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WTISD 2014 Laureate

WTISD 2014 Laureate H.E. Park Geun-hye
President of the Republic of Korea

Acceptance Speech by Mr Choi Mun-kee, Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning, on behalf of President H.E Park Geun-hye


Ms Park Geun-Hye, President of the Republic of Korea, was born on 2 February 1952. She graduated from the Sacred Heart Girls' High School, Seoul in 1970 and went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering from Sogang University, Seoul in 1974. She has been bestowed with Honorary Doctorates in Literature by the Chinese Culture University, Taiwan; in Science by the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon; and politics by Pukyong National University, Busan and Sogang University, Seoul.

In her professional experience, Ms Park has held several key posts, including Chairman of the Yukyoung Education Foundation, the Youngnam University in Daegu, and the Korea Culture Foundation. 1974-79, she was Acting First Lady of the Republic of Korea and has also served as Honorary President of the Girl Scouts of Korea.

2004-2008, Ms Park was a Member of the 17th National Assembly and served on Committees for National Defense, Government Administration and Local Autonomy and for the Environment and Labour. In 2012, she was a Member of the 18th National Assembly and served on Committees for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs, Strategy and Finance and was also Chairman of the Emergency Committee of the Saenuri Party. In December 2012, Ms Park Geun-Hye was elected as the 18th President of the Republic of Korea

The Republic of Korea has consistently topped ITU's ICT Index for Measuring the Information Society. The Government has unveiled a set of long-term plans that foster creative talent, a move that establishes a new paradigm towards building a vibrant national economy in a digital environment. It has demonstrated that innovation is the route to success in the digital world.