Committed to connecting the world

Executive summary of the Study Group 5 meeting (Seoul, 20 – 28 September 2011)

The meeting of SG5 took place in Seoul, Korea from 20-28 September 2011 on the kind invitation of KCC and NRRA. The meeting was preceded by the Symposium on Progressing the Climate Agenda through Green ICT Standards.

1. Statistics

Participants: 138 (last meeting 133) from 31 (last meeting 27) countries
Contributions: 81 (last meeting: 87)
TDs (not counting the revisions): 182 (last meeting 164)
Incoming liaison statements: 26 (last meeting 18)
Outgoing liaison statements: 11 (last meeting 17)

2. Rapporteurs/ Liaison Rapporteurs

Question 4/5: Mr. Phillip Havens (Littlefuse Inc., USA) was nominated to be the new Rapporteur of this Question, replacing Phil Day.

Question 22/5: Mr. Peter Ulanga (Tanzania) was nominated as Associate Rapporteur of this Question.

Mr. Guy-Michel Kouakou (Côte d’Ivoire) was nominated as Liaison Rapporteur to represent ITU-T SG5 in ITU-D Q23/1

3. Merging of Questions 17/5 and 20/5

As agreed during the last meeting and not contested by TSAG Management, SG5 approved the revised version of Question 17/5 and to begin the process of deletion of Question 20/5.

4. Main discussions and results

4.1 Question 14/5 – Guides and Terminology on environment and climate change
This Question, under the responsibility of the SG Plenary, maintains the guide on the use of SG5 publications and the terminology used in SG5.

Under this Question the SG Editing Group was established in 2008 and its membership was revised during this meeting.

Mr. Michael Maytum (IEEE)

Mr. Ahmed Zeddam (FT-Orange)
Mr. Phil Pay (Australia)
Mr. Mitsuo Hattori (NTT)
Mr. György Varju (Hungary)
Mr. Dave Faulkner (UK)
Mr. John Smiciklas (RIM)
Mr. Franz Zichy (USA)

4.2 Working Party 1/5 – Damage prevention and safety
Working Party 1 was very busy during the meeting, particularly Question 4, where the four resistibility recommendations (K.20, K.21, K.45 and K.44) were discussed along with the resistibility guide. These five documents need to be coordinated as they refer to each other. Considerable progress was made in obtaining agreement on the requirements for coaxial cable ports and for “special’ requirements both of which have been under discussion for many years. It was also agreed to add new information relating to the testing of Ethernet ports. It was agreed to request consent on these four recommendations. In Question 5 a very good presentation was given on the rationale for the formulae used in Recommendations K.46 and K.47. Also a new draft recommendation K.dbs containing the lightning protection requirements for distributed base stations was presented and discussed. In Question 11 the third draft of K.mag “Evaluation techniques and working procedures for compliance with limits to power-frequency (DC, 50 Hz, and 60 Hz) magnetic field exposure of network operator personnel” was presented and discussed. There was not much time available for Question 13 but they are progressing well with a guide on the Application of Surge Protective Components due for consent at the next SG 5 meeting in April 2012.

4.3 Working Party 2/5 – Electromagnetic field: emission, immunity and human exposure
Working Party 2 prepared final drafts of K.85, K.86, K.87 and K.88 for consent

