Committed to connecting the world

AI for Good Global Summit




24 hours from Monday, 9 September 2013, 14:00 until Tuesday 10 September 2013, 14:00
San José, Costa Rica
Hotel Crowne Plaza


The BYND 2015 Hackathon  will be an event in which young creative people with different skills mainly, computer programmers and others involved in software development, including graphic designers, interface designers, and project managers, will collaborate using minimal resources and maximum brainpower intensively during a timeframe of 24h to develop innovative technology prototypes in response to support the achievement of the MDGs through actions such as (but not limited to) raising awareness, collecting information, monitoring progress towards the achievement of the MDGs or supporting the implement of specific projects aimed at addressing the issues covered by the MDGs.

The event will be accompanied by a series of lectures, short training and testimonials from relevant mentors, development practitioners, senior developers and experts from the sector.

24 hours coding challenge


 Bring your talent and skills to...          
                                              ...Help achieve the millenium development goals post 2015
To all young people between 18-25 years old:
This hackathon will be a platform to showcase your ideas for social good, as well a network to meet other fellow developers from diferent countries, have fun and win some prizes! 
Bring your laptops and/or other devices
Contact for information on how to take part in this event  

                                                                                                             ...Be part of the change