition was mentioned. Both the Minister and Mrs Cosse expressed their wish to promote Victoria´s achievement and to support her future endeavours.

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