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AI for Good Global Summit

Rincón del director de la BDT: Actividades del director de la BDT

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  • Event  23 March 2021
    IANYD Annual Meeting

    ​​BDT Director Doreen Bogdan-Martin addressed the opening session of the United Nations Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development's (IANYD) annual meeting, as ITU started its term as co-chair of IANYD.  She conveyed ITU's commitment to work closely with the other two co-chairs – UNDESA and the Youth Caucus – and all members of the network.

    Ms Bogdan-Martin recalled UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutterres' observations that ''it is often young people who are showing courage, and demanding courage from the rest of us.'' Emphasizing the role of youth in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, she stated, ''As we approach our target date of 2030, we will certainly need some of that inspiring young courage to take us over the finish line. And to harness that courage it is critical that young people are given platforms to innovate, drive change, and co-create solutions aimed at achieving our 17 SDGs.''

    She described that young people all over the world have already, clearly demonstrated their desire to contribute to their communities. However, disproportionate exposure to poverty and unemployment often deprives them of meaningful opportunities to do so. A report by ITU and UNICEF found that around two-thirds of the world's young people (between the ages of 3 and 24) do not have internet access at home. Lack of access to connectivity, implies lack of access to education, skills and resources necessary to better young people's future prospects.  

    Through the Generation Connect youth initiative, ITU is working with partners around the world on projects aimed at spurring connectivity to young people around the world that remain unconnected. The World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-21) will be preceded by a Generation Connect Youth Global Summit, to engage young people from all over the world to share their ideas on better ways to leverage ''digital for development.''

    Ms Bogdan-Martin reiterated, ''It is increasingly clear that successful efforts to meet the SDGs will rest on global, regional and local partnership between a diverse range of stakeholders.''