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ITU Webinar on "Towards a truly Autonomous Network"


The International Telecommunication Union organized a webinar on “Towards A Truly Autonomous Network” which took place on 3 November 2020 from 10h00 to 12h20 CET.  The event ran 20 mins over schedule.

A functioning and reliable communication network is indispensable to everyday life. With rapid technological advancement and an increase in user demands, future networks must possess the ability to adapt, expand, and evolve to handle unforeseen changes and situations. Industry has begun the digital transformation through virtualization, where high level automation and AI/ML can be applied to monitor and control the network. However, to tackle the fundamental problem of an ever-changing environment, a network that can function autonomously will inevitably become a necessity.

The webinar aimed to bridge the community and stakeholders, consisting of industry organizations, operators, and academia, providing a platform where the concept of Autonomous Networking was explored and discussed from various viewpoints. Participation was open to ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academic Institutions and to any individual from a country that is a member of ITU who wished to contribute to the work. This included individuals who are also members of international, regional and national organizations.

Opening Remarks
Standardization Bureau

Tareq Amin
Executive Vice President and CTO Rakuten Mobile
Prakaiwan Vajrabhaya (MC)
Research Outreach & Promotion Lead
Rakuten Mobile
Liya Yuan (Moderator)
Open Source & Standardization Engineer
​​Speakers​:  15 min presentation each, followed  by a 40 min panel discussion​
Qi Sun           
O-RAN WG2 Co-​chair
China Mobile Research Institute
​​​Mostafa Essa
AI and Data A​nalytics D.E., Digital Transformation T.D, Digital Transformation Director
Cao Xi
Senior Researcher 
AI and Intelligent Operation Center, China Mobile Research Institute Standardization Overview of Autonomous Network
Associate Professor/Reader
School of Informatics


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