A lot of contributions have been submitted for Q3/5 studying human exposure to electromagnetic fields. Most of them are related to the new draft Recommendation “Guidance how to manage humane exposure to EMF’s”. The Rapporteur will prepare the final draft for consent before the next meeting. During the discussion on, it was also agreed to prepare a Handbook “Human exposure to EMF” which will contain a section where replies will be given to  “frequently asked questions”.
Electromagnetic environment and new issues related to home networks, and mutual-disturbance test method for converged terminal devices were also discussed. New draft Recommendations for these issues will be finalized in the next meeting.
4.4 Working Party 3/5 – ICT and climate change
Working Party 3 prepared final drafts of the following Recommendations for consent:
L.1100 "A method to provide recycling information of rare metals in ICT products"
L.1300 "Green Data Centers development Best Practices"
L.1410 "Methodology for environmental impacts assessment of information and communication technologies (ICT) goods, networks and services"
L.1420 "Methodology for energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions impact assessment of Information and Communication Technologies in organizations"
New work items were agreed in Q21/5 on:
"Due Diligence Guidelines for Conflict Metals Supply" editor Roger Songwele (DRC)
“Study on environmental protection and recycling solution for Li-ion and Li-ion polymer batteries for mobile phones” editor Shouyuan Wang (China)
Working Party 3 trialled the proposed template to describe a proposed new ITU-T Recommendation (C300) and recommended to extend this to cover all types of work item not just recommendations.
Q17/5 agreed to merge the proposed Recs L.metrics and L.measure to create the recommendation L.metrics&measurement, L.M&M, as it was considered more useful to produce a single Recommendation containing both the metric and the measurement methods. It is intended to Consent L.M&M at the next SG5 meeting in April 2012. It was also agreed to merge the two proposed recommendations on Metrics and Measurement of infrastructure.
Q18/5 received a large number of contributions towards the finalization of L.GNS and L.ORG for consent. These were addressed, but there was insufficient time to consider contributions on L.methodology_ICT projects, L.methodology_ICT in cities and L.methodology_ICT in countries. A Joint Rapporteur Group meeting will be held in Europe in January 2012 to consider these and other contributions. Each Question in WP3/5 will participate in the Joint Rapporteur Group meeting at the discretion of the rapporteur.Q19/5 agreed to focus L.specDC on aspects essential to the X (power feeding) interface, so that this can be consented in April 2012, and to start drafting a new Recommendation L.architecture “Architecture of DC power feeding systems” to capture architectural aspects of DC power feeding systems.
4.5 Home Network Special group
This special group consisting of many questions from Working parties 1 and 2 prepared a new recommendation K.hnwr which contains the requirements for lightning protection of Home Network equipment. This document contains the necessary information to protect home network equipment from lightning damage and includes the mechanisms of damage, methods of protection and information on how to perform a risk assessment. This document was proposed for consent under Question 8 of Working Party 2.
5. Results in terms of Recommendations
SG5 consented on 4 revised and 8 new Recommendations as shown in the following table:


Revised Recommendations

Rec# Title Question(WP)
K.20 Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in a telecommunications centre to overvoltages and overcurrents Q4(WP1)
K.21​ Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in customer premises to overvoltages and overcurrents​ Q4(WP1)​
K.44​ Resistibility tests for telecommunication equipment exposed to overvoltages and overcurrents – Basic Recommendation​ Q4(WP1)​
K.45​ Resistibility of telecommunication equipment installed in the access and trunk networks to overvoltages and overcurrents​ Q4(WP1)​


New Recommendations

Rec# Acronym Title Question
K.85​ K.hnwr​ Requirements for the mitigation of lightning effects on home networks installed in customer premises​ Q8(WP2)​
K.86​ K.lcl​ Method for measuring Longitudinal Conversion Loss (9KHz - 30MHz)​ Q1(WP2)​
K.87​ K.sec​ Guide for the application of electromagnetic security requirements - Basic Recommendation​ Q15(WP2)​
K.88​ K.NGN​ EMC requirements for Next Generation Network equipment​ Q12(WP2)​
L.1300​ L.DC​ Green Data Centers development best practices​ Q17(WP3)​
L.1410​ L.GNS​ Methodology for environmental impact assessment of Information and Communication Technology goods, networks and services​ Q18(WP3)​
L.1420​ L.ORG​ Methodology for energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions impact assessment of Information and Communication Technologies in organizations​ Q18(WP3)​
L.1100​ L.raremetals​ A method to provide recycling information of rare metals in ICT products”​ Q21(WP3)​


SG5 agreed to correct the title of the newly approved Recommendation K.83, which was modified during the editing process as to read: Monitoring of the electromagnetic fields levels.

6. Preparation of the next study period
As preparation of the next study period, the revision/reorganization of study questions was discussed and several drafts were already prepared. The Management Meeting will meet in November 2011 to review all the proposals and prepare new proposals for the next (and last) SG5 meeting of the study period.

7. Next meetings
The next meeting of SG5 will be held in Geneva in April 2012.
There is no interim meeting planned for Questions of WP1/5 and WP2/5.
Working Party 3/5 envisage a “Joint Rapporteur Meeting” for all questions probably in January 2012, in France (tbd).
Most of the WP3 Questions will also organize e-meeting to accelerate their work.